Just Like Dancing

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She wanted to tell him the same thing but because she didn't have quite the confidence that he was oozing, she leaned in and pulled him closer to her, his cheeks growing warmer in anticipation. His lips parted involuntarily and she used the opportunity to explore his bottom lip with hers, causing his eyes to flutter closed.

Their first kiss was spectacular, but her taking control this time stirred a feeling of urgency inside him, an urgent need to explore her body with his finger tips, but as he promised to be a gentleman, he restrained himself and only lightly held onto her arms. His hair stood on end as she ran her fingers through his dark locks and gently pushed him back down on the bed as she climbed on top of him, lips still locked on his.

Her head suddenly tilted back and his forehead creased, his sensual eyes begging for more as his deep breath's brushed against her face, his chest heaving and his muscles twitching. She pouted as a panic swelled within her chest, he could see everything in the dimmed light, could she really expose the most intimate parts of her self to Jungkook? Jungkook the Idol? The man that could easily have anyone he wanted in the world? She suddenly felt dizzy as her thoughts spiraled out of control, making her feel less than worthy of his attention. Her gaze fell upon his pink tinted cheeks, his perfectly sculpted jawline and the neck she swore was made to sink her teeth. He was too perfect, in every way, and there was no way she deserved being this close to him.

He cupped her cheek, and whispered, "I can't help you if you don't tell me."

She sighed. It would have been crazy to tell anyone else in the world, she would've been mocked and deemed delusional and obsessed, but telling him, asking him, was acceptable. "Jungkook, I love you....Is that crazy?"

He wiped away a tear that rolled down her cheek, "Not in a million years. What's crazy is that you don't love yourself the same. I see the way you look at me, do you not think you're good enough?" He raised up, cupping his other hand to her cheek, "I love you too, let me show you."

She nodded her head and he pulled her back down to kiss another tear on her cheek that was threatening to fall, tasting it on his lips and pulled her to his side, his arms wrapped around her. "I just want you with me, always." He murmured into her ear, snuggling a little closer.

She felt safe and protected, where had he been all of her life? Just a simple gesture, laying together, him holding her, actually holding her, made her heart come alive after all these years.

"Jungkook?" She whispered.

"Yes, Y/N?"

"I want to....I really want to but....I'm so scared." She clutched her fingers around the open collar of his shirt, her body tensing at the shameful admittance.

He didn't have to ask her what she was talking about, he already knew. "It's okay, Baby. We have our whole lives....there's no rush. When the time is right, we'll make magic together."

His words were comforting, but she craved that magic right now, not later. She cursed her stupid life for giving her so much trauma that she couldn't just be comfortable with the most comfortable man she had ever met. Why was it that she could let him have his way with her as she closed her eyes and wished for a kind man, a loving man, the man she was with right now, but couldn't actually bring herself to have sex with this one? It was a sick game her brain was playing on her, one that only promised torture of both mind and body, but she had had enough of the game and was gonna win, once and for all.

She steadied her finger as she trailed it along his buttons, stopping at the highest one and quickly undoing them until his chest was fully exposed. He looked at her as if to question her motive and her eyes screamed her desires, but desires and wants were totally different than needs, and he couldn't live with himself if she even for a moment regretted being with him. She dipped her head down before he could react and lightly placed a warm kiss on his chest, her lips lingering for a moment until trailing upwards to his neck.

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