Your Life (Epilogue Part 1)

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You had easily won the battle against Wallace. Well, while not easily, it was quick to go ahead and take him down. The battle was long fought, and you were able to go ahead and take down the final gym leader and claim your badge. Once that was done, you and May were left to your own devices. Despite May and your wanting to go out and explore the world, you also knew it was time for home. You had spent a good time away from home, and frankly, you were missing the house you grew up in back there.

May, while hesitant, did agree to come with you. The journey home was relatively swift, thanks to people being kind enough to offer rides on home. Plus, the endpoint of the journey was a hell of a lot closer than you first thought. But hey, the faster you two got home, the better off you guys were going to be. So, the journey was off back home to Littleroot Town. You and May passed over the hill, looking over Littleroot, and took in a deep breath as you saw the town once again. May stepped up beside you and offered up a smile.

(Y/N): Home sweet home.

May: Yeah.

(Y/N): So, before we get going, I have to ask, what are you going to do?

May: About?

(Y/N): Well, everything. About Wallace, about your parents. Like...what is going down?

May stood there, turning back to the town. She shrugged and smiled a little to herself and then over to you.

May: I don't know. But I do know one thing, it will be my life. Not hers. She wants revenge, that's all on her.

May walked down the path towards the town. You smiled a little and walked behind her. The town seemed a lot quieter. Granted, that could be because you and May were both gone. You glanced around, trying to find something of serious change but nothing. There was almost nothing new about this place. You stopped in front of your hours and glanced back to May.

(Y/N): What's up?

May: Nothing.

(Y/N): gonna head back to your place?

May: I don't know. Don't think I will.

(Y/N): Well, what are you going to do?

May: I don't know. I really can't say.

(Y/N): Well. You are welcome to come here. I'm sure my mother won't mind at all.

May: That's nice, but I'm good. Really. I...I think I need to be on my own for a little while.

May went to walk off, but you grabbed her hand swiftly. She glanced over at you and you sighed a little. You let go of her hand, and she fully turned back to you.

May: Alright. You don't need to worry about me 24/7. I can manage.

(Y/N): I know you can. I just...I always worry about you, you know.

May: (Smiles) I know.

May walked up to you and pecked you on the cheek. You blushed a little, and she smiled widely at you. You gave her a nod, and she returned it, walking off down the road. You walked up your front yard and stopped once at the door. You glanced back and saw her walk away from you and down the corner. You gave a single nod and walked inside the house.

(Y/N): Hey, mom! I'm home.

Mother: Hey, honey! I'm in the kitchen!

You smiled a little and walked through the house. However, you stopped yourself completely when you saw your father standing in the kitchen with her. You slowly formed a fist however, before his eyes were on you, you took a deep breath and released the fist. You gave him a nod a little and, walked over to your mom, and hugged her.

(Y/N): I missed you.

Mother: I missed you too.

She kissed your cheek and laughed a little. Glancing up, you saw your father looking down at you from his post. You pulled away from your mom slightly and looked at him. Your mother must have noticed something was up because she cleared her throat a little.

Mother: Norman. Do you have something to say to him?

Norman looked back down and sighed a little. He placed a hand on your shoulder and to a deep breath to speak.

Norman: Son. You impressed me. While I don't agree with your aggressive tactics, you should be fine on your own. So...good work out there, son.

(Y/N): I know you don't agree with how I battle. Just as I don't agree with you leaving my mother and I.

Mother: (Y/N)!

Norman: No...he's right.

Norman stood up and sighed a little. He glanced back down at you.

Norman: You are more than welcome to stay with me in Petalburg if you would like to.

You stayed there and took a deep breath. You gave a single nod and stepped away from him and around the corner of the countertop.

(Y/N): Thanks, Dad. But I'm alright. I know where I want to be. And where I need to be.

You gave your mother and smiled and walked out to the stairs and went up to your room. Norman's eyes followed you and continued to watch you head up the steps. He diverted his attention to his wife again and shrugged a little.

Norman: Was it something I said?

Mother: No. I think he's just like that now. He didn't just face you, you know.

Norman: Of course, I know. Where do you think I got the intel from in the first place?

Mother: Don't raise your voice at me.

Norman rolled his eyes and backed off a little. Your mother crossed her arms slightly and turned back to the counter.

Mother: Now, get outside and get the grill started. I want to make sure his first meal home is above average.

Norman rolled his eyes again and walked outside to the grill in the back. You, meanwhile, opened your window and walked on outside to sit on the roof. You smiled a little and took off your hat and jacket, and just took a deep breath. You leaned back a little and let the fresh air hit your face.

Your eyes opened a little, and looking out across the town, you found yourself at a moment of peace. You glanced down and saw May was crossing in front of your house. She smiled up at you and waved a little. You smiled and waved back to her. However, what caught your eye was the person behind her.

(Y/N): Professor Birch?!

The professor of the town and go to for the region, Professor Birch, walked up behind May with a bowl in his hand. He smiled as he locked eyes with you.

Birch: Ah! Children, hello to you both! It is marvelous to see you both back here safe and sound.

May: Where did you run off to?

Birch: Places to be. Pokemon to study. What are standing around here for, come on! We have a feast to enjoy!

You and May looked at one another and shrugged a little before heading back inside the house. You walked down the steps and saw your mother was smiling as she was unpacking some burgers. Professor Birch smiled and walked up to her, and placed the bowl of what looked like a salad on the counter.

(Y/N): Uh, what's happening?

Mother: Well, you just got home. And I figured you would be hungry. So, I decided a little barbecue outside would be nice to have.

You blinked a little and then looked out the back window and saw your father grilling. You slowly began to smile as you felt footsteps nearby. You turned back and smiled as your saw May walk up to you in your house. She looked out the back and smiled a little.

May: So, after this?

(Y/N): We live our lives. Seems simple enough.

May: I can get behind that.

(Y/N): too.

You both smiled at one another, holding each other's hand in yours. Your lives.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now