Jeon Jungkook

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You're beautiful! Don't EVER forget that! 💜💜💜💜

Jungkook beamed as he took a bite of his supper while watching the girl dance around her rental happily as she prepared her meal. She had been wrapped in the blanket all day and appeared to be in a much better mood, which in turn put him in a better mood, even though the weather was still depressing.

"I'm glad you two are happy now, but I still think it's borderline psychotic to watch her all day, don't you?" Asked Namjoon as he stirred his noodles around on his plate, "I mean if she knew you were staring, do you think she'd be so happy?"

Jungkook swallowed the last of his food and wiped his face with a napkin, "Only if it was taken out of context. It's not crazy, I just happened to see her having a hard time and felt bad, so I gave her a gift to cheer her up. And I haven't been staring at her, I've just noticed that she likes the gift."

"Yes Jungkook," Jin patted him on the hand assuringly, "You are a very compassionate individual, Namjoon could learn a thing or two from you, we all could really." Jin fixated his eyes on Namjoon's and gave him a disapproving look.

"Yeah, I guess so, you did well, Jungkook. I'm proud of you, alls well that ends well, am I right?" Namjoon winked at him and began eating his food again.

But that's not how it ends.

Jungkook smirked to himself as he went to his bedroom, where his next gift was already underway. This time he had drawn a beautiful picture from his memory of her while she sang the day before. He held it up to marvel at it again, proud that he was able to capture her delicate features.

He rolled it up and tied it with a blue satin ribbon he had found in the art supplies they were given for the show they would be taping there in just a few days and contemplated the best time to give it to her.


Y/N woke up the next morning tightly wrapped in the blanket her mysterious Jungkook had given her and played with the far-fetched idea that Jeon Jungkook himself could be the stranger. She laughed at the silly idea as she got dressed and draped it across her shoulders again.

Around the same time of day, 12:00, someone knocked on the door again, but this time, she was stuck in the bathroom, her head attached to a curling iron. She quickly tried to untwine her hair from the iron, causing it to become a tangled mess before she was finally able to pull free. She raced towards the door and just the same as the day before, not a soul was around. She looked down and this time there appeared to be a scroll tied up with a ribbon.

She excitedly opened it and flattened it out against the kitchen table, her mouthed gaped open but no sound came out.

It was her, a beautiful drawing of her by someone extremely skilled. As she looked further at the details, she noticed the signature at the bottom, hiding in a flower's stem sideways.

Jeon Jungkook.

This time she gasped. She turned to look at the home near hers but no lights were on. The Jeon Jungkook that drew this clearly drew it from the perspective of that house, but it appeared vacant each time she looked at it. Was he hiding out in that house to get away from the general public? And if so, why would he expose himself with a drawing to her?

She decided it didn't matter.

It was the sweetest gift anyone had given her, even if it was from a guy that was possibly delusional and spying on her. Weirdos made the world go around and she giggled to herself as she thought of the interesting story this would be for her BTS Army group online. 

Maybe another time.

She looked at the picture again shaking her head, whoever was doing this genuinely seemed to want to make her happy, who cares what their name is or who they are?

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