Falling Deeper

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Jungkook closed the door behind him and quietly tip toed through the living room and down the hall to his room. He grabbed the door knob and upon opening it he heard another's door open and he closed it again, turning around as if he had just came out. "Wow," Taehyung rubbed his eyes, "Is that what you're wearing to go hiking?"

Jungkook froze for a moment as he thought quickly, "Ohhh, hiking? That's today? In that case, I need to change."

He went into his room and closed the door behind him. He leaned his back against the door for a moment and smiled as he thought of Y/N.

"Ah, such a beautiful name." His eyes danced dreamily as his fingers traced his belt buckle mindlessly while he day dreamed.

"What was that?" Taehyung called from the other side.

Jungkook immediately snapped out of his thoughts, "Uh....I SAID IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY, ISN'T IT?"

Taehyung looked towards the window at the end of the hall and only saw clouds. "Yeah, I guess." He swung Jungkook's door open and saw him going through his drawers.
"You're not falling in love, are you?"

Jungkook slowly turned around, "Huh? What do you mean?" He asked innocently.

"I mean the girl next door.....you never came home last night."

Jungkook laughed, "What? No.....I did....and she's a woman, not a girl. But it's not possible to fall in love with a person you just met, you know that!" He rolled his eyes as he turned back around and continued to search his drawers, a horrifying thought came to mind: Am I in love, really? But that's impossible.

He stopped in his tracks as his mind wandered and Taehyung continued. "I know, but....sometimes it can feel like love when it's not, and before you know, you're hooked."

"And what does that feel like?" Jungkook whispered to himself.

"What's that?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook turned around with his clothes in hand, "Nothing, everything's fine, don't worry. Now let's get ready, we don't want to be late, right?"

Several times throughout the day Jungkook woke to an elbow getting rammed in his ribs by the other members and the cloudiness wasn't helping him one bit. By 9:00pm, Jungkook had become an anxious mess and made everyone rush through their meal that had been filmed. "Okay, who's up for some fireworks?" Jin beamed as he held up a box and jiggled it.

The others cheered and began crowding around the box but Jungkook stayed in his chair, trying to fake that he was absolutely delighted for the camera. All he had done the entire day was think about Y/N and at this point his vision of her face was becoming fuzzy, making him upset at the fact that filming was still going on.

"Guys, I'd love to but I think I'm going to head to sleep, I have a bit of a tummy ache." He stood up and hunched over, rubbing his stomach for extra measure.

Namjoon patted him on the back, "We understand, I think I feel one coming on myself, hope you feel better man."

Jungkook showered and put on his regular shorts and hoodie and snuck out the back to go to Y/N's, still not fully understanding his feelings for her.

"Hey, you came back." Y/N joked as she closed the door behind him. "Nothing would keep me away from you." He confessed calmly. Instead of scolding himself internally this time, he really didn't care. He meant it and he wanted her to know, no matter how cheesy it was.

She smiled up at him and giggled, "If you keep this up I might get used to it, then what will I do when I have to leave?"

He tilted his head, "Ah, I guess I would have to keep you with me then."
A giggle barely escaped her lips before she realized he wasn't kidding, or didn't appear to be kidding anyway, and she cleared her throat instead. She looked away nervously, trying to think of something to say but all she could focus on was the hole he was burning through her with the stare he was giving her.

He walked up to her calmly, looking her directly in the eyes and brushed some loose strands of hair from her cheek and whispered in a deep voice, "I want to be honest with you. I cannot stop thinking about you." He sighed as he broke eye contact with her and looked out the window, a million thoughts racing through his mind.

She watched in shock as he for a moment looked as if he would cry before returning his gaze to her, "I'm new at this, at a lot of things, but I never expected to feel so strongly about you.....about anyone." He shook his head and continued, "If you think I'm a creep, I'll leave, and I promise I won't bother you again. But I had to tell you this, I'm just no good at pretending." He backed up slightly, giving her room to breath. "If you want out, just tell me."

She stood there, trying to process the information he had just given her, but the sorrow in his eyes as he waited for her answer was more than she could take. "No....I don't want out." Her answer came out breathlessly and she cupped her hands around his face, "I want you."

Was it the right response? She wasn't sure. She felt something for him too, but she had more knowledge than to think this would turn into something. Even if she wasn't that much older than he, she had the experience to know that this was simply the first time he had felt this way, and he was too young and too sheltered to know any better. Even if that weren't the case, she was much too damaged by him to give Jungkook the love he fully deserved. None of that mattered right now though, what did matter was that she had put a smile on his face and he was happy and she was happy, even if it was only temporary.

"The first thing I want to do, is learn everything about you." He took her hands in his and smiled at her angelically, "Would you like to go for a walk in the moonlight?" His feelings of butterflies and euphoria completely diminished any feelings of tiredness and his energy levels were high as he swung their arms back and forth.

"Sure, why not? Wait. Are there any bears?"

He raised his eyebrows and playfully looked to the side, "Well, there shouldn't be any, but don't worry! I will sacrifice myself so you can get away if we meet any animals!" He pulled her outside and led her in the opposite direction of the place he was staying.

"What if there's two bears?" She asked flirtatiously.

He scrunched up his mouth and pulled her closer to him, "Then I will fight them both while you run."

They both giggled as they followed the pale moonlight to a grove of trees where they could see just enough to know there weren't any creatures lurking.

Jungkook laid against a grassy hill, "Come." He patted beside him. "So, I know you don't like bears, how about we start at the beginning? What was your childhood like?"

She sighed as she laid beside him, "Well, I guess it was normal....for someone in my country, anyways."

Jungkook hadn't a clue what "normal" was so he asked another question, "Okay, what about your first love? What was he like?"

"Eh, he was typical."

Jungkook snickered at her answer, "Alright then, when did you first get your period?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Well, I guess the regular, WAIT, what?"

"I just wanted to see if you were going to give me a vague answer again." He rolled onto his side and pulled her hand to his chest, "Do you not trust me?"

"No, I mean yes....I just don't normally talk about myself, it's kind of hard to believe that someone, especially you, would even want to know me."

He cocked his head to the side, "Really?" He thought for a moment about the phone call last night that had her in tears. "You must have gone through a lot." He whispered, "Can I make sure that the rest off your life is happy?"

She looked at his dancing eyes, full of innocence and then raised up suddenly. Had he really hinted at being with her for the rest of their lives? Could this be a real-life dream come true?

Not a chance.

"Jungkook, you are so sweet and all but.....this is too much." She got up and turned away from him, tears burning her eyes.

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