Planning it Out

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A few hours after your battles with Roxanne, you and May were still sitting inside the pokemon center waiting for Mudkip and Wingull to emerge from being treated. May had her hands on her knees, shaking slightly. You place a hand on her right arm and got her to look up to you. You peered over to her and nodded once at her. May sighed a little and leaned back in her seat slightly.

(Y/N): Relax. Wingull is going to be more than alright.

May: I know. But its just...maybe if you were his trainer instead of me, we could fix this and-

(Y/N): Don't think like that. You caught him. He's yours. I'm sure everything will work out. Don't let one battle get you down.

May smiled slightly as you looked back out to the window as you saw a few more trainers walk into the gym. You leaned back a little and tapped your foot a little. You quickly got up as May watched you.

(Y/N): I'm just going to-

Nurse Joy: (Y/N), and May. Your pokemon are ready.

You and May quickly dashed over and saw your Mudkip and Wingull fully healed. You smiled as Mudkip jumped up into your arms. Wingull flapped his wings and went onto May's shoulders. You both thanked the nurse and walked outside of the center. You stretched a little as Mudkip went down to your feet.

May: So, next stop? There is a nice store nearby and we could-

(Y/N): No. The next gym is down in Dewford Town. Which means we have the chance to land a couple of new pokemon. And Brawly specializes in fighting types. Which means we need some psychic and flying types!

May: Always so focused on the journey, huh?

(Y/N): Well, I would rather spend my money on stuff that could actually help us out. Like pokeballs, food, and supplies. So, instead of buying clothes or hats, we should be focusing on stuff to make sure we can get from A to B.

May rolled her eyes a little as you took a few steps forward. However, you stopped yourself and slowly walked back to May.

(Y/N): Should we get a place to stay for the night? I feel like it will take too long and it will be night by the time we arrived in Dewford.

May giggled a little as she stepped forward. She looked around a little and pointed outward.

May: There. A hotel. We rent a room for the night and we set out in the morning.

You nodded back as you two walked through the town. You had to admit, the city was pretty nice to look at all things considered. Even if the giant factory off in the far corner of it was a bit of an eyesore. At least to a small town guy such as yourself. But hey, aside from that point, you two got inside, got yourselves some rooms, and ate at the nearby cafe for dinner.

And the more you spent time in Rustboro, you had to admit, it was becoming a lot nicer than you first thought about it. As May swallowed some of her dessert, she tapped the table and pointed to a small map of Hoenn.

May: So, I would assume we hit Mauville and then Lavaridge before we try out Petalburg.

(Y/N): Yeah. I think that would be the best bet. We could grab some new pokemon. Ground types would be the best bet. Maybe some grass types too.

May: But Lavaridge is a fire-type gym.

(Y/N): Well, we already have water types and a fire type on your end. Unless we shoot for Dragon types.

May: Eh, I'll stick to trying to ground types.

You nodded back to her. It wasn't much but it was still a plan. Dragon types would be able to land an advantage on both electric and fire types. A nice way to go ahead and land a slam down on your upcoming opponents. But, you still had issues with the fighting-type gym next up. Sure, there were a few psychic-type pokemon in the caves nearby but would be a bit of a hassle. Whatever. That bridge would be crossed when it needed to be.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now