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              Chell and I parted ways and agreed to meet back up at the motel for more drinks before bed and I went to sit on a bench near the Han River. It was nearing twilight, the most beautiful time of day, and a warm breeze was blowing through my hair; the perfect atmosphere to just sit and think. But then I suddenly got a text.

Jungkook: Are you okay?

I sighed as I looked up from my phone, not sure how to respond, when the Devil's face appeared in my vision. I gasped, nearly dropping my phone. "Did you really think you saw the last of me, sweet cheeks?" My whole body started shaking violently but I tried to hide it by putting my hands firmly on the bench at my sides, "W-what are you doing here?" He gritted his teeth, "I always with you. I was just waiting for you to be alone." Before my brain could absorb his words, he grabbed me by the arm and held me to his chest, rubbing my cheek with something cold and metal. I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to see it, I already knew what it was. "You got some damn nerve moving out here with this boy. Who the hell do you think you are?"

"I-I had to-"

"Shut up, bitch."

He dragged me back to a dark vehicle and shoved me into the passenger's side, pointing the gun at me as he got in. "Where are you taking me?" I asked, tears streaming down my face. "I'm taking you back with me. Don't worry, I've forgiven you for leaving me."


"What are you talking about? You left me."

"I was only testing you. And you did exactly as I thought you would, came here and got knocked up by a kid." He cackled.

"But, but you didn't want me anymore.... you moved on."

He shook his head, a wicked smile on his face, "You're so damn easy to fuck with! I just had some things to do, I figured I would test your loyalty to me while I did them. I knew you were a cheating bitch."

"But we got a divorce." I argued.

"That doesn't mean anything. You'll always be mine, I don't care about a piece of paper." He hissed as he started to drive.

I looked out of the window, trying to process what was happening. He didn't care. He left me and he was done, we were done. It was final and that was it! All I could do was pray; pray that someone, somehow could save me. 

As I stared out the window, I knew it was impossible. No one knew where I was and it was too quiet around here. People minded their business here. Damn. 


Ugh, I knew better than that, but the thought that he would just swoop down like Spider man was nice. 

Yep, I'm going to die. This asshole was out of his mind and was going to kill me once and for all. 


Jungkook laid his phone down on the table, staring at it, a terrible feeling in his gut.

"She's fine, right?" He asked the baby who was sleeping in his car seat, trying to determine if he was just anxious or if he was really picking something up from her. He sat there for another moment and then jumped up. He grabbed his phone, the car seat and the diaper bag and quickly headed out the door. He had a feeling he couldn't shake and sitting around waiting was driving him crazy.

Jungkook got in the car and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply several times. He knew his unique abilities would help him find her. His mother was the one that had taught him how to use them as a child and told him that there would be a person he may find one day that would make these gifts stronger in him. She had warned that it was not guaranteed, but he had always had faith that he would find her, and the baby's birth proved it to him that Y/N was the one.

He pulled up to the location she had been shortly before. 

Nothing about this feels right. 

He slowly got out of the car, looking around and finding no one. He glanced at the baby who was still sleeping and left the door open as he looked at the map on his phone.

Her not being there confirmed his worst fears: he was right.  Walking cautiously, he approached the bench and her phone sitting there. "Shit!"

Someone definitely took her, he could still feel the energy of her struggling to get away. 

Oh, Y/N! Where are you?

As he got back in the car he flinched and his hand shot up to his cheek. It felt like he had just been slapped really hard... and if he was right, it was because someone just put their hands on Y/N.

You hurt Y/N. MY girlfriend. The mother of MY child. This is not going to end well for you.

Whoever hurt her (and he sincerely felt that he knew who it was) was about to regret the day they were born.  

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