Chapter 35: I never will

Start from the beginning

"No, they don't." Alexis shakes her head. Lee sits back down I didn't of her.

"Who was your mother? What did she want from the family?" Lee asks.

"I don't know. Why the hell are you asking me? I haven't seen the bitch since I was six months old. She left me with you assholes."

"Don't lie to me, Alex." Lee presses the knife to her stomach. A chill ran down her back as the cool metal dug into her skin. Alexis felt the knife pierce her skin, blood pooling onto the blade. Her skin stung as the blade ripped the flesh.

"I'm not lying, you dick." Alexis hisses through clenched teeth.

"I thought you would've learned after all the other scars we've had to give you." Lee adds pressure to the knife and tears prick Alexis' eyes. She felt the skin breaking, ripping apart as the knife dug further into her stomach.

"Torture me all you want. I don't give a rats ass. I don't know shit."

"I'd cut your tongue out right now if I didn't have to make you talk." Lee moves the knife, blood pours from the gash on her stomach, he lifted the knife before bringing it down and burying it in her thigh. Alexis groans, closing her eyes tightly.

She felt the muscles in her leg being sliced, the blood dripping down her skin and soaking in her jeans.

"Who killed Matt?" Lee demands.

"A werewolf, you buffoon. That's what we were hunting." Alexis didn't let a tear fall. Lee pulled the knife from her leg, crimson liquid staining the silver blade.

"Whatever killed him wasn't A werewolf. Did you do it?"

"No!" Alexis answers. "I may have hated him, but I didn't kill him."

"Mick." Lee gestures toward himself. Mick nods, grabbing a bottle of alcohol and handing it to Lee. He also hands him a hook, it was old and rusty and had a short chain attached to the end. Dried blood stained it and Alexis knew what was going to happen. "Now you can start talking or we can open some old wounds." Lee smirks. "And make some new ones."

"Go ahead. I don't know anything." Alexis clenched her fists. Lee takes a swig of alcohol before nodding his head.

"You asked for it."

Alexis sucks in a breath as he dug the hook into the hole in her thigh. She felt the sharp metal cut through tendons and muscles as he pulled the chain toward himself.

"What do you know?" He asks calmly.

"Nothing!" Alexis cries out, gripping the the chair. Lee jerks the chain, the hook gets ripped out of her leg making her cry out in pain.

"You'll change your mind." Lee says.

Alexis grits her teeth as the torture begins.


A scream fell from Alexis' lips as the blooded blade sank further into her shoulder.

"Answer me!" Lee yelled, ripping the knife out and stabbing her in the side. Alexis felt the knife barely miss her liver. It almost nicked it.

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