roadtrip for Enids

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(Wednesday POV)

I Wake up and check the time, it was 6am. I get up and do my usual routine, I then go to wake up Enid.
"Enid. Wake up." I say, gently shaking her.
"What time is it?" She asks, sitting up.
"6am, you need to pack up for the trip.
"Ok." She says, she gets up tiredly.
She grabs some clothes out her bag and leaves the room.
I start to pack up my things.
I pack clothes, toothbrush, torch (for late night wonderings, usually I don't use a torch but if Enid wants to join then I'll bring one), and other things.
Of course Thing will be coming with us, so I pack stuff for him too.

I hear someone come in, I assume it's Enid.
"Hey Enid, can you double check that you've packed everything." I say.
"Are you two dating?" I hear Pugsley say.
I turn around.
"Why?" I ask.
"Cause you're different around her." He says
"Yes, we are. But don't tell mum or dad. I'm going to tell them before we leave." I say.
"Ok." He says.
He leaves the room.
This time Enid actually comes in, she hugs me from behind, resting her head on my shoulder. I can feel her tail moving from side to side.
"Hi!" She says.
"Hello" I say, I rest my head on hers.
She's in her iconic jumper.
"You need to pack up." I say.
"Can we just stay like this a little longer." She says.
"Ok, but we can do all the hugging when we're in the car. Or at yours." I say.
"Ok!" She says.
She goes to pack up her things, I finish so I sit on my bed and lay down for a few minutes.
Why do I feel like this, like I didn't want the hug to end and now I feel... Alone. I sigh and get up. I grab my cello, music stand and bow.
I go out onto the balcony. (Does she have a balcony? Well she does now.)
I set up the music stand, looking for a piece of music to play. I pick up the sheet music to Cello Concerto in e minor. Good enough. I start to play. I put my all into it, it's my way of getting rid of unwanted negative emotions. I tend to be expressive with it without realising. 8 minutes of playing will do, that's how long the song is. I finish and I just sit doing nothing. What would I do without this cello.
"Hey." Enid says, coming out. I stand up and walk over to her.
"I finished packing, I came out to see if you're ok because you only really play your cell when you're feeling-"
I put my arms around her, hugging her tightly.
I can sense her shock, but she hugs back.

I get this gut feeling and look behind me, my cello starts to fall.
I try to catch it but I was too late. It falls and the fingerboard breaks.
"Shit." Enid says.
"Thanks for your input." I say, I feel like shit now.
I sit down by the wall.
"Do you want to try to fix it or...?" She asks.
"No point, It's better to just buy a new one." I say.
"I'm sorry." She says.
"It's not your fault Enid, I should have found a better place for it to rest." I say.
"We should probably leave now if we want to get there by Monday." She says.
"Okay." I say, I get up. I pick up what used to be my cello, my stand and bow and I take it inside. I place them down in their usual spot and I pick up my bags. We go downstairs and place them down. Lurch packs them into the car.
"Mother." I say.
"What's wrong Wednesday?" She says
"I need a new cello." I say, I look at the floor.
"I'll get you a new one while you're gone. Have fun." She smiles.
"Actually, there's something else too." I say
"What is it." She asks.
"Me and Enid are dating." I say.
Enid smiles at her.
"Oh Wednesday, that is wonderful!" Mother says.
"Stay safe on your travels." She says.
"And Enid, look after Wednesday for me." She says.
"I will Mrs. Addams." She says.
"Bye" I say.
We go out and get into the car.


We had just entered Arizona, it was Sunday at midnight, we have to drive through to get to California. I rest my head on Enid's shoulder and try to sleep. What am I going to do without my cello. I guess, I have Enid. I can trust her. I look up at her face, studying it. She's just so... Remarkable.
I love her.
I close my eyes and fall to sleep.


"Wednesday, we're here." Enid says.
I lift my head up.
"Hello" I say.
"Hi." She says laughing.
"What time is it?" I ask
"6am, we can go in and we can sleep for a bit longer if you want" she says.
"Yes please, I need sleep." I say.
I get out of the car.
I would have let Enid carry me but her parents would get suspicious.
"Well unpack later." She says.
"Ok." I say.

I follow Enid to her house and she knocks on the door. He father opens it, she hugs him.
"Hey kiddo." He says.
"How are you." She asks.
"Everything's alright. Is this your friend?" He asks.
"Yeah." She says.
"Come in." He says.
We do so. Lurch brings the bags up to Enid's room.
"I said we could wait until later." Enid says.
"We might as well get it out of the way so I can sleep longer." I say.
She smiles at that.
Lurch finishes up and says goodbye. I watch him drive away.
Thing crawls out one of my bags.
"Hi thing." Enid says.
"Ok, do you want to sleep on my bed or on the floor?" She asks.
"I don't mind."
"Or special privileges." She says.
"What's the special privileges?" I ask
"We share. Only if you want to though." She says.
"Do you want to?" I ask.
"I don't mind" she smiles.
"Ok, let's share..."

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(Was gonna post this tomorrow but oh well)
(1052 words)

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