midnight problems

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(3rd person again 0o0)
(TW cut and mentions of SH.)

Once again Enid wakes up to no Wednesday next to her, she checks the time on her phone. It shows midnight. She gets this feeling of deja vu, but that stops when she looks over by the window. Wednesday wasn't there either. She gets up to look for her. She goes in the hallway to hear the tap running in the bathroom. She knocks on the door.
"Wednesday are you ok?" She asks.
"Uh, yeah." She says.
"Ow!" Enid hears.
"What are you doing?" She asks.
"Just.... You know. Ow! Thing!"
Enid tries to open the door but it's locked.
"Wednesday, let me in!" She says.
She hears the door unlock.
She comes in, closing the door behind her.
She sees Wednesday and Thing at the sink, she was bleeding.
"What the hell happened?" Enid asks, concerned.
"I fell." Wednesday says.
"On what, a knife!?"
"No, I was walking to the window and I fell and caught my arm on the edge of your desk, you really need to sand the corner down."
Enid goes over to look at the cut.
It was big, very big. And deep.
"My desk did that?"
"Yes, and there might be blood on it too."
Enid was freaking out.
"Why didn't you wake me up!" She says.
"Because you would freak out. Like you're doing now."
"But I could have helped, Thing is terrible at stitching! Even he knows that!"
"Thing why didn't you wake me up either!?"
"Because Wednesday threatened me."
Enid gives Wednesday a glare.
"Thing you go back to the room, I'm going to redo it."
He gives an ok sign, Enid opens the door for him and he crawls out.
Enid closes the door.
"Are you sure you didn't do this to yourself?" Enid asks, she looks so sad.
"I'm sure, I would never do that." Wednesday says.


"Ok. Pass me those strips."
"It's an easier way, you did it with Tyler remember, when he scratched himself.'
"Yeah." She passed Enid the strips.
"sorry." Wednesday says.
"What for? It wasn't your fault." Enid says.
"For scaring you, for making think that-"
"It's ok. Just, if ever do feel like that. Tell me. And if you ever get hurt emotionally or physically, tell me. I want to help you Wednesday but if you don't tell me then I can't do anything." She says.
"Thank you Enid."
Enid finishes.
"You do whatever, I'm going to wait in my room." She says, she gives Wednesday a kiss on the forehead and leaves.

Wednesday comes back in the bedroom after a couple of minutes.
She sits on the bed next to Enid.
She stays looking at the floor.
"Are you ok?" Enid asks.
Wednesday sighs.
"Yes. I just don't know what to do."
"Well what's wrong?"
"I don't know. What is wrong with me" She says.
"Wednesday, this is completely normal!" Enid says.
"Not for me, I'm not used to this."
"Well, you're still you. Just more showing emotion, it's normal."
"Well it doesn't feel like it."
Enid hugs Wednesday.
"What's this for?" Wednesday asks.
"Nothing, just to show that I love you." Enid says.
"You love me?"
"Yeah." Enid says.
Wednesday takes a moment to process.
"I love you too." She says.
Enid smiles.


Enid wakes up and checks the time. It was 10:30 am and Wednesday was still asleep, good. At least she can rest, Enid thinks. Enid was stuck on plans for what they could do for tomorrow as Wednesday was leaving the next day. (I know it went by fast I'm sorry)
Enid gets an idea but waits for Wednesday to wake up first.
It was 3pm when Wednesday awoke.
"I thought you'd never wake up." Enid says.
"Good evening." Wednesday says.
Enid laughs at that.
"I have a plan for what we can do for dinner, I'm going to take you out and we can go on another date." She says.
"Ok." Wednesday says.

They both get ready before leaving.
"Bye dad, bye mum! We should be back before midnight!"
"What are you going to do?" Her mum asks
"Well I'm taking Wednesday out for dinner so, eat?" Enid says.
"Yes it's a date mum, I'll talk to you about that later. Love you." She says, they both go out the door.
They talk while walking down the street, holding hands.
"There's this fancy dinner place, I know it might make the date too cheesy but at least the food should be good." Enid says.
"I don't mind. I'll pay." Wednesday says.
"Nono, I'm paying. I told my parents that too."
"Good job on coming out I guess." Wednesday says.
"Thanks. It kinda just blurted out but I'm going with it."
"Hang on." Wednesday checks her bag. She pulls out Thing.
"Thing go back to Enid's."
"No, what if something bad happens." He signs
"Fine, but you stay in this bag."
He gives an ok sign and goes back in the bag.
"Will we ever have time alone together?" Wednesday says, closing her bag
"I don't know." Enid replies.
Enid takes Wednesday into the restaurant.
They wait by the door for the person (idk what they're called, a waiter? I thought they served the food?) to take them to some seats.

They sit down at their table and talk.
"I hope the food is not too expensive." Enid says.
The waiter comes over.
"Hello, sorry. Are you two old enough for wine? If so do you want wine?" They say.
"No, can we just have coke and water please." Enid says.
"Ok, well be right back." They smile and leave.
"Can I try your coke." Wednesday asks.
"Sure. If I can have a sip of your water."
Wednesday is confused at this but accepts.
Their drinks come, the waiter places them down.
"I'll be back to take your orders when you're ready." They say, giving them menus.
Wednesday tries Enid's drink.
"Why is it spicy?" She says.
Enid laughs at that.
"It's got like this thing with air pressure so it makes it fizz and stuff." Enid says.
"That's a smart way to make new drinks." Wednesday says, she passes Enid's drink back.
"Do you want some of my water?" She asks.
"No it's fine, I said that as a joke."
She sips her water.

They look at the menus.
The waiter comes back and they order their food.
"This is gonna be a great way to end the week." Enid says.
"Yeah, Lurch will be here tomorrow to pick me up." Wednesday says.
"I've had fun, it's been great with you. I'm just sad that you're leaving now."
"Well, we have he rest of tonight. And I will see you when we're back at Nevermore."
"That's a relief"
"And we can text over the rest of the holiday."
"Yeah, I have to deal with my mum though."
"She better be supportive cause I will make her be."


It was around midnight when they got back

Wednesday woke up at around 8am, she was packing up after getting ready. She hears a car pull up and looks outside to see Lurch.
She sighs. Enid helps her carry her stuff outside and Lurch packs it into the car. Before Wednesday leaves, her and Enid talk for a bit. "I'll see you at school!" Enid says, hugging her. She kisses Wednesday on the cheek. "Love you." She says.
Wednesday gets in the car and rolls down the window. "Love you too..."
"Text me when you get back! Or just whenever!" Enid says.
"I will."
And they leave for New Jersey.

(1279 words)
(Was gonna publish this tomorrow but as a little treat I'm doing it today)

Wednesday And EnidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon