back in Jericho once again

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I wake up at 4am, it's quite early. Especially for me. I hear whimpering once again in the sleeping bag next to me. My sleeping bag is cold, not the cold I enjoy either. I turn over to Enid, she seems to be having a nightmare. I don't know what to do, I'm tired and I want to sleep but Enid is being too loud and I'm cold and.... Thing notices me.
he signs to me.
"Yes I'm cold and she's being loud."
"you want me to go comfort her?"
I get out of my sleeping bag with my blanket, it was for extra warmth.
I stand over her for a sec, watching her move around while in the nightmare. I see her open her eyes and look up at me.
"You ok?" She asks
"yes." I say.
"Okay...." She says.
I go back into my sleeping bag and turn over.
"Do you always watch me sleep?"
"No, but when your whimpering in your sleep. I stand over you and try to think of a way to get you to stop."
I go back to sleep

Again I wake up but it's 7am.
I sit up, coming face to face with Enid.

"Do you always watch me sleep?" I come back at her.
"Only when you look so snug and comfortable, it's cute." She says.
"Thanks for your input, you watching me sleep made me sleep better weirdly enough." I secretly start to get the weird panic sensation but I ignore it. Wait- did she call me cute?
"I am not cute." I say.
"That was a late reaction." She says.
"because I didn't notice it before." I say.
"Why do you get called cute a lot?"
"No, I just failed to process."
Thing crawls in. (I'm gonna start putting what he signs now btw.)
"Stop flirting and pack up, we need to get to Jericho."
"We are not flirting." I say to Thing, he crawls onto my shoulder and I start packing up. Enid helps.

(So many time skips I know, let me enjoy them!)

We are walking along the road, on the grass as there is no path. Enid is singing a song, it sounds familiar.
"What are you singing?" I ask.
"Goo goo muck, it was on at the Rave'N, remember?" She answers.
"That's why it sounds familiar. That day was ok by the end."
"Why? Because it all turned to shit?"
"What about Eugene?"
"I didn't really like that part, he didn't deserve what happened to him."
"At least he's recovered now. Also, I loved your dance."
"You saw that?"
"Yeah, you also pissed Bianca off lol. Are you guys ok now?"
"It depends on what you mean."
"Do you still hate each other?"
"... She did save me from Crackstone. I'll be sure to repay the favour."
"You want to go to the weathervane for coffee while we wait for Lurch?"I ask, looking at her.
She looks Tired.
"Do you want to sit and take a break?" I ask.
"No it's fine." She says, we're carrying the camping stuff. She insisted on carrying the heaviest things.
"I can take some of that off you if you want." I say.
"No, you're too injured at the moment."
I stop and sit on the ground, she notices me not following and turns around.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm not carrying on walking until you've had a break."
"Fine." She says.
I become more at ease.
She looks mad, but I also get this feeling of sadness for her.
I sigh and lean my head on her shoulder.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"It's just, we would have been ok if it weren't for Tyler. We could have had a nice time but now you're injured, we're tired because of the lack of sleep and we have to travel to Jericho just so we can feel safe." She says.
"I had fun and it was even more fun because.... You were here." I say.
She looks at me.
"And we don't have to stop because I'm injured, I've cheated death many times so I can do it again. Plus pain is my strength."
She smiles slightly.
"Do you feel better now?" I ask.
"Yes, thank you wens." She says.
I feel weird at that nickname, but I ignore it.

(Time skip)

We arrive at the weathervane, Lurch won't be here for another 5 hours.
"Go sit in a seat and I'll order." I say.
"Ok! Can I have hot chocolate please!" She asks as I go up.
I stop for a second because it's someone else at the counter. I'm used to Tyler.
"Can I have a quad over ice and a hot chocolate please."
"We aren't making hot chocolate today sorry." The barista says.
I sigh in frustration.
"But I'll make one for you just this once, you look like you've had a long day."
"Thank you."
She makes the drinks and I pay.
"Here you go." I say, giving her the hot chocolate.
Thing crawls onto the table to join us.
"I'm used to Tyler being at the counter, I can't believe I liked him."
"Well serial killer monsters seem your type."
"I don't know anymore."
"Is there anyone else you like?" She asks
"There is this one person..."
"Who?! Is it Xavier?"
"No- I... It's not a guy."
Her eyes widen.
"Is it a girl?"
"Yes, but I don't even know if I liked her or if it's just a close friendship."
"Who are you really close to? I don't get it, the only person who's a girl who has a close relationship with you is-" she looks at me.
"Can I try your hot chocolate." I ask, cutting her off.
"Uh, sure. I've already sipped from it already though... and it's really hot and sweet."
I really don't want to try hot chocolate, but I've already dug the hole.
I pick her cup up and sip a bit.
I give it back to her.
It's ok actually.
She notices my expression and laughs a little.
"Can I try yours?"
"Come on, I let you try mine."
"You won't like it." I lie
"Ok then." I hand her cup.
She takes a sip and passes it back.
She looks puzzled.
"I told you." I smirk slightly, watching her facial expressions.
She notices me and her eyebrows rise.
"That is the longest and biggest I've seen you smile." She says.
I stop.
She looks out the window, she looks guilty.
"I ruined your smile!" She says.
"No, you just noticed I was smiling and I stopped."
"But you don't have to stop just because someone noticed, if you're that happy don't stop! It's a good thing. Plus it looks cute."
I feel my face tingle.
She notices it, I look at the table.
"Are you blushi-?"
"Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask.
"Sure!" She says.

We leave the weathervane. We walk around for a bit. Eventually we stop outside of Dr. Kinbott's place. I look up at the building and can't help but get this feeling of despair, she didn't deserve to die like that. I feel Enid grab my arm and pull me into a shop.
It's very... colourful.
"Can't i wait outside?" I ask.
"I make a deal with you, you join me here and then we'll go where you want to next."
"Deal, you've made a big mistake." I say.
"I'd like to see where you take me" she says.
We roam around the shop, it was mostly me following her while she wonders and browses the items.
We leave, without buying anything.
"What was the point in that."
"Well we did what I wanted to do, now it's your turn." She says.
I walk over to a shop, it has taxidermy animals in the window. I walk in.
"Not this again." She says, following me.
On display were animals in scenes, there were ferrets, raccoons, badgers, any small rodent you could think of was at least seen once on the shelves.
That wasn't all though, other things were there such as old vintage things that people claim to be haunted. But one thing that catches my eye. A rare army knife on the wall, definitely expensive. It was very well cleaned and sharpened, you could see your reflection in the blade. It's edge was jagged, like waves with sharp tips, it was built like that on purpose. I feel a sudden connection to it, like I have to get it.
"How much is this?" I ask.
"That's $4,852." The person at the counter says.
"I only have $3,800 on me right now." I mutter to myself, I actually feel depressed.
"I can lower it down to $4,000 for you."
"Thank you, but I don't have the extra $200." I say.
I hear Enid sigh behind me.
"I'll pay the extra." She says.
I turn to her.
"You don't have to-"
"If it makes you happy, I'll gladly pay $200." She says.
She gives the $200 to the person and I give the 3,800.
"I'll pay you back when we get back."
"You don't need to, as long as you're happy, It's enough." She says.
We walk around and eventually sit on a bench.

We sit in silence for a bit, staring into space. Lurch will be here in a couple of minutes.
"At least nothing wrong happened today. I'm so tired. But I had fun with you." Enid says.
"I enjoyed our time together. But I can't help but feel that we have forgotten something."
Lurch pulls up, we both get in.
He's about to drive off when.
"THING!" I yell.
I get out the car and run to the weathervane.
Enid follows behind me.
"Wait there!" She yells to Lurch.

I burst through the door and everyone stops to look at us.
"Enid, you go look for him at the shop you went through and the bench. I'll look here and the shop where we bought the knife." I feel the room of people tense up after I say that but I ignore it.
I look under tables and in the bathrooms but he's not there.
I go to the other shop.
I look around the taxidermy and the other things. No luck.
I will go to find Enid.
I go to the shop we went to before. I look around, looking for her but this whole store looks like her. I go to the bench and sit down. looks like she hasn't searched here yet.
I look at the floor, when something catches my eye.
I look under the bench and see Thing sitting there, standing? Crouching? I don't know. "Thing! We were looking for you." I say.
He crawls up onto the bench.
"you forgot about me"
He signs.
"I'm sorry." I say
We sit still and in silence for a second.
"What can I do to make you feel better." I ask.
"Tell Enid"
"Not a chance." I say.
"Why not? I think she's already caught on."
"Because.... I'm not ready to." I say.
"But you'll never be ready."
"I will at some point, I just can't afford to lose her right now."
"You actually care about that? You never did before."
"But she's changed me, it sucks."
"What if she likes you back?"
"You guys talking about Wednesdays crush?" Enid asks, coming out of nowhere.
I pick Thing up and start walking to the car, Enid follows behind. Maybe liking Enid isn't such a bad thing...

(1930 words)

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