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(part two bitches >:))))
(Wednesday POV)

It's a few hours before midday when we stop by Enid's house. I climb out and walk up to her door, Thing is on my shoulder. I knock and after a seconds I hear running up to the door and then it opens. Enid stands at the door in multicoloured clothes, she goes to hug me. I wince, but I don't stop her. I guess I'm used to it now. Ever since we hugged at the end of the school year, i don't mind them. It's weird. She pulls away and sees thing. "Hi Thing! How's my buddy!" She says greeting him with a fist bump and he signs that he's ok and updates her on what has been happening since we got back.
"You wanna come in and chill out for a bit before we leave?" She asks.
"Do I have a choice?" I ask.
She smiles.
I go up to the car and Lurch rolls down the passenger side window.
"I'll be gone for a few minutes but look after the car and we'll be going back soon." I say to him.
He gives me a thumbs up and then I go into Enid's house. We go up to her room, as I expected it's very colourful. There are stuffed toys in a pile by her bed, some posters, from wolves to bands or pop groups. And a colourful rainbow bedding. Looks like a unicorn threw up everywhere.
It's actually quite tidy considering her personality is all over the place. "Sit." She requests.
I do so, only with a bit of hesitation. She sits next to me.
"I missed you." She says.
"Why?" I ask.
"I don't know, I guess I just miss having you around." She says, I stare at the floor. I guess it's a habit, I don't really look at people while they talk to me.

We talk for a bit and then we finally leave.
"Bye dad, love you!" She calls out before she leaves.
"Stay safe kiddo!" He says.
We get into the car, I'm at the back behind the passenger seat (sorry if I forget, I'm British and this is based in America so don't blame me lol)
Enid sits in the middle for some reason, she could have sat by the window. I try to pay no attention to it.
It's 11:30.
"We should get lunch." I say.
"Can I pick what we get! I'll pay I promise!" She says excitedly.
"I'm going to regret this but, sure." I say.
"Thank you!" She says.
"Lurch, drive us to McDonald's!"
"Only my family and I tell Lurch where to drive. Lurch, drive us to wherever she said." I say.
She laughs.

We drive for a bit until Lurch parks in a spot. Enid climbs out of the car and practically drags me over there.
"You can order on these screens, most of the food here is meat based like burgers and chicken nuggets.... and maybe bacon if you get here on time in the mornings." She says.
"You're not allergic to anything, are you? There isn't anything you don't like?"
"I'll eat anything, just nothing sweet." I say. I feel people staring at me, it's like being on a stage and you can feel the millions of eyes burning into you.
Enid notices me trying to ignore it.
"We can leave if you're too uncomfortable." She says.
"I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just trying not to enjoy the pressure too much." I say.
She smiles and carries on ordering.
I sit at a table and wait, Thing crawls onto the table.
Some people stop to see the dismembered hand on the table, moving perfectly fine. I see some people try to ignore it. I savour their looks of shock and disgust.
He signs to me.
"I said yes because.... I don't know." I say.
He signs again.
"No, even if I do it's none of your business."
His fingers tap on the table, causing more people to stare at the girl talking to the hand.
"Yes I know you're the one to know all the 'tea' or whatever your talking about but-"
The noises become aggressive as he signs in a convincing manner. I sigh,
"I'll talk to you when we get back to new Jersey." I say.

A woman comes over to talk to me.
"Hi darling, are you lost?" She says.
"No." I say.
"Where are your parents?" She asks.
"At home in New Jersey." I say.
Her eyes widened.
"New Jersey? That's like 9 states over! Are you with anyone?"
"My butler and a friend."
"Ok, be safe."
"If anything, everyone else should try to be safe." I say under my breath.
She gives me a weird look and then leaves, i can't help but relish her confusion.
Enid comes over.
"I finished ordering the food, it was a hard time trying to find you a drink since I don't think you'd like soft drinks or milkshakes so I ordered you some water." She says, she places down this small sign onto the table that has the number 13 on it.
"That's thoughtful of you" I admit.
"Thanks, I try my best to be good enough for everyone."
"Enid, you don't have to try. You're already good enough." I say. Thing and Enid looks at me in shock. I try to ignore it.
"Did you just- Wednesday Addams, just said that I am good enough. Wednesday addams! Does that mean I should believe you?" She goes on.
"Yes, don't rub it in." I say.
The food comes and Enid passes me mine.
"Are you ready to try fast food?" She asks
"I love fast food." I say
"But you haven't tried it- oh."
"It means I have to kill it first." I try the burger.
"how is it!?" Enid asks.
"It's edible." I say after a swallow.
"That's kinda the point." She says.
"Can we just get this over with so we can go home." I ask.
"Okay!" She says.

(Time skip)

I wake up with my head on the window, I heard a thud that woke me.
"What did you hit Lurch?" I ask
"Rabbit." He replies
I smirk slightly.
It goes away when I realise that something is on my shoulder.
I look over to see Enid, she has fallen asleep and leaned onto me.
Why don't I mind? Usually I do but I don't care for once. I pay no attention. I turn to look out the window, I'll let her be...

(Sorry if it's short but I need to sleep! 1100 words)

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