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(ENID POV! :])

I wake up feeling dazed. I turn over to look at Wednesday, she's asleep. Weird, she's always awake before me. Guess she had a long day. I check the time on my phone, it's 10am.
Thing crawls onto my shoulder to watch tiktoks with me.
"Do you not sleep?" I ask him quietly.
"I do not get tired, but I like to try."
"Makes sense since you're only a hand, how do you function without the organs of basic anatomy, or are they just small? You nearly died from blood loss so I'm guessing your blood is helping you stay alive."
"Us Addams' do not abide by the laws of physics nor anatomy. Like how you can change shape into a ware wolf, it's not scientifically possible but you still do, making it reality."
"Do you reckon there's a universe without us outcasts?"
"Most likely, there could be a university where outcasts rule."

"You're talking about deep things without me." I hear Wednesday say.
I turn over and see her looking at us.
"You're usually asleep when I wake up." She says to me.
"You're usually awake when I wake up, it's nice to think that sometimes you do have the normal traits of a teenager." I say back to her.
She ponders this.
"How long have you been awake?" I ask her.
"5 minutes. I'll be right back." She gets up and leaves the room.
A man appears in the room, he is wearing a black coat. He has sunken eyes, he looks like he hasn't slept in years yet he has a lot of energy. He stands in the corner.
"You're Wednesdays friend and roommate she talks about!" He says.
"Yeah, are you another relative?" I ask him.
"Yes, I'm her uncle." He says.
"Nice to meet you." I say.
"what's your name?" He asks.
"Enid. What's yours?" I say.
"Fester. You live around new Jersey?" He asks.
"No I live in San Francisco, but I'm spending the week here." I say.
"That's a long way." He says.
"Yeah." I say.
"Can't exactly drive all that way for a sleepover, so I guess you had to stay the week." He says.
"Yeah, but I like it here. Plus I like spending time with Wednesday too."
"That's good, Wednesday isn't the friend making type so i bet she's lucky to have you."
"I'm lucky to have her too" I say.
"I can tell she really likes you, otherwise you probably would have been gone the day you got here." He smiles.
What does he mean by that?
Wednesday walks in.
"I see you've met uncle Fester." She says.
"Yeah." I say.
"He came to visit once when we were in Nevermore." She says, sitting down on her bed.
"Really? How come I didn't get to meet him?" I ask
"It was when we had the argument..." She says
"So I need help finding that dynamite I had." Fester says.
"ok. Enid you don't mind staying alone for a few minutes do you?"
"Nope. I'm alright, you go help him."
"Ok, be right back.... Again."
She leaves the room.

"Thing, what did he mean when he said that if be gone if she didn't like me that much."
"Either you'd be used for her experiments like her brother or she'd make you hate your time here so much that you'd leave, basically if she wasn't enjoying the time with you she'd make you leave without physically telling you."
"So you're saying that she actually enjoys my company?"
"Yes, probably even more than that."
"Oh." I say. I feel my face go hot at this.


Me and Thing watch tiktoks while we wait for Wednesday.
"Thing." I suddenly say.
He turns his front to me.
"I think... I like Wednesday." I say.
He jumps and runs around the room excitedly.
"You can't tell her!" I say, becoming embarrassed.
He stops and walks over to me.
"What makes you think that?"
"I just... I get this feeling when she's around. Like butterflies and I'm constantly thinking of her and what she'd approve of. She makes me question so much."
"That's ok." Thing says.
"I didn't even know I could like a girl until now."
"That's normal."
"Maybe I'm bi."
"I support you." He gives a little thumbs up.
"Thank you."

"I'm back." Wednesday comes in and then sits on her bed.
"Want to go out with me?"
"What?" I say, turning to her. i feel my face go red.
"For breakfast?" She says.
"oh! Yeah, sure."I say
"I'll let you choose." She says.
"IHOP. I heard they make breakfasts." I say.
"Ok." She says


We sit in the restaurant waiting for our food. Me and Wednesday both ordered bacon and eggs.
When it arrives, the waiter places the plates and drinks down and leaves.
"What is ketchup made of?" She asks.
"Tomatoes." I say.
"It does not taste like tomatoes."
"Did you know ketchup is basically a smoothie." I say randomly.
Wednesday stops for a second to think.
"You're not wrong." She says and carries on eating.
"We have 4 days until you have to go. I actually want you to stay longer." She says.
I gasp.
"what if you stay over at ours next week?" I ask.
I actually see Wednesdays eyes widen a bit.
"Ok." She says.
"I'm dreading the day I go back but maybe if you come along with me it would be a bit more bearable." I say.
"I'll inform my parents, I also am not used to being over at other people's houses." She says.
"That's ok! I'll try to make it comfortable for you."
"It will be good enough with you around."
"You going soft on me Addams?" I say to her.
"In your dreams Sinclair." She smirks a little.
She has dimples.
I try not to freak out, her smile is adorable.
She notices this.
She cocks her head to one side, as if studying me.
"How do you feel about sleeping over at an abandoned warehouse tonight...?"

(1011 words)

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