Free Falling

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No make up on? Well, that's EXACTLY how you read my story! Be your natural self as you descend into this chapter 🥰 The world loves natural matter what you heard!

"Because it's okay, I liked them all, especially the drawing, that was me, right?"

He raised his head up like a puppy that just heard his owner come in the door, "Uh, yeah." A little more relaxed, he stepped closer to her, "If I had more time, it could've been better, I wasn't happy with the shading."

"Are you kidding me? It was great! I would give anything to be able to draw that way." A smile crept across his lips as he looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. "So, you're not mad at me?"

She put her hand on her hip and looked off into the distance for a moment. He made her warm and comfortable, genuinely happy for once, and then practically saved her. She shrugged and gave him a mischievous smile, "Mad at you for what? I think you're the sweetest person I've ever met. Who else would help a complete stranger the way you did?"

"Eh, it was nothing," He waved his hand, "But I would like to continue, if you don't mind." They both looked at each other like deer caught in a headlight. His unexpected words hit her like Cupid's arrow, right in the chest, a warm tingling feeling spreading all over, an excitement she had never felt, right in the pit of her stomach.

He bit his lip as he stared into her eyes, it was as if he literally felt himself free-falling into her soft brown eyes, falling for her. No, rather a star, shooting straight into the galaxy of her eyes, her gravity pulling him in, quite literally. A few moments had gone by before he realized he was standing only inches away from her face, her looking up at him as if he was the world.

She suddenly exhaled and broke eye contact with him, bringing him back to reality and making him realize he had been holding his breath as well. "Wow," He breathlessly whispered as he looked around them.

Out of no where, lightning flashed across the sky, a crackling sound ringing in their ears that made them both jump.

"Get back inside." He raised his voice so she could hear him over the sudden rain storm that followed, "I'll come to see you later, if that's okay." A twinkle was dancing in his eyes, he couldn't take them off of her.

"Of course!" He ran behind her and only after she made it to her porch and turned around did he even dare to keep moving. "Hurry! You're getting soaked!" She called after him, laughing excitedly. He flashed her a smile and ran off more like a child running towards presents on Christmas than a man running to get out of the rain and he couldn't stop himself from looking back at her once more to wave.

She made her way to her bedroom to change, feeling weak in the knees and euphoric. Her cheeks started hurting she was smiling so big as she jumped on her bed excitedly and stared up at the ceiling. She had loved her ex, but she only just realized what being in love felt like, and she wanted more. Much more.

She narrowed her eyes and sat up, a thought popping into her head, but he's Jeon Jungkook.

He would never have the time for her. How is it the only person in the world that made her genuinely happy just happened to be one of the busiest, most hardworking men in the world that might as well live on the moon for all the distance between their homes?

She didn't mind secrecy, she hated the spotlight anyways, too much drama and hate. She wouldn't dare tell a soul, not a single one, that she even met him, much less the fact that he was so sweet to her.


"Hold it right there." Jimin caught Jungkook by his rain soaked hoodie, causing him to nearly lose his balance as he made a beeline to his room.

"I saw what you did. You're putting us at risk, what if she tells someone we are here? No one is supposed to know, no one!"

Jungkook jerked away from Jimin and glared at him, "Mind your own business." He thundered off into his room and changed his clothes. He laid down on his bed already suppressing his anger at Jimin's controlling behavior as he stared at his favorite woman's house.

Oh shit, I didn't ask her name.

He slapped his hand to his forehead, could he really be so stupid as to not ask her name? He smiled to himself, yes, if her eyes hadn't entranced him he would've known how to act properly. Still, he couldn't bare to blame her for the spell she placed on him instantly.

"Jungkook? Can we talk?" Namjoon opened the door and poked his head in. Jungkook shot him a dirty look, "Only if you aren't here to scold me."

Namjoon came in and closed the door, "Nah, I just want to talk. The others have some issues with what your doing, we just want to understand what's going on."

"I'm living my life. If you saw a beautiful woman wouldn't you-"

"Whoa, hold on a second there, beautiful woman?" Namjoon cut him off, "So you like, like her? Is that it?"

Jungkook pressed his lips together for a moment, "Well, yes. But not until just now, when we were out there."

"Okay bro, look." He checked to make sure the door was still closed, "I'm all for your little fling, I just don't want this to cause a problem for us, okay? You have to be careful. Can you guarantee she won't tell anyone we are here?"

Jungkook contorted his face, "You see, it's not like that, we didn't really talk about me. Or who I am. I don't think she knows me, if she does, she didn't seem to care anyways."

Namjoon's eyebrows knitted together and his jaw dropped open, "Really?" He shook his head, "I mean I know not everyone knows us, but....okay. Somehow, you are going to have to have a conversation with her about this. She has to know not to tell anyone, can you do that?"

Jungkook raised up, "How am I supposed to do that without sounding like I'm bragging? Ohhh, Rapmon!" He fell back against his pillow and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Good question. Let me know when you figure it out, okay?"

Namjoon ran out of the room as Jungkook launched his pillow at him, barely missing him.


It was 8:00 pm and Jungkook had taken a long shower, dressed himself up, and scrunched his hair into wavy magnificence. He checked himself out in the mirror, tight black jeans with rips at the knees and a slim leather belt with a small jewel encrusted buckle? Check. Black t-shirt under a satin blue button down dress shirt, tucked in? Check. Satisfied, he winked in the mirror and walked off to grab the champagne bottle he had chilling in the freezer.


With a towel wrapped around her, Y/N searched through her clothes trying to find the perfect outfit until she ran across her wear-anywhere dark purple, sundress. It frilled out and came just above her knees. It was perfect paired with her black-chain choker. She took one last glance in the mirror and nodded, it was classy enough for a night on the town and simple enough for a picnic.

She walked into her living room and saw him standing at the door mid-knock. He continued to lift his arm and ran his fingers through his hair. Nice save.

"I see you made it home in one piece." She gave him a flirtatious smile, closing the door behind him.

"That was some rain, wasn't it? I thought for sure it was an unpredicted typhoon for a moment."  He hated it when people made small talk about the weather, but here he was doing it himself. Panicking, he changed the subject as he closed the door behind him, "I brought this for us." He turned around to face her, not realizing how closely she was standing and his breath caught in his throat, whatever he was about to say next slipped his mind, " look beautiful."

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