Mommy Will Be Back Soon

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"I ran away." I admitted quietly."

"No judgement here, I want to leave my husband every single day and honestly, I think I'm insane for not doing so. More power to ya girl!"

"He wasn't my husband. And I had no reason to leave him. He was perfect." I shrugged. Her eyes widened as she threw back her shot and slammed her hand down on the table, "Wait." She coughed a little and wiped her mouth with a napkin, "What do you mean you had no reason to leave? And PERFECT? I've never heard of this, do tell more." I looked at her with hesitation and she sighed, "Ah come on, you've been my motel neighbor for a week! I told you my story, you gotta tell me yours." She snapped her hands and started singing, "Tell ya girl Chell, tell her everything."

I giggled, "Chell, thank you for being you. You've really been helpful, I'm still just trying to get my thoughts straight."

"It might help if you talk about it, you know, just to get your thoughts straight." I put my lips together, wondering if I should dish. I was massively embarrassed and felt extremely guilty for what I did, but Chell definitely wasn't judgmental and I felt I could trust her. "Okay."

"Ooooh girl! Go ahead, I'm waiting!" The waitress dropped off two more shots at our table and I took mine into my hands and looked down into the clear liquid, "I had a one night stand with him when I first met him, but it wasn't his fault. He was like, the most patient person ever, and so freaking romantic; he was just great." I gave her a half smile as I saw her eyes twinkle as she listened. "He had to leave on business, like, he had no choice whatsoever, it was kinda like a contract, you know?" She furrowed her brows, "Hmmm, okay. That kind of sounds fishy though." I waved my hand, "I assure you, it's not. I can't tell you everything but it's legit. Anyways, I found out I was pregnant and, at the time, I did think he had just up and left after getting what he wanted, but near the end of my pregnancy, he showed up and I learned that he didn't do it on purpose.

"So, did he even know you were pregnant when he left?"

"No, he didn't find out until he showed up. But when he found out, he insisted that I come live with him so he could take care of me." I shook my head, "And he did, he really did. He was the most supportive person I've ever encountered." She glared at me.

"In different ways, Chell. Like, a husband would. I freaking pissed myself and he brought me clean socks so I could get to the bedroom to change. At one point, we had like five different flavors of ice cream, but it wasn't anything I was used to eating. It wasn't that I didn't like it, I just wasn't into it. Well, he noticed that I hadn't touched any and went out and got the kind I was used to, he filled the freezer with ice cream! We literally still have half a freezer of ice cream, or at least I think. For all I know, he could've gone on an ice cream binge since I left." I collapsed onto the table, depressed and full of remorse.

Chell grabbed my hand and held it as I raised up and went on, "He was even perfect during the baby's birth and after we got home, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I didn't deserve to be treated that good, it just felt overwhelmingly wrong! I couldn't even put our son to sleep like he could, do you know all he had to do was start singing-" I stopped suddenly and my eyes widened. "What?" She looked at me, concerned. "It's great that he sings to him, right?" I cleared my throat, "Of course it is. I don't know, I just... I didn't want to leave, I just couldn't stay there anymore."

Chell suddenly knit her eyebrows, "Wait, how are you staying at the motel? Is it... his money?" I nodded, "See? I told you he was perfect. He made me take his card when I was leaving and told me that I needed to take care of myself even if I didn't feel I was worth it."

Chell put her head in her hands, "OMG, that's so freaking sad." She gathered herself together, "I don't mean anything by it to you, he just sounds really sweet... perfect, like you said!" She patted at her eyes with a napkin. "Yeah, you see?"

"Okay. First, you have some major trauma, have you had any bad relationships in your past?"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh hell yes." I took my shot and shivered as it went down, "Bad wasn't the word for it." She looked at me with a gleam in her eye, "Okay great! I mean, not great, but it's good news. The other guy trained your brain to believe you weren't worth anything, so anytime this guy does something really sweet, your whole body feels cringe, right? Like it's not supposed to happen to you?" I stared at her, this new information processing deeply in my brain. "And now all you have to do is retrain your brain."

My eyes watered up, "But I can't do that in a day, what am I supposed to do now? I miss my son, I miss him, I just wish I was normal! I can't even be a good mother because of this! It's not like me, at all! How could I leave my son? What kind of person can do such a thing?" Chell shook her head, "Nope, don't do that to yourself. This shit this other guy did to you makes you not you. Now that you know what it is, you can fix it."

"How do you know this stuff, Chell?" I asked, feeling a little relieved. She smiled, "I've been through everything and then some... I'm also a therapist-or rather I was a therapist.. until my ex framed me and they took away my license. He took everything, that bastard."

"Awe, Chell, I'm so sorry! Men are just assholes." Chell looked at me, "No, not all men."

~Meanwhile at Jungkook's house~

"It's okay if you pee on daddy, yes it is, yes it is." Jungkook said in his new high pitched baby-talking voice as rubbed his nose lightly against the baby's nose. He checked under the diaper shield to see if he was done and quickly wiped him up and put another diaper on him while he continued using his baby-talking voice. He picked him up and kissed him on the head and placed him gently in his bassinet, "Daddy has to change his shirty-wirt cause baby waby pee peed on him, don't worry, I will be right back." Jungkook sprinted to the bedroom, grabbing the nearest T-shirt and was back picking up the baby in no time. He sat down on the couch with him in his arms and turned him around so that he could see the TV too.

After a few minutes later the woman in the movie was playing with her baby and Jungkook looked down at his son and spoke in a softer voice, "Don't worry, mommy will be back soon. She's just working some things out right now."

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