trapped confession

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(Enid POV again!)

We arrive at the warehouse, windows were broken, some walls were starting to grow moss. It just looked like the usual abandoned place, Wednesday sends Thing through the window and he opens the door, it was one of those big doors that looked like garage doors and you'd open them with a control.
"I'm surprised the technology in this place still works." Wednesday says, she seems fascinated by this. It makes me feel more happy that we're doing something she enjoys.
We go into it, there were big shelves. Mostly all of them were empty but one had a forklift on the top, there was another forklift on the ground. It was covered in webs and dust.
Wednesday sets a sleeping bag in an open area that was in the middle of the Wearhouse. Thing closes the large door and crawls over to us.
I set my sleeping bag next to Wednesdays. "Want to explore and then we'll go to sleep?" She asks.
"Sure, but I'm sticking with you. You better not play any tricks Addams I swear to god."
"We'll see." She says.

We wander around the old shelves, I was so scared that something was gonna jump out at us that I was shaking.
Wednesday notices.
She moves her hand into mine, grasping it gently. This makes me feel more comfortable. Her hand is very cold but I don't mind that.
I hear a creaking behind me and turn around, she pulls me out of the way just as a shelf starts to fall. We both fall over, the shelf misses us.
I feel like I'm having a panic attack but one thing catches me off guard, a slight laugh.
I turn to Wednesday, she was... Laughing? Not a laugh, it was like a small giggle and it sounded evil.
I feel my face heat up, I start laughing too.
She stops, but she's still smiling a little.
"I don't know what you've done to me Sinclair." She says.
"I don't know either!" I say.
She gets up, back to her usual self.
She offers me a hand and helps me up.
"We should get back now." She says, she leads me through the dark.

We get to our sleeping bags and we sit on them.
We talk for a bit and decide to go to sleep.

(TW. Dismembered body parts, gore, blood and death)

I wake up in the warehouse, except it doesn't feel like the warehouse.
Wednesday isn't here in her sleeping bag so I get up and search for her.
I go through the shelves except they have body parts on them. There was blood on the walls and messages written like "your next" or "goodnight :)" my fear increased. I go through still, all I want to do is find Wednesday. I get to a corner and turn it, what I see at the end of the hallway is Wednesday, except she's covered in blood. I run over to her.
"Are you ok?" I ask, but she doesn't respond.
Her lifeless body falls into my arms.
I feel something pierce into my back, scratching me like claws.

I wake up, bolting upright in my sleeping bag. I feel so scared, tears rolling down my face. I shake and cry silently. I hear Wednesday move in her sleeping bag, the torch turns on.
She looks at me and sits up.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"I- I had a nightmare." I say.
She moves closer next to me.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" She asks.
"Yeah." I say. I tell her what I saw.
"It's ok, I'm ok, you're ok." She says.
"But it's not, I keep having dreams about you dying and it's tearing me apart."
"But I'm ok. As long as I am here, you have nothing to be scared of."
"But, what if you're not?"
"Listen Enid, I will forever be your friend and I will forever be with you. No matter what. Even if I die, I will climb my way out of hell to find you." She says.
"Thank you." I say.
"I just felt so scared and alone."
"It's ok. I don't know how to make you feel more comfortable for the rest of the night though." She says.
"I'm sorry." I say. I feel bad for waking her up and her having to deal with this.
"What are you sorry for?"
"For waking you up, I should have been more quiet."
"As long as you're ok and safe, I don't mind."
"Softie." I say smiling a little.
"Wow, I was going to give you a hug to make you feel better but I guess not now."
"No wait I take it back."
"Too late, goodnight."
She lies back down on her back and closes her eyes.
I actually feel sad now. I sigh and turn away with my back to her.
I hear her move and I feel an arm go over me.
"You change your mind?" I smile.
"Shut up." She says from behind me.

I wake up, it was bright outside. I check the time on my phone, 10am.
I look over to see Wednesday sat by the door, she seems to be in deep thought. Thing was sat next to her.
"What's up" I ask.
"The door won't open." She says.
"Where were you going?" I ask.
"Shouldn't there be one here?" I say.
"Yes but I couldn't leave you."
I smile a little.
"I'll come with to help find one."
We both get up and wander around.
"Do you reckon that the forklifts still work?" I ask.
"Probably not." Wednesday says.
Thing catches us up.
"I think there will be one in the main building." I say
We go through the door and into a hallway.
"I'll wait in the warehouse." I say.
"Are you sure? You're not scared of being alone anymore?" She says.
"No, just thought I'd wait in the warehouse with Thing. So we can talk about you behind your back."
"Ok, have fun." She smirks.
She disappears behind a door.
I walk back into the warehouse.
"I've got you Thing."
"Except I can't fight well."
"Probably. You could punch someone, that's good enough. I can't believe we're actually trapped in here." I say.
"What if we go through the hallway, there could be a door down there to the outside."
"probably, but we'll wait for Wednesday before we check." I see a huge spider dangle down in front of me.
I scream, it was more of a squeak, and run back through the door with Thing.
I wait in the hallway.
Wednesday comes out of the door.
"I thought you were waiting in the warehouse."
"Big. Spider."
"In the warehouse, you sure?" She says sarcastically.
"I'm not joking it's massive please get it."
"There's probably bigger ones everywhere else but sure."
She goes through the door, I look through the small window to see her grab the spider.
She starts walking this way.
"Wait what nononononono!" I say.
She comes through the door and I start to back up as she takes it into the bathroom.
"What are you doing?"
"There's a window in the bathroom."
"Why is the bathroom like, the only place that isn't broken." I ask.
"I don't know but I'm glad it is."
We start walking back into the warehouse.
"So how are we going to get out of here." I ask.
"Not sure." She says.
We get to our sleeping bags and I sit down on mine.

"Can we get breakfast when we get out" I say.
Wednesday searches through her bag and hands me a breakfast bar.
"I bought these before we came."
"You're very well prepared." I say.
"You wanna help find an exit?" She says.
"Yeah, can we chill out for a few minutes first." I say.

We sit in silence pondering.
"Enid." She says.
"Yes?" I ask.
"What did you think of me." She says
"What, when we first met?" I ask.
"Yes." She looks at me.
"I thought you were kinda weird and creepy at first, but then I started to warm up to you. Now I just, can't stop thinking about you." I say, I think about what I just said.
Her eyebrows rise slightly.
"What did you think of me." I say after a while.
"I thought you'd be annoying. Just another person that I'd loath but, all I can think about is protecting you." She says, looking at the floor.
Thing taps wildly with excitement, he signs something to Wednesday that I didn't catch.
"Fine. I guess I have nothing much to lose anyways." She says.
She sits herself up and looks at me.
"Enid, there's something I have to tell you." She says.
I feel my heart beat wildly.
"What is it?" I ask.
"For a while, I've felt different about you." She seems like she's struggling to say this.
"And I've been confused because, well I don't feel these things often. Ever since we had that moment at Nevermore I've felt different, I get this weird feeling around you."
She says.
"Wednesday I.... I feel like that too." I say...

(1536 words)

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