The Next Step

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You and May were walking through go old Route 112, taking your time and trying to get an understanding of what was to come next. You guys had gotten the first three badges, expanded your teams, and now have become a couple. While you guys both agreed that the next step was to take on Flannery in Lavaridge Town, what you were more worried about was how were you and May going to handle most things in life now.

You both were only 11 years old. Either you guys would be too young for dating or maybe just at the prime spot to start, but either way, there would be a need for you both to learn and grow from that. But even then that would to be difficult. It could cause a lot of emotional issues and trying to deal with that and going from battle to battle, man it would be a dumpster fire. But you guys were going to try anyway. At least you were. You liked her a lot. And well, now was the time to seize on that.

As you guys were walking down the way, towards Lavaridge. May was up forward, leading the group with her Combusken right beside her. You hang back, not for any real issue, just were thinking about the things already mentioned. As you were thinking things over, May glanced back at you. You didn't outright notice until you caught up with her a little and blinked slightly. She gave you a warm smile once you did catch up though.

May: You good?

(Y/N): Uh, yeah. Why?

May: You just seem a little distant, that's all.

(Y/N): Oh, sorry. Just thinking about something.

May: And that something is...?

(Y/N): Just...the battle with Flannery. I may have a good water-type but that doesn't guarantee success.

May looked at you and gave you a smile. She smiled and walked away, giggling a little. You cocked an eyebrow and quickly followed her.

(Y/N): Wait, what does that mean?

May: What does what mean?

(Y/N): That giggle. I feel as if there is a deeper subtext there.

May would remain silent, choosing to focus on a move forward. Meanwhile, you laughed a little and ran off after her. There wasn't much intensity there. But at the same time, it was clear that you still had some issues to handle. But that wouldn't be the main problem. It wasn't the main goal for now. Now, you were more focused on the next battle. But those doubts were still there.

You caught up to May once again, walking in pace with her. There wasn't much to really talk about here or there. You were just happy to have her by your side once again. You both kept going down the route until you a small pathway with the sign of "LAVARIDGE" right beside it. You smiled widely as you looked over to May. She nodded and you both stepped down the path towards the fourth gym badge.

You guys didn't go straight for the gym battle. Rather, you both decided to walk around town and get a feel for the area. The town itself was remarkably small. Heck, the closest hotel was outside the town down on Route 111. Was a bit of a long walk back, but one of the town residents heard about your strife and allowed you guys to spend the night. With the town being as small as it was, getting a proper feel for everything was relatively easy for you both. And because of that, you guys got to spend some time relaxing.

There was a hot spring inside the town and both you and May decided to try it out. You two separated to get into different pools of water, even bringing your teammates with you guys. Marshtomp sighed as he entered the waters, joining you as you both began to relax in the steaming hot water. You looked around and saw the other members of your team joining in as well.

Dusclops was hovering over the water, not being able to feel most of its effects while Sandshrew looked like he was on cloud 9, feeling right at home in the hot water just like the hot sand. Abra was just resting on the side of the water, curled up and pretty much asleep for most of the time there. You weren't complaining about that though. You rested in the water, dripping down a little as you slowly got up and began to swim around a little more.

Marshtomp began to swim around, having a blast. You just let your mind linger back to the doubts of the relationship. However, you shook your head as Marshtomp swam up to you. He pushed himself against you. You laughed a little and softly pet your partner. He jumped up and began to playfully wrestle you. You laughed and fought back a little, your relaxing break coming to an end.

Across the wall, May watched it, smiling as she could hear you and your pokemon playing around. She shook her head a little and smiled.

May: What an idiot.

She smiled a bit as she sunk beneath the water. She took a deep breath and relaxed a little more. That was until she heard a little giggle. May's head perked up as she looked around. Once she did, she saw a girl in a bikini and bright red hair tied up into a ponytail.

Red Head: Sounds like someone is having fun. Mind if I join you?

May: Uh? Oh yeah. I mean, it is public so I would rude to turn you away.

The redhead smiled as she walked down into the hot springs with May. Both girls sighed together as they let their tension loose. The redhead smiled as she eyed May a little.

Red Head: I take it you are new to town?

May: did you know?

Red Head: Just a little gift I have. Plus no one enjoys the hot springs more than newcomers.

May: Oh...yeah. I guess so.

The redhead giggled a little as she moved slightly in the water. May watched her as the girl turned back at May and smiled a little.

Red Head: So, what brings you to Lavaridge anyway? Not many people come this way for the hot springs alone.

May: Oh, pokemon journey. Here to challenge the gym leader. I've heard she was rather new.

Red Head: Yeah. Flannery. Been here for a couple of months now. Not bad. Could do better though.

May: Oh I'm sure she's fine. Really looking forward to talking to her.

Red Head: Why's that?

May: I'm a fire-type specialist. I want to see how powerful I can become. And if that means I can learn from her, then that will be awesome.

The redhead nodded a little, looking away from May as she did. She smiled at the girl and laughed a little. May looked over in some sense of confusion as the redhead stood up a little.

Red Head: Want my honest truth, don't push too hard, kid. She may be good enough for a gym leader, but that doesn't mean the standards are going to be that high. Especially if you want to fight the elite four as well.

May: Don't talk down about her like that. I'm sure she's a great trainer.

The redhead shrugged and smiled a little.

Red Head: Whatever. Guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow then.

The redhead climbed out of the hot brings as a Slugma brought her a towel. May was a bit confused until she realized who she was talking to. May quickly stood up and was about to say something but by the time she did, Flannery was already out the door and into the night. May lowered her hand and head a little in sadness.

Still..she would prove Flannery wrong. Especially tomorrow. No matter what.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now