Ideal Type

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A wide-eyed Jungkook walked into the studio and politely bowed to his favorite female singer, telling himself not to run and purposely holding onto his hands so he didn't touch his ears, a habit he knew would give away his nervousness. Yes, he was nervous alright, and nearly lost his footing as he walked closer to her, a bright smile on her face.

Shit! Of course! It just had to be her that he'd be singing a duet with!

He was in full panic mode but the fact that he still had time to try and contact Y/N before this song was advertised or released and the mountain of insane rumors started, calmed him slightly.

"Okay, here's your lyrics." A staff member with a cast on his foot hobbled over to the two and handed them both a piece of paper, "Sorry it's so sudden, they want the song to be released at midnight, just try your best."

"WHAT?" Jungkook's mouth dropped open and he looked at her, realizing the irritation in his voice, "I'm sorry, this was just so unexpected."

She nodded her head but didn't say anything as she averted her eyes. Jungkook exhaled slowly, trying not to make an audible sigh as he could tell he was making her horribly uncomfortable.

He straightened his posture and decided to focus on the lyrics.
We were meant to be, just you and me...
Noona you are my everything....
Oh god no!
Let me make love to you tonight....
Oh hell no!

"Wait! No, no, no, no....this is a joke, right? This can't possibly be the real lyrics!" He looked at the staff member wildly.

The staff member gave him a half smile, "I'm sorry. That's what they gave me, I didn't mix it up, see?" He pointed to Jungkook's name beside his lyrics.

Jungkook sighed and slapped his hand to his forehead, "Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back." He unknowingly stomped out of the studio and into the manager's office, holding up his paper, his hand wrapped around it as if he were choking it. "What is this? What happened to my image? Do you know the rumors that will go along with this?"

The manager stood up, "Yes, and luckily she has agreed to this to help you out. The rumors that will spread about this will be much better than the ones that foreigner will soon spread! You need this and I don't want any lip about it, get back in there and make it believable!"

Jungkook's mental state was wildly degrading as he stood there, his heart pounding so loudly he couldn't hear anything. He rubbed his eyes and blinked as his vision blurred, his hands barely visible in front of him.

"Jungkook?" The manager asked as he ran around the desk to grab him, "What's wrong with you?"

~ ~

"Okay....bad news, actually, a lot of bad news. Song said that Jungkook is not feeling well but she will try to sneak him her phone once the doctors and managers leave him alone, apparently he had a panic attack or something."

"He's okay though, right? Does she know what caused his attack?" Namjoon questioned and took a sip of his drink.

Taehyung puffed out his cheeks, "Well, it may have had something to do with the fact that him and IU are supposed to record a love song together."

Namjoon spewed the drink from his lips, "WHAT?!?" He jumped to his feet, "That's ridiculous! Okay, that's it, I'm going to make a quick trip to Seoul, I hate to ask you, but can you drive me?"

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