movie night

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(Enid POV)
(Thank you to DaddyEilish1 for the idea)

Me and Wednesday we're sitting on our sides of the dorm.
"You know we don't have to stay on our sides of the dorm anymore." I say.
"I prefer not to go on your side, If you want something. You come over here." Wednesday says. She goes to write on her type writer.
"Do you want to have a movie night tonight?" I ask.
"Sure, you pick the movie." Wednesday says.
"Really?" I ask.
I hear her type writer keys click.
I try to think of a good movie to watch.
"What do you recommend we watch, something that we'd both enjoy. Or what you enjoy, like horror?" I ask.
She doesn't answer.
Is she ignoring me? What did I do?
"Wednesday?" I ask.
She still doesn't answer, she just carries on as if I didn't say anything.
I go up to her. I tap her on the shoulder.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"You weren't answering me." I say.
"Oh, I didn't hear you. Sorry." She says.
"Do you want to watch a horror movie?" I ask.
"Do you like horror movies?" She asks.
"Not really." I say.
"Then why did you offer a horror movie?" She asks.
"Cause you like horror. Plus I haven't really watched one so." I say, I don't really watch horror movies so it'll be a new experience.
"Sure." She says.
"Do you know any good ones?" I ask
"There's one I've heard of but haven't watched yet." She says
"What's it about?" I ask
"A mother and her daughter, her daughter is paralysed. That's all I know."
"What's it called?"
"Run." She says
I think I've seen it in the banners up top on Netflix.
I look it up on Netflix. Run. The thumbnail was a girl in a wheelchair. I click on it, the option to play pops up and so does the description. There wasn't much of a description, it just said 'this 2020 horror thriller features Sarah Paulson and Kiera Allen.' the preview plays up top.
I click off before it shows anything.

(Run Spoilers, I am actually watching it too so it's accurate lol. The things I do for you guys)

It was 8pm and we had come back from dinner.
"So movie?" I ask.
"Yes." Wednesday says.
We sit on her bed, my laptop in my lap. I open up Netflix and put on the movie. It plays, eerie music and the logo for Lionsgate® shows. Then it goes to black.
Wednesday rests her head on my shoulder.

A few minutes into the movie, we're at the part where the mom and Chloe we're sat in Chloe's bedroom talking.
"The mum really gives me the creeps." I say.
"I like her." Wednesday says.
"Of course you do." I say.


It gets to the part where Chloe is looking up the drug but there is no internet. She sits back.
"Wait, there's someone in the background." I say.
"It's her mum, she knows." Wednesday says, unfazed.
"That's creepy." I say.
"It is a horror movie." Wednesday says.


We are at the part where Chloe was at the pharmacy.
"The mother is insane I told you!" I say
"She's been paralysing her daughter with dog medication. What the hell is wrong with her. I wouldn't even do that." She says.
"You're not like that, that's why." I say.

"This is making my mum look really good right now." I say.
"I don't think the mother is my favourite anymore. But I still like her, she's smart." She says.
"I'm not surprised."I say
"I feel really bad for Chloe."
"Yeah." She says.
"You actually feel bad?" I ask.
"Even if it is just a movie, yes. No one deserves this."


"Well that was... Something." Wednesday says
"That gave me a lot of mixed emotions." I say
"Films tend to do that." She says
"It's 10:30, you wanna go for another movie or just talk for a bit or whatever?" I ask.
"can we just talk until we fall asleep." She says.
"Sure, what do you want to talk about?" I ask.
"Deep things" she says.
"What kind of deep things" I laugh.
"I don't know. Have you ever seen a shoebill stork before? Those things are creepy, I like them."
"They look like prehistoric birds.... Like dinosaur birds." She says, I've never seen or heard her like this before. She's like a different person.
"They make machine gun noises, with their beaks I think. Big noise." She says.
I can't help but laugh at the way she talks.
"What?" She asks.
"Just, the way you're saying things." I respond.
"I'm tired, can't be bothered to say things normally." She says.
She yawns and turns on her side to face me. We're both lying down, facing each other. She moves closer so that our noses were nearly touching. She looks at me with tired eyes. "I love you Enid." She says.
"I love you too." I say. She gets closer and kisses me. She pulls away and sits up.
"Sorry. I didn't know if you wanted to do that, I'm sorry." She says, she sounds panicked.
"No. It's ok!" I say, sitting up too.
"No it's not, I should have asked first I'm sorry! I'm-"
I hold her face in my hands.
"It's ok!" I say.
"Are you sure?" She says.
"Oh my god, yes!" I say.
I kiss her, she's a little taken aback by this but she doesn't pull away. We sit there for a few seconds until I pull away.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
"Yeah, just tired." She says, grinning a little.
"You wanna sleep?" I ask.
"Very much so." She says.
"Goodnight." She says
"Night." I say.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

(975 words)

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