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(Enid POV)

I am pumped for my date with Wednesday. The one thing I'm worried about is coming out to my parents. But when I go back they said Wednesday could come so maybe she could help.

"Hey wens." I say
"Yes?" She asks.
"When we go back to my house, can we keep our relationship secret."
"Thank you, it's just I haven't come out yet and I don't know how they'll react." I say.
"That's ok. I haven't come out to mine yet."
"Oh? But they seem supportive."
"That's ok, but they'll constantly not leave me alone about it."
"Mine won't be as supportive as yours, maybe dad but I'm not sure about mum."
"Listen, Enid. If they do not support you, just know that my family will. And I will be here for you."
"Thanks Wednesday. That means a lot to me."

We were in the back of the car, Lurch was driving us to Starbucks.
I stare at Wednesday, she's just so... Loveable. Her eyes, her style, her hair, she makes me feel weird but in a good way.
"I like how we're opposites but we still manage to just... Fit." I say.
"Me too, it's odd that we have completely different interests but we can still just have a connection to the other person. It's kind of like filling the others void of dislikes into something they can love. Like how you exist and I'd go out of my way to protect you."
She smiles at me slightly.
I smile back at her and lean my head on her shoulder.
I catch Lurch looking at us through the mirror.
"Don't worry, he won't tell anyone." Wednesday whispers to me.

We sit down at a table at Starbucks.
"I'll order." Wednesday says,
"what would you like?"
"Chocolate frappuccino please." I say.
"Ok. Be right back" she says, going up to order.
"You ok?" I ask Thing.
He gives a little thumbs up.
'Are you ok' He signs.
"Yeah, it's just. I really like Wednesday." I say.
'but your dating now, how is that a bad thing'
"Because I've never felt like this towards someone, it was different with Ajax but with Wednesday I just feel more... Relaxed, like I can be myself."
Wednesday comes over after a while with our drinks.
Thing crawls back into my bag.
"What were you guys talking about?" Wednesday asks.
"You." I say.
She takes a sip of her drink.
"Tomorrow we're leaving for yours. I'm hoping tonight I can come out to my parents so then I can leave straight after, are you ok with that?." She says.
"Yeah, just as long as you tell them that mine don't know. Your parents are really nice by the way."
"I know, it's annoying." She says.
"This is a date, should we really be discussing parents?"
"Hmm, what do we talk about on dates?" I say.
"Well I looked it up last night, we're supposed to talk about interests but we already know what each other's interests are."
"You did research?"
"Well I didn't want our date to go badly and I wanted you to have a good time, so... Yeah." She says.
"Thanks wens, but i already have a good time when you're around."
She smiles slightly.
I never get to see her fully smile, but I guess a small one is a good enough sign if she's not the emotion showing type.
"So have you been able to control your wolf yet?" She asks.
"No not yet, it comes in stages. Each time the moon becomes closer to being full I grow more fur, I'm just good at hiding it. The one thing that doesn't change though is these ears and tail." I say. I twitch my ear, it's itchy.
"Do you have full control over them?"
"Yes, unless I'm feeling emotion. If I'm happy the tail will move, if I'm scared my ears will go down, etc."
"Yeah, I like them. It adds to your personality." She says.
I smile at that.
"Thanks wens." I say.

"Hey, you have powers don't you? What exactly are you, no offence."
"None taken, my ancestors were witches but I think I'm psychic. I inherited my abilities from my mother and I can only control them with help from the dead, but since goody healed me. I'll never see her again." She says.
"Will you get a new spirit or will you just be unable to control your power forever."
"I'll probably be unable to control it, but that's not what I'm worried about.   It's the fact that it can make me go insane and I'll probably forget all of this."
"You won't, not while I'm here. I'll try to help you the best I can." I say.
"Thank you." She says.
"This conversation kinda got deep didn't it." I say.

We were on our way back, looks like Wednesday was really tired because she fell asleep on the way back. We got back at around 8:30pm, we had dinner whilst we were out too. It was like two dates in one.
"Wednesday, we're home."
"Wha- oh."
She's so adorable.
"Come on." I say.
"Ok." She slowly unbuckles her seat belt.
I sigh and get out of the car. I come over to her side and open her door.
"If you're gonna be like that then I'll just pick you up." I say.
"Fine." She says.
"Wait really?" I ask.
"Go on" she says.
I scoop her up and close the door with my foot.
I go through the front door.
"Is everything ok?" Morticia says.
"Yeah, she's just tired." I say.
I go upstairs but out of the corner of my eye I see Morticia and Gomez look at each other in confusion.
I carry Wednesday up the stairs and into her room.
She fell asleep again.
I place her in her bed and put the covers over her.
"I must say Enid, you're very comfortable." She says.
"Thank you, did I wake you?" I ask.
"It's ok." She says.
I lay down in my sleeping bag.
Thing crawls out and turns off the light.
"Night Wens."
"Goodnight Enid."

(1031 words)

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