I Still Want You

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Sorry it took so long guys! I will update more often 💜💜💜💜

"Th-then....but....I need to sit down." He staggered over to the couch and sat down, his head in his hands. "It's just that....I had a procedure....this isn't supposed to be possible."

He slapped his hand over his mouth and pulled on his lips.

"I can get a DNA test when it's born, but there's no pressure. I know you have your life and you should be able to live it." I swallowed a lump forming in my throat as I folded some baby clothes I had draped across the back of the couch.

He sighed and stared ahead. He laughed suddenly and shook his head. He was clearly having a moment, and I understood, but I couldn't help but to feel hurt.

"I think I need water, I'll get us some water." I moved out of the room quickly as my eyes teared up again.

"I-I'm sorry, Y/N." He called to me.

It was okay, I was okay, or at least it would be okay. I've been through worse and it's not like I had high expectations, but something told me it would've been easier if he had never shown up, so that I would never have to know that my pregnancy would come between us. I should've known, all unexpected pregnancies chase men away.

As I pulled our water bottles out of the fridge, I stopped. There was no way I could go back in there and act like my entire being didn't miss him and crave for him every single day. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself by clinging on to him and begging him to stay, but I wasn't sure I had it in me to stay calm either.

My mind whirled and I was sure I was in the midst of a strong hormone surge. I had to sit down. Immediately. I barely made it to the floor without falling as I clung to the fridge door and my vision narrowed. The bottles bounced and spun across the floor as heat spread out from the back of my neck.

"Y/N?" I heard him call me, but he sounded as if he were under water. "Y/N!"
I never heard him come closer, but suddenly I was being scooped up. I could now hear him, his voice still muffled, but I was so exhausted I couldn't respond properly. Before I knew it, I was gasping at an extreme coldness on my face and neck, now I was aware. He patted the rest of my neck and down my chest with a sopping wet, ice cold towel and continued to pour small amounts of water from a bottle into the towel as he wiped down my arms and legs.

I watched him as he focused on cooling me down, stealing a quick glance at me to make sure I was okay, but long enough for me to see the seriousness on his face.

A few moments later he placed the towel on top of the bottle and set it down on my coffee table. Still on his knees, he pulled my hand into his and lightly pinched my skin as he examined me and after some time finally spoke, "You're dehydrated. Not drinking enough water can cause dizzy spells, false labor, and kidney infections." He let go of my hand and went off to the kitchen, returning promptly with a bottle of water. "Drink all of this. You need to stay healthy." He turned his head to look around at several stacks of bottled water sitting just inside the door, "How do you have so much water, but don't drink it?"

I shrugged, "I drink what I can."

He clicked his tongue, "I'm taking you back with me."

"W-what? What do you mean?"

"I mean I have to make sure you and our baby are taken care of, and I can't do that from a distance."

I raised up, "But, I thought.....but you....weren't you just-"

"I love you Y/N. I trust you." He looked me directly in the eyes for a moment and turned his head, "I trust you more than anyone.....it just took me a moment to realize it...and I want us to be together. Do you know how awful the last 8 months have been?" He sat on the couch with me, staring dreamily at my leg as he caressed my calf's, "I couldn't stop thinking about you, not even for a second." He smiled, "I daydreamed about our entire future together to get me through the day, right up til I get senile and you lose your hearing."

He flashed a shy smile at me, "I never wanted anything like this before, not with anyone." He raised his head to look at me, "Will you please come back with me? I know it's a big change, but I can't live without you, and I'd give it my all if you'd let me be in this baby's and your life."

The sincerity in his voice made me even more emotional, could this be real? Could we really be together after all this time? I put my hand on his, "I thought you dropped me all this time. Until I received all those packages yesterday, I was so mad at you, and at the same time I questioned if we were ever really together," I looked at my protruding belly, "Except for the baby, that was the only proof I had that I didn't just dream everything."

He leaned over and ran his fingers through my hair, "I would never leave you on purpose. It's a long story, but," He sighed and shook his head, "Having a relationship is really looked down upon....I was kept from you....like a prisoner almost. I tried everything I could and my friends tried to help me but then we all were-"

He stopped suddenly and his shoulders slumped, "It's just a long story. And I feel horrible that I hurt you."

"You still want me?" I questioned him.

"Still. Forever. Always."

My lip trembled as I hugged him tightly, oh god his smell, the way he felt, it was almost too much.

We both startled when my door handle suddenly rattled uncontrollably, followed by three thunderous knocks. I could see him tense and his eyes narrow towards the door. Whoever it was had put him on alert mode.

"It's okay." I patted his hand and he helped me up, watching as I waddled towards the door.

"Come on, open up! I know he's in there!" My ex-devil's voice boomed from the other side.

I opened the door and HE got in my face, "Who the hell is driving the flashy car he can't afford out here?" He pulled off his sun glasses and stepped inside like he owned the place, right up until Jungkook stepped in front of him, his arms crossed and his eyes glaring.

Oh shit.

Jungkook's Love ChildDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora