Throw Caution to the Wind

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He got to his feet and followed behind her, "What do you mean? Did I say something wrong?"

She sighed heavily, and began to ramble, "No, I just feel like this is going too fast and I'm not being smart and I should be after everything and yet I don't want to be-"

He placed his hands around her waist, "I know it's scary, but imagine if Rose never opened up and gave Jack a chance, she would've missed the love of her life."

"Are you suggesting..."

"I'm suggesting you trust me."

Having a fling with Jeon Jungkook was a laughable fantasy before coming to Korea, so much so that she had naturally put it out of her mind, assuming-like anyone else-that she would get hit by lightning six times before even meeting him, much less him actually pursuing her, but here she stood, wrapped in his arms afraid of getting hurt again. Afraid of the cutest man on earth that had proved to be one of the most caring people she had met so far. Afraid that he would ruin her fan-girl idea that he and the rest of BTS were the only men in the solar system that were different. Could she even come back from such a thing?

"Okay, Jack. Let's do it." She chuckled and hugged him tighter, feeling his muscles relax.

"It's a good choice Rose, I promise," He scrunched his face, "But if for some reason we end up in the middle of the ocean, can you not let go? I was very disappointed with that part."

She raised her head and pushed him a little, her brows knitted, "I know, right?" Her lips curved, "I promise I won't."

He popped his head up, "Shh, did you hear that?"

In the distance they heard Jin call, "Jungkoooook! Jungwaaaa! Jungkookiiiiiiie!"

He rolled his eyes, "Mother's calling, I guess we gotta get back."

He took her hand and lead her back as he explained, "I kinda didn't tell anyone I was leaving....I told them I was sick. It's just that they treat me like a kid, like I'm always doing something wrong."

She frowned as she stepped over some sticks, "I get that, my sisters are older than me and it's like they can't see me as anything but their baby sister. Like they need to look after me all the time."

"Exactly. I guess we can relate on this, I wonder what else we have in common?" He thought for a moment, "You...wouldn't tell anyone...that we are here, right? I mean...BTS?" He stopped and turned towards her, pouting.

Ahh, the sexy pouting face. If only she could savor this longer, "I wouldn't dare."
They began walking again, "I am one-hundred percent Army, I protect BTS no matter what!" She gave a salute as she giggled.

"Seriously though, I would never do that. I love you guys!"

His face lit up, "You love us? love me too?" He joked. She cut her eyes at him, "Except for you."

His eyes widened, "Ah, why except for me?"

"Because you are Jeon Jungkook, not BTS's Jungkook."

He looked relieved, "Oh, okay, but you will fall madly in love with me by the end of your stay, trust me." He winked at her.

"JUNGKOOKAHHHHH!" Jin crowed again.

"I'm here! I'm right here!" He called to Jin, waving his arm.

"Jungkook! I was worried si-oh! I didn't realize you were with a friend."

"I'm so sorry, I'm vacationing here and heard a noise so I called him over, I hope it's okay. It's a little scary being out here in the middle of nowhere."

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