And Further Apart

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Jungkook silently sat in a swivel chair at the board room table, pouting with his arms folded as several managers reprimanded him.

"You realize you have not only your own image to protect, but your member's images as well?" A tall man paced the floor in front of the window showing the city far below, "What would people think if they found out you were with someone you only knew for a couple days?   What happens when she tells everyone on social media?"

"But she wouldn't do that!" He argued, looking up at the man with big eyes. The man lunged forward and pounded his fist on the table, causing Jungkook to startle and straighten in his chair. "She would do that! She will do that! You're just lucky that the vasectomy was mandatory those years ago, or we could have bigger problems!"

Jungkook slouched in his chair and fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, biting his lip hard to prevent his lips from curving. Regardless of being scolded and told that he had made one of the biggest mistakes of his career, he kept daydreaming about getting lost in her eyes all over again.

All he had to do was get his phone back from the managers and text Namjoon, he would get him to get her number and he would travel to the ends of the Earth to meet up with her again.

He tilted his head, "I realize now the gravity of the situation, I was being irresponsible and I will take responsibility for my actions in the event this becomes public, but can I have my phone back now? I hate to say it but I don't know my parent's number by heart and I haven't spoken to them in a while."

All the managers folded their arms and glanced at each other until the one standing answered, "No. I'm sorry but you have been restricted from phone and internet usage for 30 days. After that time, you will get it back."

Jungkook's heart sank and he blinked back tears as he tried to swallow the anxious feeling welling up in his chest.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw one of the men whisper to the other and then held his finger in the air, "And let's not forget the project he is to work on today."

"Oh, of course! We have a new song we want you to work on with another idol, she's already here, let's get you over to the recording room!"

Jungkook's eyes nearly popped out as he choked on his saliva, "Exc...excuse me, did you say she?"

~ ~

Namjoon watched Y/N through the living room window with his arms folded as he ranted to the other members, "She doesn't look sad like she used to, she's just been cleaning! And I know Jungkook doesn't have his phone, I feel stuck here guys! What am I supposed to do?"

Taehyung tilted his head as he sat forward on the couch, "Maybe it's best that you don't do anything, I mean he just met her, how strongly could he feel for her."

"Especially if she doesn't feel the same, he'll just have to take this as his first real heart break." Jimin interjected.

Yoongi walked past them and plopped down on the couch, "Anyone can see that she is cleaning as a coping mechanism. That's what women do when they get angry, have you noticed how clean it is over there? What is she even cleaning?"

Namjoon raised his head, "Really? I guess....yeah, I think you're onto something there." He watched as Y/N aggressively scrubbed the table for the third time, "How did I not catch this?"

"Don't worry, when you get to be as old as I am, you just know things." Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"But shouldn't we stay out of this? I want what's best for him, even if it's not what he wants, should we really pursue this? Look at what's happened so far, they literally dragged him back to Seoul!" Jimin argued.

"Look, right now we have the chance to hurt two people in this world by doing absolutely nothing, one of which is a little brother to us, and we all know how sensitive he is. We can't make this go right, but we can't be the reason he gets hurt. Who wants to be the reason he pouts?" He looked around the room, "The reason he cries all day and won't come out of his room? Which is probably happening as we speak, but we can at least try to do something about it."

No one moved a muscle as they all stared at the floor, silently agreeing with Namjoon.

"Okay then, I'll go talk to her, Taehyung, you have the deepest voice, get on the phone and try to convince the operator to let you to speak to Jungkook, we won't get past the manager, but if you pretend to be his father, she might let you speak with him."

~ ~

"Excuse me, I apologize, I came over here before but I failed to say what I had to...."

"It's okay, really." She folded her arms and raised her chin, "You don't need to apologize for him."

"But I do, look it's not what you think, Jungkook....he-"

She threw up her hand, "No, I'm sorry but, I think it's best if I just pretend I never met him, or BTS at all....I really look to you guys for help and...I just want to continue that way, okay?"

"He was forced back to Seoul because he was with you, he didn't have a chance to say goodbye, they took him not five minutes after he left your house." Namjoon spit out the words as fast as he could.

Y/N glared, "Are you making this up? Why would you do that? I told you-"

"I'm not lying....anyways...if you want to ever speak with him again, I need your phone number," He shrugged, "I have a feeling that he is being kept from his phone too."

Y/N desperately wanted to trust him but she had heard more elaborate stories before and the likely case was that he was sitting on his happy ass over there getting his friend to do the dirty work after realizing their one night stand could've gone on just a bit longer; however, the smallest hint of doubt was lurking in her mind and she gave him her number with the promise that he would text her once he knew what was going on.

Now that Namjoon had her number, he felt a little less anxious and could focus on getting in touch with Jungkook.

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