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(Wednesday POV)

I feel more at ease after confessing to Enid.
"What now?" I ask.
"Do you want to like... Start dating?" She asks.
"That would make sense." I say
"So is that a yes?" She asks.
"Yes." I say.
We just sit in silence now.
"What if we never get out of here?" She asks.
"We will." I say.
I get up.
"You aren't going to turn on me like Tyler did are you?" I ask.
"Is that what you're worried about?" Enid asks.
"Listen, Wednesday. You're my most favourite person at the moment and I am not like Tyler. I will not turn on you." She says.
"Prove it."
She sighs.
"I don't know how at the moment but I will try, at the moment let's focus on getting out of here." She says, getting up too.
I walk through the door into the hallway, Enid follows me. I can't believe we're dating now. Stop getting distracted. I walk along to the end of the hallway. (I've been in a warehouse before.) There were many doors but I look through the windows and I couldn't see any exits, until I look through the door at the very end.
I see light. I try to open it but I can't, it's jammed, I keep trying to open it.
We've got to have a way out of here come on! I try harder and harder but it won't budge, I end up kicking the door in frustration. "Let me try." Enid says.
She tries to open the door, she tries a few times and then it opens.
"Thank you." I say, going through.
I look around the room, it was mostly soot, broken tables, broken chairs and desks, broken computers, etc.
I walk to the light, finding another door. It led to outside, the door had a lock on it though and I doubt it will just open.
"I'll help you gather the stuff and then I'll try to pick this lock." I say.

We gather the stuff and go back to the door. But something felt off. I take one of Enids hair pins and start picking the lock. After a while it doesn't work. "Hm." I say out loud.
"What's up?" Enid asks from behind me.
"It's not working." I say, but I have another plan.
"Help me grab a heavy object, we're breaking down this door." I say
"What if we use the forklift." Enid says
"You genius! Let's go see if it works."
I say, slightly excited for the chaos.

We find the forklift, the key was still in it. "Thing can you find us some gas" I say.
He runs off into the hallway.
I sit in the drivers seat leaving space for Enid, she sits next to me.
"Wednesday, do you know what a matter baby is?" She asks.
What is that?
"Enlighten me, what's a matter baby?" I ask.
She giggles.
"Nothing much, what's the matter with you." She laughs.
I take a second to process.
"Do you want to get out of here alive?" I ask.
She stops laughing but is still smiling.
"You're bluffing." She says.
"You wanna stick around to find out?" I say, moving closer to her.
We both just look at each other for a bit.
I study her scars, it makes me like her even more.
"You know Enid, your scars make you look more attractive." I say.
I see her blush, I sense her getting more nervous.
But her expression remains unchanged.
"Wednesday..." She goes to say.
Thing comes in with a gas can.
"Thanks Thing" I say, I take the can from him and fill up the forklift.
"Was I interrupting something?"
"Say a word and I will end you." I say to him.
I turn the key in the forklift, it makes a starting noise and then it stops. I try again a couple of times and then it starts. I check the pedal and it moves forward slightly. "Have we got everything?" I ask.
"Yep!" Enid says. Thing gives a thumbs up and I drive it through the warehouse door into the hallway. I drive through the door at the end and I stop in front of our exit. "Are you ready? Protect your heads because this might send you through the window. I put my arm in front of Enid, acting like a human seat belt and I drive forward at full speed at the door.
We crash into it and I drive back to look at the damage. Big dent but it's not gonna help us. I drive again crashing through the door and to the outside. I feel great, like we just won the lottery or something.
I get out and look at the front of the forklift. It had some wood from the door stuck to it, but we made it out!
I sigh with relief.
"We could have climbed out the window but I thought you'd like this option more." She says.
"Thank you." I say,
"We should probably go to the front."
we walk to the front of the warehouse. I sit down at the door and Enid sits too, I rest my head on her shoulder.
"Will you be at Nevermore next year?" She asks.
"Probably, it's going to be different without Weems." I say.
"Actually she's ok." Enid says.
"What?" I ask.
"She's alive and recovering. She's gonna be here for next year." Enid says.
I feel relieved at that.
"Then maybe I might come..."

(921 words)

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