Ready to Talk

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You and May walked back down the street towards the gym once again. She took a deep breath and glanced back at you once you guys stood right outside the gym. You glanced back at her and offered up a smile, hoping to reassure her. As she stepped forward, she glanced back at you a little. She took a deep breath a little and prepared to speak to you. However, you raised your hand to stop her from speaking. You nodded once to her and took a step back. May slowly turned back to the door and opened it, walking right back into the gym.

You sighed a little and sat down on a bench outside. You tabbed your thumbs together and took out the phone your mother had given you. You flipped it open and pressed "CALL"

Mother: Hello?

(Y/N): Hey Mom. I just wanted to see how you were doing.

Mother: Oh, sweetie! It's been a while. How have you been? Have you been eating well? Taking care of yourself? Of May?

(Y/N): Mom, mom. Calm down. We're fine. We just wrapped up the final gym.

Mother: Oh! How did it go? Well, I'd assume.

(Y/N): Yeah. We got our badges. May's just out right now.

Mother: Buying a few things?

Your mother laughed a little. You chuckled slightly with her.

Mother: Your father called.

You stopped and stood by the bench. You gripped your phone a little as you felt a fist form. However, you took a deep breath slightly.

Mother: He was impressed by your ability. Proud from the sound of it. So you really did a good number on him.

Your eyes widen slightly. You were a bit shocked by hearing this. Making your dad proud? That was a new one. Especially from Norman, of all people. You shook your head a little to get out of the shock.

(Y/N): Well. That's new.

Mother: I'm so proud of you, sweetie! Really, we both are. I want you back home soon. Ok? And I want you home safe too!

(Y/N): Y-Yeah, mom. Ok.

Mother: (Sighs) Good. Your father will be home in the next few weeks too. I want my boys back home together, ok?

You groaned a little and rubbed your eyes a little.

Mother: I know you two don't get along but come on. For your mother.

(Y/N): ARGH...yeah, ok. I'll be fine.

Mother: Good. Now I need to get going. I have a roast in the oven. Going over to April's tonight. Take care, Sweetie. I love you.

(Y/N): Love you too, mom.

You smiled a little and hung up the phone. You took a deep breath and sighed. You were going to take your own advice and just not worry about it anymore. There was no reason for it. You had all but one badge. You could wait a day to earn it. You sat back down on the bench and waited once again for May to walk out.

You glanced over to see the setting sun slowly lower down onto the city. You leaned back on the bench support and took a deep breath. You grabbed a poke ball and tossed it out, producing Swampert. He roared a little and turned back to you. You smiled and petted him a little.

(Y/N): It's just us right now, pal. Waiting for the other half to get work done.

Swampert nodded a little and grunted slightly.

(Y/N): Don't be so annoying. Things happen.

Swampert pouted a little and turned his head away from you. You rolled your eyes and chuckled a little.

(Y/N): Yeah yeah. You're a battler. I know. But sometimes the battles are intern.

Swampert sighed and rested his head on your leg. You smiled and petted him again.

(Y/N): We just need to wait, that's all. In fact, hey bud.

Swampert perked up a little. You smiled and popped out another poke ball, and released Manectric. Both of them stood beside one another.

(Y/N): You two go ahead and try to find us something to eat. Find something good, report back to me, and show me where. Gotcha?

Both pokemon nodded and walked off. You sighed a little and leaned back against. You pulled out your phone again and began to look through some videos to watch. A few moments passed until Manectric called you over and got you some food. You bought the product and had dinner on the outside patio of the gym, still waiting.

It had been an hour or two after you finished your dinner. Already it was about three hours after May had entered the area. You could head back to your hotel room, but you wanted to wait for May to return to you. After what felt like another hour, May finally walked out of the gym and took a deep breath. You smiled and stood up, getting her attention. She perked up a little to you and smiled faintly. You smiled too, as she walked up to you.

(Y/N): So, how did it go?

May: It went...decently I would say. Some yelling. But nothing really of note.

(Y/N): You sure?

May nodded along. You smiled at her and nodded along. You stepped to the side as the two of you walked down the road. You wrapped an arm around her shoulder and walked off into the night. You guys returned to your hotel rooms and crashed down onto your respective beds. You released a deep breath and ran your hands down your face, and groaned a little. You turned your head a little to look out the window. From the view, you could see the gym once again.

Back inside her room, May was sitting on her bed, pajama gear on her body. She was curled up on her bed, looking out the window too. She leaned back a little and looked up at the ceiling a little. A smile crept onto her face. A flash in her memory took her back to that talk.

Wallace: yourself are not entirely sure.

May: No. I'm not. Look, I...I'm so sorry about everything. I didn't mean to go about and-

Wallace: Little girl. Do you know how many times I have been yelled at, screamed at, accused of this sort of thing? I'm used to it by now.

May: I know. But it shouldn't be so commonplace.

Wallace: Well, sadly, sometimes it can be. You just tend to live with it.

May sighed, glancing away from Wallace. She looked over to the series of photos along the walls. She glanced back to Wallace and saw him sitting there silently. She took a deep breath and slowly stood up.

Wallace: You never did tell me about your mother.

May: At this point, I don't think it really matters. She's crazy about it, I guess. I'm not sure what to do from here, honestly. If she was so convinced it was you and had very little evidence to support it, I'm not sure what to do next.

Wallace: Well, you want my advice? I think that your skills are a battler are impressive. However, abilities on the field do not always equate to that of a showman. Or show-woman in this case. Outside of battling, you have the style of a constestor!

May: Me? I-I don't know.

Wallace: You have the joy of childhood to back you up. My advice, feel free to give it a try. You're only 11, May. You have at least 10 more years to figure your life out. Be bold, be strong, be willful! Enjoy yourself. It's your life. Lineage matters not. What matters now is what you choose to do with that life of yours. I know I did.

May leaned back a little and looked down at her hand. She formed a small fist and smiled a little. She looked up at Wallace and nodded back to him. She stood up and gave a wide smile to Wallace, walking out the door and back outside.

Back in the current moment, May's smile increased. Her wave of opportunity was just beginning. And now it was the time for action. She glanced at her bag and poke balls, her smiling only increasing with every second.

May: Yeah...I got time. 

May X Male Reader: Young LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz