Fear of Love

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           Lort hammercy I made a big error in this chapter.....forgive me for my stupidity as I update this 🤣

         After filming all day and taking several power naps, Jungkook was overly hyped to sneak over to Y/N's again, but this time, Jin and Taehyung were way ahead of him. "Where are you going, Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked as he flipped on the living room switch, revealing both men in robes and Jungkook dressed to the nines.

Jin's mouth dropped open and he stood up, circling the Kpop star standing in his living room, wearing a snug-fitting black suit with a dark burgundy button-up shirt, his finest jewelry, and his hair was styled to look wet.

"You're even wearing make up! And eyeliner?" Taehyung asked as he poked at his cheek.

"It's nothing, I'm just going to meet Y/N for a few."

"But Kookie, I thought you wanted someone to love you for who you are? Why are you dressed up like you're about to go on stage or something?"

Jungkook glared at him, "Look, I am being me, I'm allowed to look nice, okay? You wouldn't understand anyways."

"Give is a chance, please?" Jin begged.

Jungkook sighed, exasperated. He turned to look out the window, afraid he would show up too late. "I do feel some kind of way about her, alright? She's....been through a lot....exactly what I don't know, but I'm just trying to have fun."

Jin gasped, "Have fun?! You can't play with a woman's heart that way!"

Jungkook shook his head, "That's not what I mean. She's very special to me, and as long as I'm taking care of what I have to and I'm not fucking anything up, none of you should be on my case." He paused before he opened the door, "I'll be back before we shoot in the morning....get some sleep, I don't want you guys to be tired."

He approached Y/N's and found her on her porch, her black dress twirling as she danced around in simple but elegant heels. He stopped at the bottom of her steps and placed his hands in his pocket, a pleasant smile on his face, just taking in the sight of her as she hummed and danced around.

She stopped when she realized she had an audience and her eyes lit up. He reached his hand out and helped her down the stairs as he checked her out with an eyebrow raised, "You look absolutely stunning." His deep voice sent shivers down her spine as he placed both hands gently on her waist.

"Would you like to dance with me?" He asked, his eyes sparkling.

"But there's no music."

"You could sing for me like you were a moment ago."

Her face reddened, "I was humming, I can't sing....it's too embarrassing."

He pulled her closer and she laid her head on his chest, "One day we will sing to our children together, for now, the tree frogs and crickets can sing to us."

A hot flash ran through her body, causing her cheeks to flush, "What makes you think we will have children?"

He couldn't possibly be for real, not this soon. Some men want children, but Jungkook just wasnt the type...or was he?

He tilted his head to get a look at her face, "Because....I can see them in your eyes."

She looked up at him, puzzled and intrigued by his answer, but the twinkle in his eyes put her at ease. An image suddenly flashed across her mind of Jungkook standing over a crib with a burp cloth draped across his shoulder, gently bouncing a bundle of joy in a light pink blanket as he patted her on the butt and sang quietly.

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