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Having her face in his chest and his arms wrapped around her suddenly became much too embarrassing and she jumped off the couch and took another sip of her wine as she walked to the other side of the coffee table, "This is really good," she raised her glass and swished it around as she inspected the burgundy liquid, "Where did you get it?"

Jungkook looked up at her pouting, "I'm not sure, Jimin bought a bunch of different types of alcohol for our time here." He hesitated to get up. He wanted to be closer to her, to understand her, but he wasn't trying to be a creep either and they had literally just met.

She turned towards him and upon seeing the look of confusion on his face, sighed. "I'm sorry, I just...I think you're great but..." Her mouth was still open but she couldn't bring herself to say the words.

She wanted to tell him she's weird, damaged, broken even. That she doesn't know how to react the right way or to act in a way that's normal. She wanted to tell him but was there any reason to do so?

Jungkook sat nervously on the couch waiting for what was to come after the word "but". When she only stood there with her mouth open looking frustrated he took a deep breath and stood up.

"But, you're not ready for this, correct?"

She shook her head, "That's not it...I..."

"You don't have to explain, you don't owe me anything. Would you feel more comfortable if I left?" She took a step towards him, "No!" She widened her eyes in shock as she hadn't meant to yell. "I mean no. It's better that you're here. Would you maybe like to watch a movie?"

He sat back down, "That would be great, if you really want to, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"No, it's fine," She smiled at him as she connected her laptop to the TV, "I'm just weird, the more you hang around the more you'll realize it."

"I love weird, I believe normal people are just faking it anyways." He laughed.

"You might be on to something there." She giggled as she sat down too close to him on purpose. If he wasn't okay with weird, then she would soon find out.

About halfway through the movie there was a jump scare and both of them squeezed each other's hand, and that's when she realized they had actually been holding hands, for how long she didn't have a clue. She stole a couple glances at him and found him with a smile on his face.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Hmm? Sure." He gave her his full attention, his grin becoming wider.

"We're watching a horror movie, and yet you've been smiling for a while, why is that?"

"Hopefully the same reason you've been smiling?" He phrased it as more of a question than an answer. Her smile widened as well and she snuggled her head against his shoulder, both of her hands wrapped around one of his.

"I like this. I'm glad you came over."

He leaned his head on hers and stroked her hand with his thumb. It was nice being this close with someone, with her.

- - - -

Y/N woke up feeling an odd sensation underneath her and a rhythmic thumping. She moved her head slightly and put her hand under her head, it was soft and silky.

Soft and silky?

She opened her eyes to find she was laying on his chest with her body between his legs as he laid on his back. He didn't stir as she observed his delicate features and wondered how on earth anyone looked this good while sleeping. His lips were perfectly plump and parted just slightly, his hair had fallen in all the right places. She looked down at his belt.

My god, his belt!

She got up as slowly as she could and sprinted to the bathroom on her tippy toes. Upon looking in the mirror, she found her cheeks were flushed, undoubtedly due to being in such close proximity to a really hot guy and her hair was a hot mess.

After freshening up and changing, she had come to the conclusion that she was, in fact, infatuated with the man that still laid sleeping peacefully on the couch. Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.

The thought made her giddy and she decided that it was highly possible that he was missed by his band members and went to wake him.

She wiped his hair out of his eyes and whispered in his ear, "Jungkook."

He turned his head towards her voice and slowly opened his eyes, his lips turning into a smile as his vision came into focus. She had fallen asleep while he was holding her, and apparently he had enjoyed it as well. He suddenly shot up, "Ah! I've got to get going!"

He tucked his shirt in, unsure of how it came out, and brushed his hands through his hair. "I had a really great time, if I'm able to, would you like to do it again?"

"I think I would like that a lot."

"I'm sorry I can't give a day or time, I never know what our schedule is going to be like, is it okay if I come over when I get the chance?"

"Sure, I understand. And hey, I'm on vacation! Day or night, doesn't matter, I have no where to be."

He winked at her as he left and she felt a feeling of confidence washed over her.

What the hell is this?

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