Dancing Fool

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Geesh, it's been a while since I've updated this one! Sorry about that, I made it extra-long this time to thank you for your patience😊

"Who the hell?" His jaw dropped as he looked back and forth between us, "You're that damn kid! What the hell do you want with her?"

Jungkook didn't so much as twitch as he stared at him. The devil narrowed his eyes, "You're the father of that bastard she's carrying, aren't you?"

I barely saw Jungkook's arm move, and the devil hit the ground like a ton of bricks.

"What did you do?!?" I yelled as I panicked.

"Are you mad at me?" Jungkook stared ahead as he rubbed his knuckles.

"Hell no, I just didn't want him laying here at my doorstep for everyone to see! Help me get him in here!"

Jungkook refused my help and placed him on the couch. "I hope this is the last person I have to carry to the couch for a while."

I mean, he caused both, really.

He stepped back and tilted his head, "Why is he here?"

I was on my way to the kitchen when I stopped in my tracks and twisted my mouth.

"He annoys me constantly; I can't seem to get rid of him." I told him quietly.

"All the more reason to come with me then, I'll help you get your things, the rest we can send for later."

"But-" I stopped short of what was on my mind. This all seemed too unreal. I knew I loved him deeply, but did we really know each other enough for me to run off with him? I couldn't help but to think about this and yet; I was carrying his baby! Wouldn't we just have to get over it anyways? We were going to be parents; we would just have to get to know each other and like it. But my career....

He shook his head, shoving his hands in his pocket, "If you want to come back after the baby is born, that's fine. I just want to make sure you both stay healthy in the meantime."

"What about my career? My house? I won't have anything to come back to."

The Devil started stirring, rubbing his face where he had been hit, "What the-"

Jungkook cut him off, holding his hand up to him, "Not now, we're talking," The Devil furrowed his brows but stayed silent, not daring to disobey Jungkook out of fear of taking another punch in the face.

"Do you trust me?" Jungkook asked.

I searched his eyes for a moment. Yes, obviously I trusted him, but why I trusted him was what had me concerned. "Yes, I do."

"Then it's settled," He turned towards the fearful man on the couch, "It's time for you to leave, that is, unless you'd like me to teach you some more of my boxing skills."

The Devil jumped up, "To hell with you both, if you want her, have her! It's your loss, not mine!" He slammed the door shut behind him and we could hear him ranting all the way to his car.

I raised my eyebrows, "Wow, you must have really scared him, I've never seen him backdown from anything before."

He shrugged shyly, putting his lips together as his cheeks poked out on both sides. This was the first time I saw him as the cutie he was on TV. In Korea, he was a romantic Don Juan who swept me off my feet in a fit of passion I had never knew existed. I loved his cute side, but I wanted another night with Mr. Juan. Was this even possible at this point?

He helped me with my things, I got my doctor's approval, and before I knew it, I found myself sitting on a plane for the first time as a swollen can of biscuits. Jungkook sat with me, but we didn't talk much as we didn't want to give it away that we even knew each other, and let me tell you, there was no way anyone was going to get that idea anyways! I was a bloated whale that could not stop moving around in my seat for shit and I inhaled dinner so fast I got half of it on my face and shirt, but I only knew that because I heard him snickering and when I looked, he pointed to my face and nearly busted a gut trying to hold his laughter in. He, on the other hand, was well put together, not messy at all, and pretty much stayed in one spot most of the time. This made me start questioning our relationship as we clearly didn't even look right together, but once I woke up from him plucking me on the forehead, I realized I didn't have much to worry about.

"It's all good, we don't have to pretend anymore, at least not on the plane." His smile was wide, and I could tell there was more he just couldn't wait to tell me. I looked at him, wiping my mouth, "Um, why?" I asked.

He bit his lip, "Well, apparently we both toss and turn a bit in our sleep....and snore quite loudly," He turned his head to the side, "Annnnd we both kinda talk in our sleep too.... maybe add drooling in there a bit."

I shot up in my chair, "What did we say?!?" Good grief, I rarely talk in my sleep, did I really have to do it on a plane???

"As the flight attendants put it, you said my name out of nowhere and I answered you, then you asked me if we could name the baby Jungkook if it was a boy and I said yes, apparently." He cleared his throat, "And then you called me a baby or was referring to the baby, they couldn't tell exactly, and that's when I sat up and said I don't care if you're having my baby, you can't call me a baby." His hands flew up and he smacked them back down on his legs, "So yeah." He sat down beside me, "But it's all good, they just thought it was cute, they swore they wouldn't tell a soul.... or the whole world will know before we land, I like the odds!" He joked.

After the most uncomfortable trip I've ever been on, we finally landed and were able to get to his apartment without anyone noticing. "I guess they really didn't tell anyone, isn't that sweet?" I asked as I checked out my social media accounts. "You'd be surprised how many people will actually keep a secret." He winked at me as he wheeled my luggage off down his hallway. I stood there not really knowing what to do or where to go.

He came back and handed me a stack of towels and a washcloth, looking at me very cautiously as he backed away, "Are you okay? I thought you might want to take a shower after all of that."

"Are you saying I need a shower?" I asked him, scowling. His eyes widened and he started to stutter.

Okay, get a hold of yourself! You're just really sensitive right now!

I waved my hand, "You know what? Ignore that, I-I'm sorry, a shower would be lovely right now!" I smiled at him, and his shoulders rounded as he relaxed, "Let me show you the bathroom, Oh!" He quickly ran off to another room as I waited for him in the hallway and came back as fast as he left, "I just remembered! I was going to send you these nightgowns, they are big enough so they might fit you still-" He dropped the box and looked at me like he was waiting for a bomb to go off. "I did not mean that, I meant that, the.... they are.... I mean, you are...."

"I am well aware that I am a beached whale, no need to tip toe around that." I giggled.

"No, you-geez, why would you call yourself a whale? You look like you're pregnant, all women look like that when they are pregnant." He picked up the box, "But you look better." He added before leading me to the bathroom.

He showed me how to use the faucets, where everything was (including all of his aftercare products in case I wanted to use any), and even flushed the toilet to show me that it was in perfectly working order. "So, you have that anxiety too? I just thought it was me." I smiled at him. He looked off in the distance, "Yeah, there's nothing worse than a toilet that doesn't flush, right?" I watched him as he spaced out, most likely thinking of a traumatic toilet experience, or at least I assumed.

"Ah, okay, sorry! I will leave you to it, all you have to do is yell if you need anything, okay?" He bowed before walking away and I figured it was just a habit of his as I laid the towels down and pulled the curtain back, sighing. How I got in Jungkook's bathroom, of all places, I have no idea as everything seemed to be a blur. It was too pretty to use, and I felt entirely out of place, but once that shower head sprayed out softened water at the most perfect temperature, I relaxed a bit.... or rather a lot.... maybe too much, actually. I started swinging my hips and dancing to a song I had in my head and then WHAM! Suddenly, every single shampoo bottle he had slammed down on the bathtub, bounced, and slammed down again before flying out of the bathtub or smacking me in the legs.

I still had my hands in my hair, not fully realizing what had happened when I heard the door smack the wall, " Are you okay?" He yelled as he pulled the curtain back.

Why me? Seriously, why?

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