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May was heard cheering in the stands as you kept looking at your father. He walked up, not to you, but to his pokemon, and absorbed them back into the ball. You stayed where you were, watching the man you call a father dust the ball off and put it on his waist. Your hatred still burning inside of you.

You watched as your father walked up to you once his pokemon was safe and secured. He walked up to you and offered his hand to you.

Norman: Good work.

(Y/N): Yeah.

You shook his hand, glaring up at him. He smiled a bit at you. You pulled away from him and pushed back as you walked back over to Marshtomp. You softly placed a hand on his head just to check upon him. Your father took a few steps toward you.

Norman: He's fine. Just took a good beating. I'm honestly surprised he lasted as long as he did and-

(Y/N): Will you shut up! And stay away from him!

Your scream was enough to shock the ref and Birch. Norman stopped himself from coming any closer to you. As you turned back to your pokemon to check up on him, your father glared down at you and walked over to you. He grabbed your arm and got you to turn around to look at him.

Norman: Listen here, boy. I may have not been around long enough in your life, but damn it you will show respect to your elder.

From your waist, a poke ball opened. Sandshrew popped out and went in for a slash against Norman. He backed up in some shock as Sandshrew landed down beside you. You turned from your father and absorbed your pokemon into his ball, doing the same with Sandshrew. You stood up and turned back to your dad.

(Y/N): You may have married my mother, but you are no father. And the saddest thing of them all, I thought you would have changed in the five years since I've seen you. I thought I could have gotten some warmth from you. But you blew me off like you always do.

You ignored Norman, walking out of the gym. May walked out a bit, trying to get your attention but to no avail. You ignored her too, beyond pissed off over the events that had happened here. May turned back to Norman and took a deep breath before walking into the arena again.

You didn't bother to look back. You just stayed silent and walked off towards..somewhere. You kept walking to the point of showing up at a local park. You sat down at a bench looking out across the lake. You had no desire to go back to the arena. And besides, this was a place your mother and you liked to go to when you were little. In your head, a little memory began to play of you and your mother.


Your mother carried you out and softly put you down on the bench beside her. She smiled at you as several poliwags swam up to the shoreline. You were enamored by them, looking over to your mother for permission to get close. She nodded and you quickly moved in, looking at them with curiosity and love. As you looked, your mother glanced around a little, acting slightly concerned.

(Y/N): Hey Mom.

Mother: Yeah Sweetie?

(Y/N): Is Dad going to come over?

Mother: Not today, Sweetie. He has work to do.

(Y/N): He always has worked. When will he stop doing work?

Mother: I don't know. Don't worry about him. Just go ahead and keep hanging out with those pokemon.

You nodded, smiling up at her as you continued to play in the water. Your mother smiled warmly and stood up and moved close to the shores with you. She wrapped an arm around you and smiled at you, pulling you closer. You looked up at her and smiled warmly.

(Y/N): Is everything ok, Mom?

Mother: Yes. Just sit back and enjoy. You are going to be training pokemon soon. You should probably start up pretty soon on how to talk to them.

(Y/N): How do I do that?

Mother: Well, it's different for every pokemon.

Your mother took her hands in with yours, doing little motions here and there. You giggled a little and followed along with a wide smile on your face.

Mother: Well, for some you must be strict and mean to. Because they are aggressive. So you speak their language. Others you need to be kind to, showing them compassion and patience. And some others need a firm mixture of both. That way, they know the rules and are loved even if they break the rules.

You turned back to your mother and giggled a little, leaning back onto her stomach. You laughed a little and she smiled warmly at you. You turned around and laid down on your stomach as you looked up at her.

(Y/N): Hey Mom.

Mother: Yeah.

(Y/N): I'm going to be the best trainer ever!

Mother: Well...that's going to be a lot of work. And you may be away from me for some time.

You stood up and shook your head.

(Y/N): I won't! I'll call! I'll write! I'll do whatever I can!

Your mother smiled at you as you fell down into her arms and hugged her. She quickly hugged you back, holding you tightly.

Mother: Thank you so much, Baby. That means the world to me.

You smiled as you tucked yourself more into her neck. Unknown to you at the time, your mother slowly began to cry from the conversation. Looking back, you knew the exact reason why. Your dad. wasn't like he was abusive. Just neglectful. And well...damn did that do a number on you and your mother.


You were shocked out of your dream, still sitting on the bench and looking out into the lake, thinking back to that day. You sighed and continued to look forward. As you did, you heard a few footsteps approaching you. You felt added weight to the bench as May sat down beside you, leaning forward as well.

(Y/N): Hey.

May: Hi. I..I have your badge.

You turned to her as she handed the badge to you. You took it and looked back out across the waterbed.

(Y/N): Thanks. Did you get yours?

May: Yeah. He seemed really out of it once you left.

(Y/N): Not my problem then.

May looked at you and raised an eyebrow. You kept your head forward, keeping her out of your eyesight. You sighed a little and pinched the bridge of your nose. Finally, you gave in and turned back to her. She glanced down at you and smiled slightly. You sighed a little and returned your gaze out to the lake.

May: This came here often, didn't you?

(Y/N): That's one way of putting it, yes.

May: Bad mood, gotcha.

(Y/N): (Sighs) I'm sorry. It's just...with all this crap from my dad...I didn't mean to act this way. I'm just done with him and this crap. I just want to leave this place.

May: Then why don't we? We have the badge.

(Y/N): I don't know either.

May stood up cheerfully and smiled at you.

May: Well, then let's get going then. No one's going to stop us. Come on.

(Y/N): Thanks. But I think I may just hang here for another hour or two. Just get my mind off of things.

May: Oh..ok then.

May sat down beside you again, taking up a similar pose to you. As you guys sat there, you glanced over at her.

(Y/N): You don't have to stay here.

May: I want to.

May silently reached over and grabbed your hand. You tightened your grip on hers as you both looked out across the lake. You let your mind wander all over the place as the positive memories of the location came back to you. You had no idea what would come next, but you would be worth if May was around. Always.

May X Male Reader: Young LoveWhere stories live. Discover now