Hearts Ripped Apart

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Jungkook walked inside with his head hanging down, the other members and staff trailing in behind him.

"Jungkook," A man stood up from the couch and put his hands together, "I'm glad you were finally able to make it."

"I'm sorry...I...I won't let it happen again."

"It certainly won't happen again," The man furrowed his brows, "We took the liberty of packing your things for you, I'm taking you back to Seoul for a different project."

"But I can't leave, I....I will work harder, I'll do everything....please let me stay, I really want to be a part of this show."

The man stepped closer to him and sighed, "Jungkook, I know your heart's not into this, and I know you have a special interest in that home over there. We simply cannot risk production for this show, but don't worry, we will keep you busy."

Jungkook's heart sank as the members patted Jungkook on the back as they walked by him, one by one.

"Your things are already packed and in the car, let's go now so we can get lunch on the way back."

"But wait, can I do something first, please? I won't be long." He pleaded with his hands clapped together.

"Jungkook....I know about the girl...I will not allow you to speak with her again. No hard feelings okay? I'm only thinking about your career," He put his arm around him and began walking with him, "Don't worry, in no time you'll forget all about her."

"N-no...I...WON'T!" Jungkook yelled as he broke free from the manager's grasp. "I'll only be a moment, I swear." Jungkook sprinted towards the door and was abruptly stopped in his tracks by two larger men who appeared suddenly.

The manager sighed, "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, Jungkook. I'm sorry, but my main job is to protect you, please forgive me."

The two men grabbed onto him as he clung to the doorway, "Please! Don't do this!" He begged as he refrained from kicking them too hard, he didn't want to hurt them, he just wanted to get free for a moment to see Y/N.

"Alright, that's enough, do it." The manager waived his hand and one of the guys pulled out a bottle and poured the contents of it on a handkerchief, smashing it against Jungkook's mouth with little care. He struggled for only a moment until his eyes rolled back and his legs went limp, the last thing he saw was the smirk on the man's face as he held onto him.

"Get him in the car, fast."

The two men carried him out as Namjoon stepped in, "Sir, is something wrong? I...heard a noise."

"Everything is just fine, Jungkook finally understands, his career comes first." He gave him a smile and a thumbs up but Namjoon wasn't convinced, he most certainly heard a struggle and he knew there's no way Jungkook would have accepted this so easily.

~ ~

Nearly three days had passed and Namjoon was pacing the floor and biting his fingers as nearly all of the ends of his nails had been bitten off already. Jungkook's phone kept going straight to voicemail when he called and the manager only answered once and told him Jungkook was just busy with his new project but wouldn't give him any more information. Y/N hadn't attempted to knock at all; in fact, he knew she hadn't budged from her home at all as he had resorted to spying on her just like he told Jungkook not to do.

Now, tormented by the extreme guilt he felt for his younger friend that may or may not be able to access his own phone, he had no choice but to make sure him and Y/N didn't lose contact. This meant, of course, that he would have to approach Y/N on his own and explain to her what happened, risking everything like he, once again, had told Jungkook not to do.

He suddenly stopped pacing, a stern look on his face as he realized Jungkook would always be more important to him than his career, BTS, or the sheer anxiety it will cause him when he talks to Y/N, a complete stranger to him, and tells her everything that has happened. He was family and you do anything and everything for your family-or at least the family you love like family.

He clenched his fists and stomped over to
Y/N's before he lost his nerve, which was lost anyways as soon as she swung the door open with an ecstatic smile on her face, which quickly turned into a confused look.

"Hi, I'm RM and I...." He froze. He never thought about what exactly he was going to say and now he was wondering how to put it.

She inhaled deeply and held her hand out to him, "Nice to meet you RM, I'm Y/N." She politely smiled at him as they shook hands, "I'm a big fan and I hate that we had to meet this way, but it's okay. He sent you over didn't he?"

"Um...he...well..." Namjoon stammered as he looked off into the distance. She had the wrong idea and his brain wasn't reacting fast enough.
She shrugged her shoulders, "Well, it's fine, really. You can tell him it's okay, I get how men are and I'm not going to be obsessed over him and ruin his life but," She shook her head, "He could've at least just told me in person."

She went to close the door and hesitated for a moment, "I really am a huge Army....you all are great at what you do, thank you."

Namjoon stood there with his mouth dropped open as she closed the door.

Why didn't I say anything!

He trudged back over to his home, his esteem completely deflated. Did she really not care for Jungkook as he cared for her? She seemed pretty damn convincing and not all that upset, what was he going to tell Jungkook when he saw him again, the painful truth that would clearly devastate him?

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