camping and wolfing out 2

197 3 0

(Wednesday POV)

It's a Friday evening, Tyler joined 2 weeks ago and he's becoming more comfortable.
He was even added to the Strays group chat. Which Yoko just sent a message in.
(Y= Yoko
W= Wednesday
E= Enid
X= Xavier
T= Tyler
Me= first person view [mostly in the person's POV/aka Wednesday rn])

Y: you guys want to camp in the woods tonight?

E: isn't it a full moon?

Y: yeah, we can have fun and chill in the tents while you walk out and then when you turn back we'll look after you, might wanna pack some spare clothes though.

E: fine, but you guys better not have too much fun while I'm fighting for my life out there.

Y: cool! Meet at Xavier's shed at 8:30.

We sat in our dorm, I look over to her, noticing the fur on her hands.
She's self conscious about it but honestly, I think she looks ok with it. She can't help it, it's like being insecure about your facial features. You can't help looking like how you look, plus there isn't such thing as perfect.
I get up and walk over to her. She looks up at me and moves over.
"I thought you didn't like my side?" She says.
I lay down next to her, she turns off her phone and moves on her side facing me. I move closer to her and she puts her arms around me.
We stay like that for a while.
Until she ruins it.
"You're so small." She says
"Thanks for ruining the moment." I say.
"No but seriously, you're so small and cute." She says, I look up at her in disapproval.
She smiles.
"I am not cute." I say.
"No. You're not." She says.
"Thank you."
"You're adorable."
"Stronza." I say.
"You and your fancy words aren't going to change my mind." She says.
"What time is it?" I ask.
She checks her phone.
"It's 7" she says.
"We should probably get ready." I say, sitting up.
"30 more mins please." She says.
I sigh.
"Okay." I say, laying back down.


We wait for Tyler at the shack.
"I don't think all of us can fit in here." Xavier says.
"That's why I said to bring tents." Yoko said.
"Wait you said that?" He asks.
"I packed an extra one in case Enid wanted space." I say.
"You wanna set them up while we wait for Tyler?" Yoko asks.
"Sure." I say.
We set up our tents.
"Hey, sorry for being late." Tyler says walking over to us.
"Hey, you want help setting up your tent?" Xavier asks.
"Yeah, thanks." He says getting his tent out.
I go into our tent and set up our sleeping bag, yes our sleeping bag. Last weekend I went to Jericho and bought us one big sleeping bag because we just sleep in the same bed now. But I did bring my own if she wanted space... or if I needed space.
Why am I so soft now.
"Oh no." I hear Enid say.
"Well it's a full moon, you were expecting it too." Yoko says.
I come out to see Enid transforming.
"Did I miss anything?" I ask.
"Not really." Yoko says.
Tyler looks nervous.
Enid howls and is fully transformed.
She sits down next to me.
"So what do we do now?" Yoko asks.
"I don't know." Xavier asks.
"You wanna play truth or dare?" Yoko asks.
"No." I say, I think everyone else agrees with me too.
"Do you even know what it is?"
"No but I don't think I want to find out."
"I think you wouldn't do a dare."
"Depends, what is a dare?"
"We tell you to do something, betting if you'd do it or not and if you don't do it then you lose the game." She says.
"That just sounds like betting."
"You don't actually bet anything."
"You up to a dare?"
"Sure, enlighten me."
She thinks, taking off her glasses in the process.
"I dare you to prank call someone." She says.
"What is a prank call?" I ask.
"It's calling someone or a random number but saying something funny or pretending to be someone else." Yoko says.
"Ok." I say.
I grab my phone and type a random number.
It rings and no one picks up.
"Try again."
I ring a different number.
Again no one picks up. We ring a couple more and then someone picks up, I put it on speaker.

(TW: mentions of dead spontaneous combustion, bodies, morgues.)

"Hello?" They ask.
"Hello, this is the local morgue." I say.
"Oh? What's wrong?"
I think.
"A body has spontaneously combusted and taken some others with it."
"What!? My mother was there!?"
"Yes I'm afraid so." I say, smiling a little.
Everyone looks at me with confusion and disgust, it just adds to it more.
"We'll try to find what remains but for now, goodnight." I hang up.

(TW ends here)

"What the hell?" Yoko says.
"What? You said it had to be funny." I say.
I'm tired.
"I'm going to bed." I say, I go into the tent and lay down in the sleeping bag.


I wake up at around 1am. Everyone else was asleep.
I need some air. I go outside and sit on the ground.
I nearly fall back to sleep, when I hear a stick snap behind me.
I look back to see Enid, still a werewolf. She lays down next to me, resting her head on my shoulder. She was panting.
I put my hand on her head and pet her.
Like a dog.
She transforms back to herself, it sounds painful.
"I moved your bag to the tent." I say.
She gets up and goes into the tent.
I stand by the door a few minutes later.
"Can I come in?" I ask.
"Of course." Enid says.
I come into the tent.
Enid was dressed and sat in the sleeping bag.
"I'll shower tomorrow, sorry if I smell like a dog and leave fur everywhere." she says.
"I don't mind." I say.
I sit down next to her.
She rests her head on my shoulder.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
"Yeah, just tired. No energy." She says.
"Do you want to eat something before we go to sleep?" I ask.
"No, I'll eat something in the morning." She says.
We both lay down, she turns with her back to me. I turn to her and put my arm around her.
"Hey I'm the one who usually does that!" She says.
"Maybe a change tonight." I say.
I feel her lighten up a little.
"Go to sleep wolf." I say.
Her body relaxes.
"Goodnight." I say.

(1126 words)

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