Ice Cream Time

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You pointed towards May. Winona glanced at May and then back to you.

(Y/N): She's been the one traveling with me! She knows what she is doing, like me!

Winona: (Shrugs) Alrighty, then trainer. Dragon Breath!

(Y/N): Muddy Water!

Both attacks began to charge up. Swampert ran in, getting ready for a similar move as before. However, Altaria was able to charge up faster and shot forward.

The battle was now beginning. And it was time to show off your stuff. Both attacks clashed, shattering the arena wide open. You cracked your neck and glared ahead forward.

(Y/N): You know what to do! Get to work!

Swampert nodded and dashed forward. May raised her eyebrow as she watched the battle unfold before. She gripped her hands together in determination as she watched. Swampert ran his hand through some of the mud and dashed forward, and attacked again. He saw Altaria moving in with Ariel Ace. Your partner cracked his neck and leapt over the incoming dragon type to dodge the attack. Altaria moved its head back slightly to watch as Swampert barely dodged the incoming attack. As the pokemon was in the flip, it spun around and threw some of the mud down onto the dragon, grazing the back half barely.

However, it was enough to make the pokemon tumble and fall down along the ground. Altaria cried out a little as Swampert landed and charged forward. Winona glared forward a bit and snarled slightly.

Winona: Dragon Breath!

(Y/N): Get in close!

Altaria blasted the beam of pure energy out toward your pokemon. Swampert slid along the ground to avoid the beam and got in close as directed. As he did, his arm lit up, and brick break was active in your pokemon. The dragon type was sent tumbling along the ground with a single jab. Swampert perked his head up as he got up to his feet and looked at Altaria. As Altaria slowly arose, you glared a little.

(Y/N): Finish it! Water Pulse!

Swampert nodded and ran in close again. Altaria looked out and roared a little as Ariel Ace was used against you again. Swampert continued to run and leapt as the pokemon got in a little closer. Altaria tilted upward to finish the attack. As the dragon type clipped Swampert, he was able to land a single bit of water pulse against Altaria and sent it flying down towards Winona. Altaria tumbled along the ground and was knocked out as Swampert landed firmly on the ground.

May clapped her hands a little as the battle ended in your favor. Winona absorbed her pokemon back into the ball and walked up towards you as you did the same with Swampert. You smiled down at your pokemon and up at Winona. You glanced up to May and saw her giving you a thumbs up. You sighed a little and walked up to Winona as she approached you on the battlefield. She went to speak, but you raised your hand to stop her.

(Y/N): First of all, I would like to apologize for that snap. It was unprofessional of me, and it was out of line.

Winona: Well, apology accepted. Not every day do I get a kid owning up for himself. Nice one. I will admit, too, strategy wasn't too bad either. Using that blast as a cover, getting more mud and weighing me down. Nice touch.

Winona smiled and presented you with the badge. You smiled a little and took it from her. She placed her hand on your shoulder and gave you a warm smile.

Winona: Don't let him hold you back. That one's on me.

She winked as she turned you around and sent you off. You smiled as you walked out of the arena.


An hour had passed, and you and May were out in about around Fortee City. You both had won your matches against Winona, May just barely scraping by, sadly. But she was able to pull through and kick butt with you cheering her on the whole time. Currently, you guys were at a small ice cream shop, just hanging out and celebrating your victory over the gym leader.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now