Flying Fight

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You guys had won the day of grinding for Pokemon and levels. After running through the coastline, you guys found a Sealeo for May just after you got yourself a mighty Manectric. In doing so, you guys got some pokemon to evolve as well. Your Seedot became a Nuzleaf and both your Abras went up to a Kadabra. But you guys knew you would still be no match for the next two gym leaders. You had to take this on. So you guys went out and started battling, doing side battles here and there.

From those battles, you spent around a day or two just leveling your pokemon up. Marshtomp went to Swampert. Combusken went to Blaziken. Sandshrew was finally given the chance to Sandslash. Zangoose got through enough training and finally got a good relationship with May. Well, a stable working relationship. Still needed to work on that. But that wasn't bad. You guys got enough power and were now ready to get going to the gym.

You guys opened the doors to the arena and stepped inside the massive gym. You kept bouncing up and down, getting more and more energized with each step. You turned back to May as you both got into the arena. Past them on the other side was the gym leader. She was sitting on a stone, looking at her nails. Winona looked over to you and jumped off of the stone, stretching a little with a smile. You guys approached the center of the arena and once there, she stretched out her hand to you with a smile.

Winona: Welcome trainers. I am Winona. It is an honor to have you here.

May: Honor to be here.

You guys smiled at one another.

Winona: Alright then, ready? Which one is up first?

You looked at May and gestured to Winona. She raised her hand, shook her head, and patted you on the back.

May: Take 'em down.

You nodded as you turned back to Winona. She bowed slightly before walking back to her side of the arena. You took a deep breath, feeling a little nervous about this one. A flying-type specialist would be a pain to go against. Winona tossed out her Swellow and got ready for battle. You tossed out your Manectric. Both of you looking at one another.

(Y/N): Manectric, go in for Thunder!

Winona: Counter it with Quick Attack.

Both pokemon charged in. You formed a small fist and waited to see what would happen. As Manectric used the attack, Swellow was able to dodge most of the strikes with quick attack. As Swellow came in for the strike, Manectric used one last thunder and struck both himself and Swellow. Both pokemon slid along the ground, twitching a little.

Manectric was the first to get up. You smirked, seeing your chance before you.

(Y/N): Go in for Spark!

Manectric ran up, jaws spewing electricity. Quickly, Swellow got up and flapped away but Manectric got up close and bit down on the pokemon.

Winona: Ariel Ace!

Swellow called out as its wings lit up. Quickly, the pokemon began to fight back against Manectric. Both pokemon pushing back against the other led you to smirk a little.

(Y/N): Thunder!

Another thunder bolt rained down from the sky and slam into Swellow. The pokemon was shocked and slowly fell down onto its back. Manectric jumped back towards you.

(Y/N): You good?

Manectric barked a little, telling you his answer. You cracked your neck and smirked a little. Winona threw out her next pokemon. A good match-up against yours. A Pelipper. You were a bit nervous but ready. While your other pokemon could handle flying types well, it would be a much faster battle with Manectric on your side.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now