Tell Me About Your Mother

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You, May, and Wallace walked back into the dressing room of the gym leader together in silence. Wallace closed the door as you two entered the room and walked over to his desk. He sat down and began to pour some tea cups for you three. You glanced around the room and saw different trophies, pictures, awards, and more. There were some people there in the photos as well, not just ones hosting the show but also friends, what looked like family members too. All aligning the walls. You were shocked out of your hunt when a platter full of tea was placed in front of you both.

Wallace: Tea? Jasmine variety.

(Y/N): Thank you.

You took the tea and smiled a little. Wallace looked at May, and she shook her head no. Wallace nodded and pulled the platter back. He took some tea for himself and sipped it a little.

May: Are you ever going to get to the point or-

Wallace: Tell me about your mother.

May: Excuse me? You don't get to-

Wallace: If you are eventually my daughter, I want to know how she is doing.

May gripped her fists a little.

May: Better off without you!

Wallace: And yet you came all this way to see me. To threaten me. To clearly have a plan designed to kick me to the curb and back down onto the street without remorse or hesitation. Oh, I beg to differ in that claim completely. So, why don't you start being honest with me about your motives, and I will confuse it all to you as well.

May looked at Wallace, slowly growing more and more enraged. She gritted her teeth a little and snapped up, glaring down at the man who was apparently her father.

May: You don't get to make assumptions! You don't get to destroy my mother's life and pride! Do you know what we had to do, to sacrifice to stay alive while you get to run around and partying like some damn teenager!

(Y/N): MAY! That's enough!

May: You weren't there, (Y/N)! So stay out of this! It is family!

Wallace: I don't recall family abusing one another. I call that a prison of your own design!


May threw a punch, striking Wallace in the face. You got up and grabbed her, pulling her back a little. May thrashed about, trying to break free from your hold. Wallace slowly rubbed his cheek where May hit him and got back up. May finally broke free from your hold and glared at Wallace.

May: We're done here!

May stormed out of the room. You turned from May back to Wallace. You were about to step out and follow May but Wallace raised his hand.

Wallace: Don't. Let her have time.

(Y/N): Time? Are you kidding me? She could be hurt, kidnapped, worse and-

Wallace: If she has her pokemon, she'll be fine. Especially if she is like her mother.

You turned back to Wallace and walked over. Taking your seat again, you looked over to the gym leader. You glared a little over at him.

(Y/N): So, what happened?

Wallace: Oh, please. April and I got a little frisky 12 years back. Our careers went in different directions, and that was that. End of story.

(Y/N): And you didn't tell May that at all? Or why this woman apparently hates your butt.

Wallace: She hates me because I guess I was just too much to handle.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now