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(Wednesday POV)
(Thanks to @DaddyEilish1 again for the idea)

I wake up to Enid standing over me.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hi! I have an idea!" She says.
"How long were you watching me for?" I ask.
"10 minutes!" She says.
"Ok." I say, I sit up.
"What's your idea?"
"We go on another date! But to an arcade!" She says.
What is an arcade?
"What is that?" I ask.
"Oh, a place where you play video games but public." She says.
"Video games? Like pong?" I ask.
"Somewhat like that. How do you know what pong is?" She asks.
"I'm old fashioned, but not that old fashioned. I know what Gameboys and games were. Or old phones like Nokia." I say.
"That's weird. You're only like, 17."
"How the hell do you know what a Gameboy is?"
"They were in the 80s? How do you not know?"
"Because both of us were born in the 21st century!"
"Ok, let's stop this. So you want to take me to an arcade? Is there even an arcade in Jericho?"
"How are we going to get there?" I ask.
"We can ask Mr.Wood to drop us off there." She says.
I sigh.
"Ok." I say.
"Yay!" She says.
"Don't you need money for those things by the way?" I ask
"Oh, right. I'll figure it out." She says.

I get up.
"Can you look away while I get dressed." I ask.
"Yeah." She faces the wall and I can hear her looking through TikTok.
I get dressed.
"You can look now." I say.
She turns back around.
I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.
I see Bianca behind me in the mirror. I turn around.
"Bianca?" I ask.
"Yeah, why are you brushing your teeth here?" She asks.
"Well there's no bathroom in the dorm." I say.
"Touche. You're here early." She says.
"I wasn't expecting you back. I thought you had that thing with your mother." I say.
"How did you know about that?" She asks
"I have my ways."
"I did what she needed me to do and I came back here. Hopefully she'll leave me alone now."
"Good for you." I say, I leave and go back to my dorm.

"Anything new?" Enid asks.
"Bianca's back." I say.
"Cool. She's early." Enid says.
"I've never known a school that lets their students come In a week early. Usually you come back and it's straight to school." I say.
"Nevermore is nice. Also, we aren't very straight so..." She says
I look at her in disapproval.
"That wasn't that good, if you're going to make jokes at least make them laughable." I say
"Aw, I thought that was good!"


It was 5pm when we got there.
"So you wanna eat first?" She asks
"Sure." I say.
"What are our options?"
"So we either have a fancy restaurant, arcade, fast food-"
"The arcade makes food?"
"I think they sell like... Burgers or hot dogs or whatever."
"I'll try a hotdog." I say
Enid smiles at that.
"Arcade it is then." She says.

We were ordering.
"What do you usually drink? I know I usually get you water but is there anything else?" Enid asks
"Poison, but I doubt they sell that." I say.
"We have rat poison in the back. But we don't usually give it to customers." An employee says.
"That will do." I say
"I guess no kissing today then." Enid says.
"On the other hand I think water will be good enough." I say.
"Wait what-?"
We get our stuff and eat at a table.
"Did you really pass down the opportunity to drink something you like just so we could kiss?" She says
"No, I just thought i should drink water." I say, grinning a little.
"So what games first? " She asks.
"I don't know what there is." I say.
"Wanna see what's in the claw machines first?" She asks.
"Sure, if that's what you want to do." I say.
"Cool." She says.

When we finish our food we go over to the claw machines.
There was one that was filled with these things called 'squishmallows'.
There was this blue and green dragon that she wanted.
She kept trying to get it but she couldn't.
"Want me to try?" I ask
"No! I want to get it." She says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because I want to get it for you!" She says.
"What would I do with it?" I ask.
"I don't know!" She says.
"Is your money already in there?"
"If I win it, and it's your money. It would be like you bought it." I say.
"Oh." She says.
"Teach me how to use this thing." I say.
"You use this to move left and right, this to go back and forward and this to grab." She explains.
I have a go. I move it towards the dragon and press the button and it grabs it. It comes back and drops it into a hole.
"Where did it go?" I ask.
Enid laughs.
"Down here." She says, she grabs it out of a little door in the machine.
She gives me the dragon.
I reluctantly accept the gift. I take it from her. It's... Soft, like velvet. I don't know why but I just, I like it. Enid notices.
"Soft isn't it?" She says.
"Yeah." I say.
"I thought you'd like it." She says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Sometimes, certain feels make certain people's senses happy. Like how you like the texture of that squishmallow."
We play more games for the rest of the night, at 9pm Fauna takes us back.

When we get back to our dorm, I lay down in bed with the dragon.
"Did you know the squishmallows have names. The company named them and they have a website on it." She says.
"What is this one called?" I ask.
"Let me get dressed and then I'll look it up." She says. I turn around to face the wall.
I look through my messages.

Xavier: I should be coming tomorrow, wanna meet at the quad?

Me: can I bring Enid?

Xavier: yeah.

"You can look now. Also, Yoko's arriving tomorrow Do you wanna hang out with her?" She says.
I turn around to face her.
"Can Xavier tag along? I said I'd meet him at the quad." I say.
"We can all meet by the quad. I've told her we're girlfriends by the way, it's not just Lurch and Thing to know all the tea that goes around here." She says.
"Ok." I say.

Me: you wanna hang out with Enid and Yoko?

Xavier: sure, what are we going to do......?

(1114 words.)

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