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It has now been eight months since Jungkook and I slept together, and the only thing that I had to remind me that it wasn't just my imagination was my swollen belly, swollen ankles, and my insatiable appetite.

He doesn't know he has a baby on the way, and I'm okay with that now, even though I wasn't at first. I couldn't imagine having a child out there somewhere and not knowing it, so I tried my best to let him know; however, this proved impossible. I tried to get tickets to literally every stop on their tour, ending up with only one ticket right in the middle of the crowd! I ended up giving it to a friend online as it would be been too far away for him to even see me.

I tried on social media too, as conspicuously as possible of course, but there wasn't much I could put without putting our business out there for everyone to know and I stopped eventually anyways because out of the millions of messages sent, he probably never read them anyways.

I even sent several letters, and either he actually read them and didn't care, or they never got to him.

So now I was fully assured that I had tried every way humanly possible to notify him, it's not my fault he ditched me the way he did, and that's for him to deal with, not me. Still, every day that goes by I die a little when I think that I'll never be able to tell this baby about their father.

Everyone I know has pretty much turned against me for not disclosing who the father is, but when I hinted around that it could be a celebrity (just testing the waters)I was told that anyone that would really claim that would need mental help. Can you imagine why I haven't told anyone?

But enough about that, I'm going baby shopping today and I'm spoiling this child rotten, and maybe myself a little too. I had saved up all this time, got myself a small house just for the two of us, and now I was going to blow half my savings!

I turned into a store I had been eyeing for a while and no sooner than I had entered, I emerged with a full bag of baby sleepers and absolutely no shame.

I held my head high my entire shopping trip, that is until I came across the cutest sleeper, and it had Jungkook's face on it with his cheeks poked out. I stared at it for a moment before I broke down into tears, and I mean I made a total fool out of myself.

The clerks came running over and all ten (at least-maybe more) customers came to see what was wrong.

"It's j-just so c-cute....I'm s-sorry." I said as I blubbered.

"It's okay, I'm a pregnant Army too!" One lady patted me on the back once I started to calm down, "So I take it Jungkook's the father?"

I choked on my saliva. "Are you okay? Put your arms up." She smiled at me and pointed to her belly, "This one's father is Suga, but don't tell my husband!"

I then realized she just meant who was my bias, "Oh, mine is actually Jimin." I wanted to say there's no way in hell Jungkook could ever be my bias, and I wish I could've said I'd never allow him to father my baby, but you know how that goes.

I exchanged numbers with the lady and made my way home, but not before I stocked up on ice cream, I was going to need plenty of it to get through the rest of the weekend, but when I got home and found the huge stack of packages that almost took up the entire porch, I didn't know that the ice cream would be of no use.

There was a letter laid on top of the packages that caught my eye with the word "South Korea." I tore the envelope open and didn't even care about my hair being tousled around blown into my mouth. I spit it out and frantically read it:

We apologize, these packages have been sitting in our warehouse due to the zip code was not correct. Please contact our offices to verify the zip code in the event further mail is needed to be sent.


There's only one person, in all of South Korea, that I know.....and there's no way he sent me these, he's the jerk that got me pregnant, the one that wanted nothing to do with me and didn't even have the decency to tell me! He's.....he's......the sweetest man alive. I started crying all over again when I opened the first box and read a small note.

My Beautiful Y/N,

I have tried to call and message you and the number is invalid. Are you mad at me? Did you regret us being together? I know I left abruptly, but Namjoon said he explained. I want you to know that you are my soulmate, and the first chance I get I'm coming for you. I won't stop until I get answer from you, even if the answer is that I meant nothing to you.


Yours Truly

This box contained a small charm bracelet, the charm being a lovely shade of purple, our favorite color. I quickly opened another package to find another note and a painting of us together:

My Beautiful Y/N,

I will forever have this image in my head, I will forever love you.


Yours Truly

Another package revealed a black satin dress with sapphire colored gem-encrusted spaghetti straps with a note saying that he couldn't wait to see it on me. If only he knew how big I was now!

I went through half of the boxes and made a mess on my porch, completely unaware until a neighbor came over to help me carry everything inside.

"Are these from the um, nice gentlemen, that came by last week?" He asked.

"Oh, no....no this one is actually a decent human being, I'm not even sure if the other is human at all." I joked but I was being for real at the same time.

"Well, not to get in your business or anything, but I'm fairly certain the one that came over last week is a narcissist, I ran into him at the store down the road and he made this huge deal with the clerk about being right but he was clearly in the wrong, anywho, just be careful, okay?"

"I will, thank you for your help."

He went back home and I put my melted ice cream in the freezer as I went through more packages trying to find a number or some way to contact him other than by mail to no avail.

I was hopeless again and ended up shoving ice cream in my mouth, watching romance movies and crying, it was pretty ugly.

The next day there was a quiet knock at my door, so faint I almost questioned myself as to whether I imagined it or not. I opened the door and my eyes filled with tears, "Jung..Jungkook?"

He stood there, a beautiful smile upon his face while tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Y/N, I-" I immediately fell into him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. He hugged me and laid his cheek on my head as he rubbed my back. Oh god it felt so good to be in his arms again. He was just as warm and as soft as I remembered and it made me cry even harder until I realized: I'm pregnant!

I pulled away from him and he looked down at my massive belly and looked back up at me with a pained expression.

Oh god, it's over before it started again.

He looked away, massaging the back of his neck nervously. "Did...uh...is there someone....else?" His voice cracked and he cleared his throat, looking away from me.

I shook my head, "No....I tried to get in touch with you but," I shrugged my shoulders as I looked down, ashamed of myself for not trying harder.

He stepped inside and closed the door behind him, a serious look in his eyes that gave me the shivers. "You haven't been with anyone else? Even before? Not that I think you have or anything.....it's just that-" His tone was sincere and I knew he wasn't accusing me.

"No, no one in the last two years, at least, just you."

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