Mauville City

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Since you May had finally calmed down a little and everything seemed to be on the plus side, you and her bought tickets to go out towards Staleport City. The ride was pretty smooth as you and she continued to talk through her issues. It wasn't much, but it was still needed, especially for her. She had always been a bit jealous over some of your capabilities. But after speaking things out, you guys were able to make it to landfall and get on out to continue your adventure. The actual boat ride itself was only a few hours so you two could easily make it to Mauville before nightfall.

As you guys were walking, it was a relatively silent move. It wasn't because you guys were in a mood, it was just because of the fact that you guys had already spoken on much of the matters. As you guys walked down Route 110, you were able to see the different water, grass, and electric types wandering around. As you guys were talking along, you were able to battle a few wild pokemon here and there and land some nice gains.

Duskull went ahead and evolved up into Dusclops after one battle and May's Wingull went up to become Pelipper. While you both wanted some nice pokemon to level up and hopefully beat Wattson faster, there was very little hope outside of May's Combusken. But hey, to each their own. With that said, you and May continued forward and arrived at Mauville City just as the sun was setting for the day. As you guys were walking down the main road, May ran a bit in front of you to slowly gain her attention.

May: So...despite everything. I think maybe we could land in another pokemon if we head up north towards Route 111. There are plenty of caves up there. I think it could be good.

(Y/N): It could be. But at the same time, it could be a little bit of a hassle.

May: I don't think so. Most of the gym leaders are going to have more pokemon. And we can't just capture pokemon for type effectiveness and move on.

(Y/N): I guess.

May: And we can always bag members of the team. No need to bring around a pokemon we don't plan on using all the time.

(Y/N): You know, fair point. Let's roll.

May smiled as you two ran off up north towards Route 111. And like before, you guys encountered a few trainers, some wild pokemon, and had battled to and fro. It was pretty fun. As you guys were looking around more and more, May was able to find herself a little Trapinch. The turtle was a nice addition to the team as both a ground and future dragon type.

Once May had found her newest addition, she agreed to stay by your side as you hunted down your own new pokemon.

May: You know, maybe a grass type could be a good addition.

(Y/N): No one is stopping you. You can easily grab a Cacnea.

May: Maybe. I don't know. What about...(Y/N), look.

You followed her pint and you saw a Sandshrew. You slowly smiled as you turned back to May. She nodded at you and you slowly walked up. When the Sandshrew saw you, it quickly entered a battle stance. You smiled and threw out Marshtomp.

(Y/N): Alright buddy, let's get to work. Keep him suppressed. Mudshot!

Marshtomp lunged forward as the Sandshrew got its claws ready for a slash. Marshtomp got his mud together and slammed it down onto the Sandshrew. Sandshrew cut the mud in half but Marshtomp fired off a water gun and knocked Sandshrew down and back towards a cliff. Sandshrew went in for another slash but was too weak to move beyond to attack again. You threw out a poke ball and absorbed Sandshrew inside of it.

You smiled, crossing your fingers. As the worry on your face grew, May placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled at you. The poke ball blinked and signified the capture. Your smile grew as you instinctually hugged May and spun her around a little. However, you quickly realized what you were doing and quickly placed May back down onto the ground.

(Y/N): (Clears throat) Sorry.

May: No-no! It's ok. Really.

You both stood there awkwardly until May pointed over to the Pokeball.

May: You might want to-

(Y/N): Oh, right!

You quickly ran over and grabbed the poke ball and popped it open. Sandshrew slowly opened his eyes again and turned to look at you. Before it could react, you softly place a hand on its head and pet it along the back.

(Y/N): Sorry about that one, buddy. But I am happy you can finally be apart of the team.

You offered your newest addition a smile as Sandshrew looked at you before slowly curling up into a ball and laying down on the ground. You blinked a little, still a bit confused by the shock of Sandshrew just really done with your crap. Either way, you took a step back and sighed a little as you patted his head.

(Y/N): Alright. We'll let you sleep.

You grabbed the poke ball and place Sandshrew back inside of it. You smiled up over to May as you walked to her. You smiled at her and she smiled back as you two walked back to the city.

May: So, I think that Sandshrew is going to really enjoy being with you.

(Y/N): I can't tell if that was a sarcastic comment or not.

May laughed a little as she walked a bit further ahead. You rolled your eyes before following after her.

(Y/N): So, it is nice to see you are in a much chipper mood compared to yesterday.

May: Yeah...I guess talking it out with you really did help a lot. And...yeah. It really did help a lot.

(Y/N): Well, I'm glad you think that way. I think maybe we should try and get some help along the way too. We do get a good bit of reward money for each battle. I think that could be of help.

May: I don't need therapy. I just needed some help going through all of this.

You nodded in response. There was no need for a verbal reply. You both knew what you wanted to say to the other. So, you both made it back to the city and could see the gym as you guys walked up.

(Y/N): The sun will be going down pretty soon. And the gym will be closing. We could attempt to squeeze it in, or wait till tomorrow.

May: Well, no time like the present.

(Y/N): Alrighty then. To the gym it is!

You and May quickly darted through the city and ran off to the gym. You were just fortunate that the gym wasn't too far from Route 111. So, you both were able to make it to the gym within the hour and quickly dashed inside. Once there, the gym leader, Wattson, saw you both run in and slide along the lobby floor, tripping almost as you stopped before him. He cocked an eyebrow as you both slowly stood up and stand up straight.

Wattson: Well then. What have we here?

May: We sir, would like a pokemon battle!

Wattson: This late at night?

(Y/N): We know sir. But we would-

Wattson: OF COURSE! How could I deny pokemon battles with two young trainers! Especially since the gym won't be closed for another hour! More than enough time! So then, which one of you young trainers would like to battle me first?

May quickly pointed at you. You were a bit stunned but sighed and nodded over to Wattson. He laughed and began to walk back to his side of the battlefield.

Wattson: Every well then young man! We shall see how you do!

As Wattson moved back, you and May walked back to your side. Before she moved up to the stands, May quickly got up on her tiptoes and pecked you on the cheek. You blushed like mad as she walked back to the main entrance. She turned back to you and smiled.

May: For luck.

May walk on as you slowly turn back to Wattson. You shook it off. No matter how much you wanted to focus on this, you need to focus on the battle ahead. And boy would it be a tough one.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now