Fly Over

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You were surprised that your father didn't bother to show up to see you and your girlfriend off to Fortree City. You were surprised that Professor Birch showed up. He was in the city for official business, understanding habitats, and working with Professor Juniper on migration patterns. Interesting stuff, but not the type of stuff you really cared about at a time like now. You had packed up everything and gotten into the cab, beginning your fly over towards Fortree City. As you were flying, you rested back a little, looking down at the city you once called home for many years.

You sighed a little and leaned back some more. As you were looking out the window, you felt a light touch on your leg. You glanced over and saw May smiling at you. You nodded a little before turning back to the open air. May slowly shifted her eyes as well, looking out to the city below too.

May: It is nice.

(Y/N): Yeah. Not every day you get to see the city from up here.

May: So..just going to bite the bullet here. Are you ok? Anything I can do to help you out at all and make you feel-

(Y/N): I'm fine, May. No worries at all.

May: I know when you get pissed. You make it rather obvious.

(Y/N): Well...that's good to know.

May giggled a little as she grabbed your hand. You turned back to her and she smiled warmly at you. She shifted closer to you and let her head down onto your shoulder. You sighed a little before shifting your gaze back to her. Your eyes locked for a few moments before you looked out in front of you. You sighed and then decided to give in a little.

(Y/N): Alright, what do you want?

May: Whatever do you mean?

(Y/N): You know exactly what I mean. You are acting all cutesy which will get me to talk about my dad and how I'm feeling. You will give me some advice. It will probably be the middle of the road but you will give it anyway and then I'll feel better about myself but not much will change. End scene.

May looked at you, raising her eyebrows a little and pulling back from your shoulder. You keep the same grumpy look up as you glance out of the window and down to the city. She sighed as well and leaned back in her seat.

May: That predictable, huh?

(Y/N): Little bit. I've just heard it a million times at this point. There isn't much of a point to even say it again.

May and you sat in silence some more, letting the winds moving forward to carry you guys. Soon enough, you guys pushed past the city and into the wilds of the air. There wasn't much to really talk about as well. As you guys passed through the mountains, you saw Mt. Chimney once again. You saw the lava explode here and there as fire types used the cliffs to bathe. You glanced back over to May and saw her looking down as well.

You groaned a little and rubbed the back of as you glanced back to May. She turned back to you and smiled a bit at you. You sighed a bit and looked her in the eyes.

(Y/N): Alright. What's up with you now?

May: Nothing. What do you mean what's wrong with me?

(Y/N): Nothing.

You both looked at each other and then glanced away pretty quickly. Finally, you sighed again and turned back to her.

(Y/N): what?

May: Nothing really. Just sit back and enjoy the view I guess.

(Y/N): I meant about the emotional side of things.

May: Oh..well..what do you want there to be?

(Y/N): Not really. I mean, I don't want to think about him. But if you want us to.

May: Not unless you want to.

(Y/N): So what, are we going to be when we land? Like, are going to be angry, upset, happy, relieved.

May: Oh...that stuff. I don't know. Maybe. Well, how are we going to fix that then?

(Y/N): I don't know. Do we need to fix it? We are not talking about him. I'm fine with everything we do. We got a good backing. I think we should be ok.

May: You think so?

(Y/N): Yeah...yeah I do.

You offered her a smile as you looked at her. She smiled back at you and nodded a little.

May: Then we have nothing to worry about.

(Y/N): Yeah..yeah I guess not.

May smiled at you, slowly leaning in towards you. You already knew what she wanted and man you weren't going to complain about it at all. You leaned into her as well, lips connecting as you two kissed one another. You felt May cup your cheeks as you continued to kiss her back. After a short time, you two pulled away from one another and smiled at each other. You leaned up a bit and place your forehead on hers.

After the scene of love, you guys only had a handful of minutes until you guys landed at Fortree City. You guys unloaded yourselves and got ready to get check-in somewhere. Before you guys got off the platform though, you looked around at the trees, smiling warmly as you looked around at the new city and new world. As you stood firm, May walked up beside you and gave you a light smile. You turned to her and saw her beaming.

May: Ready?

(Y/N): Yeah. Yeah, I think I am.

May: Alright. Try not to get too starstruck. We still have a battle to win.

May began to walk down the platform as you followed her, a smile on your face.


Back in Petalburg, your father is seen sitting at a bar inside his apartment. In his hand is a beer bottle as the TV is turned on. The screen is nothing but some sitcom as your father watches the screen. He takes a swig of his drink before he realizes it is empty. He sighed and put the bottle down on the side and rested his head back, looking up at the ceiling.

Behind him on the couch was Slacking, asleep on his back. There was some slight snoring but Norman didn't seem to mind. Eventually, he stood up and tossed the bottle into a trash bag. Still, he pushed through his messy apartment and looked out the window. He sighed a little, rubbing the back of his neck slightly, and moved over to his chin. Clearly in some level of deep thought. Still, he hunches himself over slightly, contemplating what needs to be done next. He turns back to his pokemon and sighs a little. He didn't know what else could do...truly. So, here he was. Just sitting there...doing nothing.

Norman walked back over to his couch and sat down, scratching himself slightly. There isn't much to really do here...just sit there and think about his life. Like always to be honest.


You and May walked out towards the outlining trees. You guys both knew your next mission was to work on getting some more pokemon leveled up and evolved while also completing your team. You turned to May and smiled, walking out.

(Y/N): Alright, our main goal is an electric type.

May: Right! Ready?

(Y/N): Ready! Let's ride!

You both smiled and walked into the woods, ready to see what you guys could to expand your teams. Either way, you were excited, to say the least. A Manectric would do lovely for you. For May, since we were so far north, she was thinking of a Spheal or a Sealeo. Something to add to the more powerful members of her team too. And while you guys were out, it was high time you got your weaker pokemon nice and powerful.

So, the grind was to begin a new, now or never.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon