Have Mercy On His Soul

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              Luckily, my due date had come and I was getting wheeled into the delivery room, about to get pumped full of labor-inducing hormones because our pumpkin was being stubborn like his father. I took a deep breath as I got into the bed with Jungkook's help and he immediately fluffed my pillow, humming and smiling. "Well, someone's excited!" The nurse winked at me as she checked the monitors, "Of course, it's not the same type of excitement for those of us in the bed, is it?" 

"Yeah, men are lucky." I laid my head back on the pillow and sighed. "Don't you worry," she said, "I'll see to it that you have the best labor experience possible." I thanked her and she left to get a warm blanket and some other items she thought would make me feel more comfortable. I patted the bed and Jungkook laid down beside me and held my hand, "It might not be that bad,  you know?" 

I let out a laugh, "Yeah, I bet all those women were just kidding, heh?" He shrugged, "No, but your experience is entirely dependent on how you think about it... so maybe if you think positively, it wouldn't be as bad." I looked at him with no expression. He pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed it, "Okay, how about this? I'll take some of your pain so it's not that bad for you." 

"Okay, Jungkook!" I giggled, "You go ahead and do that!" 

For the next couple of hours, we waited on the medicine to start labor while Jungkook sang a whole album at the end of the bed to try and coax the baby out faster. "Maybe he doesn't like my voice." He sat back down, discouraged. "No, you probably just put him to sleep, that's all." He pecked me on my cheek and we suddenly gasped at the same time. A huge contraction came out of nowhere and as soon as it was over, I tried to grab his hand but he wasn't there. "Jungkook? What happened?" I asked, looking down at him curled up on the floor. He raised his head and held his stomach, "I don't know.... wait, did you just have a contraction?" He jumped to his feet and grabbed my hand, "It's okay, I'm here. It's going to be okay."

From then on, each time I had a contraction, Jungkook hunched over holding his stomach. "Can you check him out? There's something wrong with his stomach." I asked the nurse that had come to sit with us as it was getting closer to baby time and the contractions were getting ridiculous. "No, I'm fine, I want to stay here with her." 

"You're being stubborn, I don't want you to drop dead while I'm giving birth!" As I finished my sentence a contraction ripped through my whole body and a wave of heat flashed up my spine, "Ohhhh shit." I breathed through it the best I could and when it was over, Jungkook was sitting up against the wall, holding his stomach and looking disheveled. "Baby! You need medical help!" He waved his hand, "No.... I told you I would take your pain and I did." I looked at the nurse for help but she only shrugged, "It's a thing, you know." 

"It's a thing?!? Like a real thing? What if he really has something wrong with him?" 

"I've kept an eye on him, his contractions are right on time with yours, but his might be a little stronger." The nurse smiled at him. How rude. His contractions were stronger than MINE? I was dying over here, there's no way he was experiencing this! 

"UGGGGGHHH!" He crawled across the floor as if this were going to help him somehow and collapsed on his back, his chest heaving. The nurses set him up in a bed beside mine and I held his hand as he went through each contraction for me, apparently. Mine weren't that bad anymore but I was almost ready to push, and hella freaked out that this was just a normal occurrence to everyone. 

"You're... doing great.... baby." He panted as he stared up at the ceiling in a daze, squeezing my hand. Have mercy on his soul. This poor man was going through hell, hell meant for me and here I was practically getting a free pass; and yet, he was still encouraging me!  "Alright, it's show time!" The doctor announced after checking me. "Oh thank God." Jungkook said as his arms flopped to the sides of the bed. I got into the position to push and looked over at him, a nurse holding his other hand as he looked as if he was about to push as well. "Here he comes!" 





Suddenly, we went silent and heard music to our ears: the baby squalling. We raised our heads to take a look and I gasped, "HE'S PURPLE?!? Is he okay?" I asked anxiously. "He's just fine! They come out pink, purple, red, all kinds of different ways." A nurse answered me happily. The doctor stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned back, "Of course, if they come out green, we have to send them to the government." 

The nurse furrowed her brows as she brought our baby to me, "I apologize for him, he makes the worst jokes." She poked fun at him. He threw up his hands, "Hey, someone has to bring the humor around here, am I right?" I smiled at him as I took the baby, "Yes, thank you so much." 

Jungkook sat up and scooted closer, caressing the baby's fingers, "He's beautiful. He looks just like you." My eyes filled with tears as the baby and I just stared into each other's eyes. "How can you even tell?" I asked him, giggling. "I just know." I couldn't see a thing but those glittering big eyes looking up at me. I looked at Jungkook and saw that he had tears streaming down his face as well,  but he looked a lot better now, except for his hair that was sweaty and stuck to the sides of his face. "I don't know what happened, but thank you." 

"It was an honor." 

@Jungsha07 Hope that was a good one! Next one coming soon! 

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