Letting Go

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It had been a few hours since your shared victory against Brawly with May. Since then, she had stayed silent, almost upset about everything that had just transpired. You were busy packing up your gear and getting ready to head out the following day. However, after not hearing from May in so long, you grew a little worried about her. So, you went against better judgment and walked out of your room and walked down to May's. You knocked a few times but after no answer, and the door being locked, you had to walk back to your room.

After a few more moments of silence, Mudkip had walked over to you and placed his front two paws up on your leg. You looked down at him and softly picked him up and placed him down onto a window cill. You softly pat his head and went back to your gear. However, Mudkip cried out again as you slowly turned back to him.

(Y/N): What is it, boy?

Mudkip tapped his head against the window as you walked over to him. You pat his head and looked outside and saw a figure that looked like May. You cocked an eyebrow as you saw the figure speaking to what looked like a Wingull. You knew it had to be her. Quickly you ran outside of the hotel as you saw the Wingull fly off for a little bit.

You slid along the ground just as May slowly turned back to you. You panted a little as you slowly rose up and looked at her and pointed upward towards Wingull.

(Y/N): What...what just happened?

May: We need some time. That's all.

(Y/N): May. Did you just release him?

May: NO! I mean, I want to though. No sense in keeping a pokemon that gets knocked out every battle.

(Y/N): What? Who cares. He's a great addition to your team and...May what is this about?

May: It's nothing. He'll be back in the morning.

May began to walk back to the hotel. However, you held up your arm and stopped her from moving forward. May slowly turned her head over to you and you both locked eyes. She glanced away a little and slowly pushed back on you a bit. You kept the position up and May looked back at you, some anger in her eyes.

May: Let go.

(Y/N): Not until you tell me why you let go of Wingull.

May: I didn't!

(Y/N): Then it should be easy to tell me what happened.

May: Why do you need to know?

(Y/N): Because this could negatively impact you! And I can't let that happened!

May: And you care because why exactly?

(Y/N): BECAUSE!!! You...you're a friend. A good one too. If this hurts you so much, I need to know about it. Because sometimes talking things out could go ahead and lead to someone being better. And if you're not well, then we can fix this together! Trust me!

May stayed silent as she looked at you. You kept looking back, neither side moving. She slowly began to walk away from your arm, back out towards the tree. You slowly began to follow behind her, trying to keep up with her. May sighed a little as she slowly turned back to you once she reached the tree.

May: I don't know. I don't know anymore.

(Y/N): What do you mean? Try to explain it to me.

May: It's going to sound so stupid.

(Y/N): You think I care about that?

May slowly turned back to you as you offered her a slight smile. She sighed a little and walked back to you.

May: You just know so much. About everything. Especially pokemon. When we started out on this journey, I was expecting some even footing there. I don't even know why I did. So, by seeing you take out two gym leaders with just one pokemon this early on...it annoyed me. I admire that ability. You are a fantastic trainer and an even better battler. I just...how am I suppose to compete with that at all?!

You looked at her...flabbergasted. You didn't know what else there was to say. You were confused for one thing, but...you kinda understood. Granted being compared to your father and your friend were two different things but still. You slowly walked up to May and placed a hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): I understand that part. But why Wingull?

May: (Sighs) I...That kinda goes back to the jealousy part too. You always win battles with one pokemon. And both times I had Wingull out, sure he did a great job but...what's the point of having him if all he does is fall out of the sky every single battle?!

(Y/N): That's not the point!

May looked at you in some confusion as you walked up to her, placing your hands on her shoulders. She looked at you.

(Y/N): He's your pokemon. A friend. Someone who is willing to help you out no matter what! No one wants to see you fail. And you can't blame Wingull for doing his job. Yes, he got knocked out and yes, you want to only use one pokemon in battle for some reason. But that's the way pokemon go. We battle, we lose and we battle again. And Wingull will do that constantly. You are never going to have the ultimate pokemon. I lucked out that Duskull had an immunity to fighting types. Don't you get it May, I LUCKED OUT!!!

May stepped away a little as you sighed a bit. You reached out a little but May stepped away and leaned up against a tree. You slowly made your way over to her, not approaching or going closer, just standing nearby her.

You both stayed that way for some time. Not saying anything. Not even trying to communicate in any way shape or form. However, both Mudkip and Torchic popped out of their poke balls and stood before each respective trainer. You looked down at the two and snickered a little before turning over to look at May.

(Y/N): Little guys with big hearts.

You turned back to your pokemon and slowly walked over to May. You softly placed a hand on her shoulder a smiled at her.

(Y/N): If you constantly worry about how other trainers are doing, then you are never going to go anywhere in your life at all. As a trainer, a battler, or anything else.

May: Since when are you the mature one?

(Y/N): ...I don't know.

You just walked away, Mudkip slowly following you. Before your pokemon partner could give chase, he ran up to May and Placed his paws on her leg as a sign of support, and took off after you. With that, you left May to handle herself this night as you climbed back into bed and waited until the new dawn for new development.

The following morning, you walked out of your room with Mudkip right by your side. As he pranced a little, you chuckled to yourself before looking down the hall. You wanted to see if May was alright, but given the situation from last night, you weren't about to push it. You proceeded to walk on down the stairs and into the small cafe inside the hotel and have breakfast in relative silence.

Once that little venture was over, you walked out of the hotel with Mudkip. Once you got outside, you saw May standing beside the same tree from the night prior. You walked up to her and saw her slowly turn back towards you. You nodded once as you both heard the sounds of a Wingull slowly flying down towards you both.

May glanced back to you and walked away, slowly approaching the pokemon. But soon, even Torchic emerged from her poke ball and talk to Wingull. You had no idea what either side was saying. But eventually, Wingull was placed back inside his poke ball as May walked back to you.

(Y/N): Everything ok?

May: I gave what you said some thought. And you were right. It wasn't fair. To myself or Wingull. So, I'm going to try and be the best trainer I can be! Regardless of how you perform you, overachiever.

You snickered a little as May laughed with you. However, you both stopped when you saw your leading partners grow white and flash a little. You rubbed your eyes and smiled as you saw Mudkip become Marshtomp and Torchic become Combusken. Both cried out a little as you and May just hugged them on the spot, even getting your Duskull, Wingull, and Abras out too. A good family reunion indeed.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now