Way to welcome a student.

"I'm feeling dizzy, so..."
"Just drink some water, and you'll be fine."
"Are you for real?"
"Did you say something?"
*nod* "Now, now. Why are you upset because of a student?" *glow*

'In the name of the sword, I, Hexy, order you: Send Eluma, who's next to me, back home. Also, go and tell our teacher that you did so because he's sick.'

"... You should leave. You're sick. I'll talk to your teacher."
*nod* "Thank you." *leaves*
"Now I shall go and see your instructor."

I swear, if Blackie was okay, I'm going to beat up this guy.


At Blackie's home...

*knock knock*
"Eluma? What are you doing here?!"
"Is Blackie here?"
"Yes, she said she was tired, so she won't go to school."
"... Tired?"
"Yes. I can't believe that she's skipping school just because she's tired-"
"Is she in her room?"
"Eum... yes? Why-?!"
"Eluma! What are you-"
*opens the door*


"Eluma, you can't just enter my daughter's room-"
"She's my girlfriend. Plus, I don't think she's just tired."
*turn* *gasp*
"Are you for real?" *angry*
"She told us she was tired!"
"Madam, it'd be better if you lowered your voice, or else she'll wake up. And you should have at least checked up on her"
"Can you please leave us alone? I'll look after her"
"Huh? What about school?"
"I skipped"
"What?! Why?!"
"Could you please lower voice? And I skipped it because Blackie wasn't there."
"You really skipped school and ran all the way here just because of her?"
"She is my girlfriend and the woman I love. I'd skip a university exam and run miles for her."

He loves her a lot.

"Alright, but I still cannot let you stay with her."
"Madam, don't you have to go to work?"
"... I mean yes, but-"
"Were you going to take a day off?"
"What? No, I can't just take a day off all of a sudden."
"Exactly. So let me stay with her. Or perhaps you were thinking of leaving her like this?"
"Huh? What? No! Of course not!"

I mean, I wanted to wake her up, give her medicine, and leave...

"Then let me stay with her. I'll keep her company and then leave once one of you comes back home."
*sigh* "Alright. I'll give you the medicine and leave."
*she goes and gets the medicine* "Here you go."
*takes it* "Thank you"
"Monica will be back soon. I'll take my leave. Bye"

I bet she wanted to leave her daughter in this state.

*puts his hand on her forehead* *gasp* "She's burning"
*sweating* *shivering*
"And shivering"

I should've called her before. If I did, maybe she would've gotten better by now and- stop it, Eluma. Now's not the time to blame yourself. First, I should warm her up and take her temperature.

*puts two other blankets on her* "Okay, this should be enough. I don't want her to feel too hot, but the weather is really cold and she barely covered herself. Now let's take her temperature." *checks her temperature* *gasp*


"You have such a high temperature, and yet you decided to stay silent?!" *caress her head*

This girl is really selfless. I understand that she doesn't want to tell your family, but what about me? How can she not tell me that she's not feeling well? What would have happened if I hadn't-

"Eluma, snap out of it!"

I have to give her the medicine. But first, I should put a wet tissue on her forehead.

*gets up*
*sweating* "E... E... don't... go..."
"Don't... leave... me..."

She's having a nightmare.

"I'm not leaving you. Never. Until the day I die."
*tear falls*
"!" *wipes away her tear* *kisses her forehead*

What kind of nightmare could cause her to tear up?

*sweating* "No... please..."

I have no choice but to wake her up. Seeing her like this breaks my heart into millions of pieces.

"Blackie, wake up"
*caress her cheek* "Blackie, baby, wake up."
"Hmm..." *opens her eyes a little*
"Here, take this."
*stares blankly*
"Yes, that's me."
"Here" *gives her the pill and a glass of water*

I'm glad she always keeps a glass of water next to her.

"..." *takes it*
*smile* "Now you will slowly get better."

She's half asleep...

*grab* *kiss*

... Eh?

*wraps her arms around his neck* *grips*

... What?

*let go* *looks into his eyes*
*smile* *closes her eyes* *sleeps*

... What happened...?

"Did... did she... did she just...?"

Did she actually... kiss me?

*realizes* *blushes hard*
"Eluma? Mom told me you were here. Where are you-"
*runs and leaves*
"Wow! Watch out! What's with him?!"


*peak* "Black Akari?" *glance*

He gave her the pill. Well, she should get better soon. Great.

"At least I don't have to take care of her. I'm way too tired."

But I wonder what happened to Eluma. He was literally running as if someone were chasing him, though I'm sure I saw him... blushing?

"It must be my imagination."


At Eluma's house...

"There's no way this actually happened. It didn't."

It did.

"She didn't. She did not kiss me."

She did. She did kiss me.

"But she was half asleep."

She still kissed me.

*blushes hard* "I can't believe it." *covers his face with his hands*

I don't understand. She clearly said my name, which means she knew it was me, yet... why did she... why did she do it?

"Blackie, what are you doing to me? How can you make me go crazy like this?"

Wait, what if she doesn't remember? She was, after all, half asleep. And if she remembers, how am I supposed to face her?

"I can't think straight anymore. A nap will help me clear my thoughts, hopefully."

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