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(Enid POV)

I wake up at midnight, it was a Wednesday. I look to my side to see that Wednesday isn't there. Yesterday we just spent the whole day chilling out, we were both wrecked after the concert. Even Wednesday and all she did was watch it. I see her at the window.
"What's up Wens?" I ask.
"My cello helps with these moments." She says.
"Oh." I say.
"But it's not here, so I just have to stay awake and I'm left to think about it all. Before I got the cello I just kept it all in until I'd let it out one night."
"Isn't that a good thing, doesn't it help?" I ask.
"Not for me, I'd end up loathing myself for being weak and adding to the problems even more until... Yeah. That's why I have my cello." She says.
I sit next to her.
"Wednesday, you can talk to me about anything. You know that right, it comes with special privileges." I smile.
"Thanks Enid." She says, I rest my head on her shoulder.
"Can you just try to get to sleep please." I ask.
"Ok." She says. I help her up. I lay down on my bed, she lays down next to me. I open my arms, inviting her to a hug. She moves closer and I wrap my arms around her. I pull the covers up and we fall asleep.



Enid wakes up, she checks the time on  her phone. It was 10am.
Enid looks over to see Wednesday. Surprisingly, she was on her phone.
She was texting Xavier.
"How long have you been awake for?" Enid asks.
"Since 5am." She says.
Enid sighs, she feels sorry for Wednesday.
"Come here." She says.
Wednesday does so.
Enid pulls her into a trapped hug.
"You've caught me now, what do you want?" Wednesday asks.
"I'm not letting you go until you've had a decent sleep." she says, her ears slightly back.
Wednesday sighs. She falls asleep almost instantly. 

Enid was watching TikTok. Wednesday slept next to her, her head on Enids shoulder.
Enid looks at her every couple of seconds, to make sure that she's ok.
She receives a text.

Mum: we're home.

Enid: ok.

It was 1pm. She hears her door open, but she can't move. Wednesday needed sleep.
Her father walks in.
"Oh, am I interrupting?" He says.
"No it's fine. I can't move because she fell asleep." Enid smiles at her father.
"I brought you guys brunch." He smiles, he hands Enid a bag and drinks. It was McDonald's.
"Thank you." She says.
He goes to leave.
"Can you not tell mum please."
"No problem kiddo, I love you."
"Thank you, love you."
He gently closes the door.

Enid waits for Wednesday to wake up.
It was 1:30pm when Wednesday finally opened her eyes.
"What time is it?" She asks.
"1:30" Enid says.
"Let me heat up your food so you can eat." Enid says, Wednesday moves so she can get up.
"Thank you." She says.
"As long as you've had something to eat, I don't mind." Enid says, she goes to the kitchen.
Her dad sat at the table, reading something.
She places the food in the microwave and turns it on for 30 seconds.
"Dad." She says.
"Yeah?" Her father says, looking up.
"Me and Wednesday are dating." She says nervous.
"I could kind of see that, I'm happy for you." He smiles.
"Thank you." She says.
She grabs the food and takes it upstairs.
"Wednesday, guess what!" She says excitedly, her tail was wagging fast.
"What?" Wednesday asks.
"I told dad that we're dating!" She says.
Wednesday slips a small smile.
"Good job" she says.
But Enid can't help but wonder.
"Wednesday, I know I've asked this before. But are we like, girlfriends now? We've gone on a date, we've slept in the same bed, we flirt and we give each other physical attention." She asks.
"Yes." Wednesday says.
For some reason Enid feels relieved.
"And I'm pretty sure both of us are ready to have a committed relationship, so..." She says.
"So what?" Enid asks.
"There are more 'special privileges' for us both." She says.
"Such as?"
"Kissing, nicknames, etc." She says.
"Didn't you and Tyler kiss before having a relationship?" Enid asks.
"Yes, but we're doing it differently. Instead we're doing it in stages. Like you should, it goes dating then girlfriend/boyfriend." Wednesday says.
"What comes after?" Enid asks.
"Marriage. But we're not ready for that, nor are we old enough." She says.
Enid can't help but laugh a little.
"You have this planned out don't you?" She says.
Wednesday becomes embarrassed.
"I guess so." She says, looking at the floor.

"It's ok, I find it cute." Enid says.
"I'm flattered." Wednesday replies.
She tries to make it sound sarcastic.
"So what do we do now." Enid says.
"Want me to braid your hair." Wednesday asks, it's something to pass the time.
"Oh my god, yes!" Enid says excitedly.
"Can I try on one of your jackets too?"
Wednesday is usually protective over her jackets and jumpers.
"Ok, can I try on one of your jumpers." Wednesday asks, this shocks Enid.
"Wait really?" She asks.
"Special privileges." Wednesday grins.
Enid pulls her into a hug.
"Why do you always hug me whenever I smile?" Wednesday asks, curious.
"It's a reward." Enid smiles at her.
They pull away, Enid kisses Wednesday on the cheek, before Wednesday could process she turns around.
"So braids?" She says.
"Uh- yeah." Wednesday says, flustered.
She starts braiding Enids hair.


It was 3:30 Enid sat on her bed watching tik toks, she had braids in her hair and was wearing one of Wednesday's jackets. While Wednesday sat at Enids desk, watching the tiktoks Enid sends her because she thinks she'll like them. She's wearing one of Enid's jumpers and keeps trying to secretly bury her face in it. But Enid notices every time. She's so confused about why she likes the smell and feel.
"You know I don't mind Wednesday, it's normal to like the smell of your girlfriends clothes."she laughs.
"Why though?" She asks, curious once again.
"I think the smell of ones partner just sets something off in them, so much that they want to bury their face in it. Like what you're doing."
"So because of one's love for the other, the smell of their clothes gives them serotonin?"
"Exactly, I love your scent. But because I'm a werewolf I can already smell it around this room from the other side of the house, also hence why I found you so quickly when Tyler attacked you back when you had to defeat crackstone." She says.
"Wait, when did you start liking me?" Wednesday asks.
"When I first met you." Enid says.
"Oh." I say
"When did you start liking me?" She asks.
"I already said but it was when we hugged at Nevermore."
Enid smiles.

They chill out for the rest of the evening and eventually go to sleep.
(1184 words)

Wednesday And EnidHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin