Lava Gym

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You and May awoke the next morning, energized and ready for action. Hell, you were bouncing up and down you were so excited to get to work on the battlefield again. Most of the doubts you held about your relationship with May were silenced very quickly. Your focus today was on victory and you were going to seize it, no matter what. You were back peddling a little, hyping yourself up. Beside you, Marshtomp was prancing around, just as excited and as hyped up with you.

You were taking some deep breaths, getting your blood flowing. You got a little further ahead than May, stopped in the middle of the path, and did some stretches. As you did, May caught up to you and looked at you, a look of joy mixed in with confusion. You looked back at her and smiled.

(Y/N): Gotta get pumped up somehow.

May: I would have assumed walking into a gym would have been enough for you.

(Y/N): You know how I get before a gym battle.

May: You are so weird.

(Y/N): You love it, though.

May rolled her eyes and smiled a bit. Together you both walked into the gym. Once you did, however, you were both taken aback slightly. The arena was dirty with a red-haired girl picking up some boulders and trying to clean up the arena. It was obvious the girl was in a slight form of panic. Both you and May looked at one another. Slowly you began to walk up to the girl as May stood still.

May: (To herself) So this is what she meant.

As you approached, you saw the teenager seem a bit more frantic. You coughed to gain her attention. Quickly the girl got to her feet and dusted some of herself.

Flannery: Hi, yes. Uh, welcome to the gym. I hate to you-I mean I hate that you have to see the gym like this and-

Some laughter was heard as you looked past Flannery and saw an old man walk up.

Moore: Excuse my granddaughter. She only started a few months ago.

Flannery: Grandpa.

Moore laughed a little.

Moore: I hope you don't mind.

(Y/N): Not at all. I'm ready to get started.

Flannery: Oh, uh, well, you see-

Moore: It's ok, Flannery. (To you) Well lad, if you think you and your pokemon can battle in a place like this, then who are we to stop you.

May: Actually...

You turned around and smiled as May walked up to you guys.

May: Could I take the first hit on this one?

(Y/N): Oh..uh...sure. Knock yourself out.

You offered up a fist bump. May quickly returned it. You offered up another smile at her and walked away. Moore walked over to the ref stand as the girls stood in the middle.

May: So...I didn't think you were that new.

Flannery: Oh, uh, yeah. It's kinda a mess, I know. But I am getting there.

May: Right. So, shall we?

Flannery nodded back to May as each walked down to their respective side. You were up in the stands, bloody pumping and excited to see what would happen. May took out a pokemon and tossed it on forward.

May: Pelipper! Come on out!

Pelipper emerged from his poke ball and called out. Flannery took a deep breath and threw out one of her Slugmas. You watched as both ladies glared at the other. Finally, the moves came out.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now