My Toes Are In The Way

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it's been a while since I've updated this one! Sorry about thatthank you for your patience 😊 Have a beautiful day/night!

         So this is what it has come to.... me standing in Jungkook's bathroom..... with pee all down my legs and in my socks. 

Can you not embarrass me in front of your father?

Waaaait a damn minute. Am I really accusing my precious little pumpkin of embarrassing me in front of the man that is not only responsible for putting said pumpkin there, but for also making me laugh too hard?!? 

That's when I realized this celebrity thing was still in my head and it wasn't even real. His identity wasn't the guy on stage, that was just his job. Just like the cashier at the convenience store I always went to; her identity wasn't a freaking cashier! As I got a grip on myself and realized this idea of him and his status was literally just an idea, I started to relax. 

What's there to be embarrassed about? I'm pretty sure he's pissed or shit himself before; we've all been sick, right? As I was cleaning myself up he knocked on the door, "Everything okay in there? I didn't mean to laugh so hard." I opened the door with my socks pinched between my fingers, holding them away from me, "It's fine, shit happens right?" He suddenly smiled beautifully at me and held up a pair of clean socks, "Among other things, yep." 

I giggled and grabbed the socks, "Thank you." 

Later that night, I was laying on my mountain of pillows and trying to watch TV but my toes were in the way. "Can you help me?" I asked him. He had just shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth but immediately put the bowl on the nightstand and jumped up, "What do you need?" He looked entirely too eager to help, or maybe it was just that I had not ever known anyone to actually want to help before. I pouted as I was a little embarrassed, "My toes are in the way of the TV and I'm not sure what to do." He looked at my feet and back at the TV, "Okay, I'll just move the TV." I raised up, "Huh? You can't move the TV, isn't it nailed to the wall?" He shook his head giggling as he went over to it and pulled it away from the wall and turned it at an angle, "Yes, but it's movable, pretty cool, right? I didn't know until about six months ago when I thought it was falling off the wall and almost had a heart attack." He laughed as he got back into the bed, offering me the bowl of popcorn. I knew I was oozing poverty but at least he didn't make me feel like an idiot for never having seen luxuries such as this. 

Suddenly, I felt like I just peed all over myself. "Ummm.... I think I need help again." 

"Sure, what's up?" He looked at me with extreme patience as I stuttered and didn't make any sense. "I think.... I'm having a rough, a really rough day, I think. And this is new to me.... and I don't know.... I think I.... I don't know why but... " I started crying and blubbering. He scooted over to put his arm around me and I stopped him, "No, I... I did something, I think.... I THINK I PEED IN YOUR BED." I started wailing at this point as I put my head in my hands. "Hey, it's okay. Are you sure though?" I looked up at him with my eyebrows furrowed. 

What do you mean am I sure?

"Because I read that a lot of women mistake their water breaking for peeing, ya know?" 

I looked down and fell deep into thought. Could that have been my water breaking? It was quite a lot and I had no control over it. Then my head shot up, "Wait, when did you read this?" 

"While the ads were playing. I think I should take you to the ER, they can make sure." He got up and pulled his pants up over his shorts and walked over to me, holding his hand out. I was just looking up at him like an idiot. How did I not know this? And god, was he a saint or what?!? "Oh, okay. But I probably just peed, it's not time for the baby anyways." 

"Better safe than sorry." He said, pulling me up off the bed. 

          We got to the ER and after running some tests the doctor came in, "Okay, so the baby is good, but your water did break, unfortunately. But there's nothing to worry about, it happens all the time and babies are born just fine; nonetheless, I want to keep you here for the next 24 hours and give you a series of steroids and antibiotics to be safe." I started panicking and I could feel Jungkook squeeze me tighter, "It's okay, I'll be here with you the whole time, okay?" He moved the hair out of my face, "The baby will be fine, it's a really good hospital and they have the best technology, okay? Do you want a foot rub? I'm really good at that, I've been told." 

I swear my heart was about to break and burst out of my chest with love at the same time and I had never experienced anything like this before. My baby was trying to come early, but I had a pot of gold right by my side. Watching the look on his face as he pulled my socks off, I knew it would actually be okay. I calmed down and laid my head back as he massaged my foot. 

Damn, he really is good at this. 

For the next 24 hours, I was treated like a queen by Jungkook and the nurses. The nurses cheeks were always pink and I could tell exactly what they were thinking as they stole glances at him while talking to me and caring for me. One snorted when she tried to stifle a giggle as she handed me a blanket while Jungkook started pouting over a sad part of the cartoon movie he was watching, "I'm so sorry." She slapped her hand to her mouth and looked as if she regretted her entire life. "It's okay," I whispered, "He's too cute, I know." She patted my hand and regained her professionalism, "Call us if you need anything." She mouthed the words "thank you" and briskly walked out of the room. It was too cute seeing how everyone was just so infatuated with his presence and how he was largely unaware, or at least seemed to be. 

Once we got back to his apartment, I was forced to stay in bed ALL the time, doctor ordered, and it would've driven me crazy if the sweetest man on earth didn't order things for me in secret every day. Each morning he brought in a load of boxes and put them on the bed for me saying, "Your shipment has arrived." After fussing at him that he did not have to do this, I would tear into the boxes and damn if he didn't know exactly what I liked. 

After a month of this, our son's birthday was finally upon us and if it had been anyone else, I think I would have died.... seriously. 

More to come very soon! Sorry for making you wait! Thanks for reading! 

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