first week back

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I admit, the rest of the time was boring without Enid. But it became slightly better whenever she sent me a text or a video. Tomorrow will be the day we go back to Nevermore.
I pack up my things, including my new cello.
I can't wait to see Enid, I don't know why. I've never wanted to see a person so much until now.

Lurch helps pack things into the car.
"Do you want Thing to come with you again?" Mother asks.
"I would like that, I think Enid would like to see him." I say.
"We'll be joining you on your trip.
She says.
"Ok." I say.


Were in the car on our way to Nevermore.
"So when did you start liking Enid?"
Mother says.
"If you guys have joined me on my trip to interrogate me about my girlfriend then you might as well just get out now." I say.
"Wednesday, I just wanted to know more about her and your relationship."
"I'm thrilled that you have found love, my little storm cloud" father says.
"After I killed Crackstone, I came out of Nevermore and she hugged me and that's when I started having these feelings around her." I say, yes. Just this once I give in. I love talking about Enid.


When we get there we go to Weems's office. She looks surprised to see us once again.
"I wasn't expecting you back Wednesday!" She says.
"I'm back mostly because of you and Enid, and because last year was fun." I say.
"Oh, well it's nice to see you back. You're in the same dorm room. You're quite early and so was Enid-" she says.
"Enids here?" I ask, I'm eager to see her.
"Yes, before you go to your dorm there are a couple of things I have to say to you. School will start next week, so be ready. We are quite grateful that Jericho has let us be able to go there still, even after the events of last year. So this week if you want to go we will not stop you but when school again we go back to how it was before. No boys in dorms, ever. Your new Dorm caregiver is Mr. Wood, he's our new plant and biology teacher. Please greet him with kindness as he is not a very social person. Other than that, you can go to your dorm now while I talk to your parents in private." She says.

I instantly leave the room and speed walk to the dorm.
My bags were there, so were Enid and Thing.
I go up to Enid and hug her.
"Hi!" She says, hugging me back.
"I missed you." I say.
"Wednesday Addams missed me?" She says.
"What have you been up to?" She asks.
"Absolutely nothing." I say, it was true.
I hold her face in my hands, feeling her scars.
I want to kiss her, but I don't. I kiss her cheek instead.
We hear a knock on the door. I start to walk to my side of the room.
"Come in!" Enid says.
In comes a man, he has white short, fluffy hair with black spots and goat ears. He had those goat horns that went down towards his face and curled up into a point. He also had the bottom half of a goat, it also being white with black spots. His eyes were green and he had a flower in his hair.

"Hi. I'm sorry if I was interrupting anything but I thought I'd come to see you guys, I need to know you if I'm your dorm caregiver." He says, he has a British accent and he was wearing a suit. The top half anyways.
"Are you our new biology teacher, Mr. Wood?" Enid asks.
"Yes." He says.
"We've never had a faun in the school before." Enid says, she looks around him, studying him. He looks uncomfortable and nervous.
"Enid stop." I say, sitting on my bed.
"Anyways, I thought I could bring you guys out to the weathervane to get to know you more. Weems gave me permission to drive you to Jericho myself." He says, he stays looking at the floor.
"Sure!" Enid says.


Enid and I get out of the car. We go towards the weathervane, Mr. Woods hooves click on the pavement as he walks.
We go into the place and find a seat, me and Enid sit next to each other.
"What do you guys want?" Mr. Wood asks.
"Quad over ice." I say.
"Hot chocolate please!" Enid says.
"Aren't those usually only made in winter?" I ask.
"Meh, who cares." Enid says.
"Ok, I'll be back!" He says.

He comes back with drinks a few minutes later.
He gives us our drinks and sits opposite to us.
"Mr wood, are you from the UK?" Enid asks.
"You can refer to me as Fauna outside of school, and yes." He says.
"What part?" She asks.
"Essex, it's in the east." He smiles.
"Do you have powers?" I ask.
"Yes, they're nature based." He says.
"That's cool!" Enid says.
"Our last biology teacher was a normie. It's nice we have the right person for the right thing." I say.
"Where are you guys from?" He asks.
"San Francisco!" Enid says.
"Ah, California. Wednesday?"
"New Jersey." I say.
"What are your guys powers." He asks.
"I'm a werewolf, don't really have many powers other than turning." Enid says.
"I get glimpses of the future or past whenever I touch something, I can't control it though." I say.
"Cool!" He says, he sips his drink.
"What did you get?" Enid asks.
"Tea." He says.
We sit in an awkward silence for a few minutes, until Fauna breaks it.
"So are you two close?" He asks.
"We're dating." I say.
"Ah, how long?" He asks.
"Couple of weeks." Enid says, looking at me.
"Cool, me and my partner moved here not too long ago for the teaching job. Heard about Nevermore and it being the place for outcasts and I signed up. Either this or some normie school." He says.
"Oo, what's your partner's name." Enid says.
"Stop being nosey." I say.
"It's ok. Their name is James." Fauna says.
"What is their power, or are they a normie?" Enid asks.
"They can control electric things, they can make electricity in their hands too." He says.
"Like my uncle Fester." I say.
"Are your whole family outcasts?" He asks.
"Yes." I say.
Thing crawls out of my bag.
Fauna looks confused.
"This is Thing." I say.
"Where's the rest of him?" He asks.
"We don't know, it's an old Addams family mystery." I say.
Thing gives a wave, kind of.

"Have you guys finished your drinks, we should probably be getting back now." He says.
"Yup!" Enid says.
"Yes." I say.

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