Sleepover in Crackstones crypt

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(Wednesday POV)

We get ready for Crackstones crypt.
I hear Enid whimpering.
"What's wrong? You're not scared already are you? We're not even there yet." I say.
"No! It's just I don't think Yoko asked Weems and what if we get caught?" She says.
"You know when you and Xavier were talking, Yoko told Weems and she said it was ok." I say.
"Why didn't she tell me?" She says.
"Might have forgotten, you feel better now?" I ask.
"Kinda." She says.
I hug her.
"Thanks wens." She says.
I stop.
"We should probably go now. Remember your sleeping bag." I say.


We wait Infront of the crypt for the others. Xavier was already there when we arrived. "So, what was Tyler doing with Weems when we were back at the weathervane?" He asks.
"I assumed he was asking to join the school, I think he escaped or they let him talk with Weems. I think they find it better if he came to the school to learn but he's on chances." I Say.
"If Tyler wants to join the school then I don't mind, as long as he doesn't turn on us again." He says.
"It wasn't his fault he turned like that. He did it because he had no choice. Then he thought it was the right thing because of Laurel." I say.
"You guys talking about Tyler?" Yoko says.
"Yeah." I say.
"Let's go in!" She says.
We walk into the crypt.
I see the spot where I nearly died, it still has uncleaned blood there.
"Is that yours?" Yoko says, pointing at the brownish stain on the floor.
"Yes." I say.
"Can I lick it?" She asks.
"Uh, go ahead." I say.
"Ew, Yoko no!" Enid says.
"I was only joking." She says.

"I bet you she wasn't." Enid whispers to me.
"Wanna bet? If some of it's gone in the morning you win $5" I say.
"Make that 10 and we have a deal." She says.
"Ok, but then you'd have to give me $10 if I win." I say.
"Deal." She says. She laughs and we shake hands.
We lay our sleeping bags in the open area by the entrance.
Mine and Enid's are next to each other.
"If you get cold, don't hesitate to switch to mine." I whisper to Enid.
"I'll probably just go with you anyways." She says.
I grin at that a little. It's stupid, Enid has turned me soft but... I don't mind it.
"Did Wednesday just smile?" Yoko says.

"You saw nothing." I say.
"Okay..." She says, she sits in her sleeping bag.
We were kinda in a circle with a torch in the middle, well.... More like a triangle because Enid was next to me.
"So, what do we do now?" Xavier asks.
"I'm surprised you actually joined us." Yoko says.
"I got nothing better to do, but if I end up not here in the middle of the night I should be in the shack painting." He says.
"Ok." I say.

"So... Horror stories?" Yoko asks.
We all agree, Enid was a little hesitant though.
"I'll go first." I say.
"Uh, no offence but yours tend to be too scary. Let someone else go first." Enid says.
"You can go after." Yoko says.
"Yoko, it's dark outside now." Enid says.
"Oh, thanks." She says, she takes off her glasses.
"Anyways, who's first?" She asks
Everyone is silent.
"Does no one have a good horror story?" She asks.
Silence again.
She sighs.
"Go ahead Wednesday." She says.
I start.
"It was a cold night, four normie teens decided to have a sleepover in a crypt. They decided to tell horror stories to pass the time but, something was off."
"Uh, I think this is about us." Xavier says to Yoko.
"I didn't say us did I? Anyways, They were interrupted by a noise outside. Rustling, in the bushes outside. Then a thud on the door. The cower inside, scared of what could be outside. They hear scraping of long claws, etching the outside door."

We hear rustling outside.
"Strange, it's not windy?" Xavier says.
A thud on the door.
"Wednesday, stop!" Yoko says.
"It's not me." I say, I hear Enid whimper behind me.
And then the scratching.
"It's probably just Thing being.... Thing" I say. I get up to check.
Enid grabs my arm.
"No, don't!" She says.
"Enid, it's ok. I'm just going to check it out." I say.
I open the door, looking around outside. I see Thing sat outside, this is all a prank. Of course, by me.
"What the-" I say, I quickly jump back, trying to make it so that I was grabbed by something. I give a small scream for the extra spice.
"Wednesday!" Enid says.
I hear someone running to the door.
It's Yoko.
She looks at me.
"Scream." I whisper.
She looks confused, but then catches on. She gives a shrilling scream and I grab her and pull her to my side of the door.
"It got Yoko!" Xavier says.
I chuck a flashlight in front of the door. It lands on the grass and shines directly inside. "Help me make a creature silhouette." I say. She does so and Thing helps too.
We go Infront of the flashlight, creating a shadow on the floor.

"I didn't think pranking was your thing?" Yoko whispers, in position to create the silhouette.
"It's not, i just like scaring people because it's funny." I say, it's true.
Xavier looks around, he picks up a torch and throws it at me. I wasn't expecting that, I'm an idiot. I try to catch it but I left it too late, it hits me in the face and i fall back. I hit the floor and I feel blood run down my chin.
Great, my nose is bleeding.
"What?" Xavier says, they noticed the top half of the monster disappear.
They run over.
"Wednesday, Yoko?" He says.
"Then what was making that scratching noise?" Enid says.
"Thing." Yoko says.
"Your bleeding!" Enid says.
"Yes, I am." I say. Sitting up.
She comes over. She picks me up.
"Wha- I can walk you know." I say.
"You don't know that." She says.
"I know that I'm perfectly capable of walking, a little nose bleed isn't going to affect my legs is it." I say.
"Yeah, that's like saying 'ow my hip' when you stub your toe." Yoko says.
"Can we just go to bed now?" Xavier says.
"Yeah, I'm gonna take Wednesday to get a tissue or whatever because she's bleeding."
"I'm fine." I say.
"I'm still going to help you." She says.
"I don't need help." I say.
"Wednesday!" She says, pissed off. she turns to me.
I sigh.
"Fine." I say.
"There should be some in my shack, I'll come with" he says.

"Wait what about me!?" Yoko says.
"Xavier you stay behind with Yoko." I say.
"Please." I say.
"Ok." He says, he gives me the key to it and goes back in.
Me and Enid go to the shack.
Enid puts me down.
"You didn't need to carry me here." I say, I unlock the door.
"I felt like doing it." She says.
We go in, I turn on the light to see all of the Hyde paintings and a couple more of me added to the collection.
"Woah." Enid says.
"I forgot that you have never been here before." I say.

"Sit." She says, I sit on a stool by the desk. She finds a towel and crouches down, she wipes the blood off.
"Your lip is bleeding too." She says.
"Hold your nose and tilt your head back for ten minutes." She says.
"I know how to stop a nose bleed." I say.
"Well why aren't you doing It?" She asks.
I do so, breathing out of my mouth.
"Sorry." She says.
"What for?" I ask, my voice sounds weird.
"For getting all worked up. You just keep getting hurt and saying it's fine but it's not... and I try to help you but you won't let me and it stresses me out Wednesday." She says, she sits down on the floor and hugs her knees. I feel guilty, it's also weird.
"I'm sorry, for stressing you out. I just... I don't want to seem weak and you to not like me anymore but I keep feeling weird and it's just so confusing." I say.
She looks up at me.
"Wednesday, I don't think you're weak. Honestly I'm honoured that you feel comfortable enough to show emotion around me. It makes me love you even more." She says.
We sit in silence for a few minutes.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"Midnight, you should stop holding your nose now, tilt your head forward and put the towel to it." She says.
"How do you know this stuff?" I ask.
"Dad taught me." She says.

"We should probably get back." I say after a while.
We start to walk back to the crypt.
When we get back, Xavier and Yoko were asleep already.
I get into my sleeping bag.
"Hey, can I join you?" Enid says.
"Yes." I say, I make room for her as she gets into my sleeping bag. I turn onto my side. I hate sleeping on my side, but I do anyway... For Enid. Her cuddle makes up for it though.
"I love you." I whisper. It's become the  new goodnight.
"I love you too Wens." She says.

(1589 words)

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