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Finally, after a solid day of running around, you and May had reached the intended location of Lilycove. You both collectively sighed as you stepped over the final hill and looked down across the valley to the coast of the region. You stretched your back and your arms a little more as you glanced over to May. She turned to you and smiled a little. She placed a hand on your shoulder and smirked and pushed you back down the path, and took off running. You blinked a little and realized what had happened.

(Y/N): Oh heck no!

You took off after her as you heard her laughter. You caught up with May shortly after and continued to run down towards the edge of town. Finally, you arrived at the outskirts of the town and slid along the dirt path, turning back to May and smirking a little. She caught up to you and panted a little bit. You stepped over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, and offered her some water. She took it and sighed a little.

May: I forgot how fast you could be.

(Y/N): It's nothing.

May rolled her eyes and smiled a little. She grabbed your hand and walked into the town. Together, you both moved down the street together. You glanced around and saw some of the sites of the city. You guys glanced over and saw a massive structure named "Lilycove City Museum." You shrugged a little and looked slightly surprised.

(Y/N): Didn't know they had an entire museum here.

May: This place is a hot spot. Mostly tourism and site seeing as their main source of money.

(Y/N): And you know about all of this because?

May: It's called reading. I suggest you do it once in and while.

(Y/N): See, I could. But why when you have done it all for me?

May: You're impossible.

(Y/N): To beat? I am aware.

May laughed a little and started to walk off. You glanced back to the museum and back over towards May. You smiled a little and picked up the pace, and got beside her. You glanced back to the museum and then back down to look at her. She raised an eyebrow a little as she saw you staring like an idiot.

May: Alright. I'll bite. What is on your mind?

(Y/N): Want to go to that museum?

May: What?

(Y/N): Like we just hang out there for a day.

May: Whatever happened to wanting to get to battling and gym leaders?

(Y/N): Well, I'm just saying. A break would be nice once and a while.

May: When we are so close to the next gym?

You rubbed the back of your head a little as you guys rounded a corner.

(Y/N): Right. My bad.

May sighed and walked up in front of you. She looked at you and raised an eyebrow. You stopped and looked down towards her as well. You glanced around a little bit, feeling ever so slightly awkward.

(Y/N): What?

May: What is up with you? Are you hiding something from me?

(Y/N): What? No.

May: Really? I doubt that highly.

(Y/N): You're just being paranoid. Calm down, would you?

May: (Y/N), I'm being serious.

You sighed a little and leaned against the wall of the store you guys were in front of. You rubbed the back of your neck a little and sighed again.

May: Enough sighing. Get to the point.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now