the vampire, werewolf and the two psychics

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(Enid POV)

It was 12pm.
We wait at the quad, Wednesday went somewhere for a few mins so I'm waiting alone.
"Hey puppy! How's it going!" I hear from behind me.
"Yoko!" I say, I turn around.
"Where's your girlfriend I want to chat with her!" She says.
"She just went somewhere for a bit, I don't know where she went though." I say.
"I'm here." I hear her say.
I turn around.
"Hey! Where'd you go?" I ask.
"Bathroom. Hello." She says.
"Hey, I think this is the first time we've spoken." Yoko says.
"It appears so. You're Yoko?" She asks.
"Yup! The one and only." She says.
"Anyways, you heard anything about Xavier?" I ask Wednesday.
"You called?" He says, walking into the quad.
"Hey guys, what's up?" He asks.
"Not much." I say.
"The sky." Yoko says.
"So what are we going to do?" Wednesday asks.
"Not sure yet." I say.
"I say we make a plan to go somewhere in Jericho, like the weathervane or something like that." Xavier says.
"Or we could have a haunted night at Crackstones crypt, i know a little someone who has a Ouija board, aka me." Yoko says.
"Wednesday, do you want to do that. I know it could be uncomfortable cause you kinda nearly died there." I say.
"Yeah. I'm not traumatised easily Enid." She smirks.
"Ok, so I say we hang out at the weathervane for a bit and then we pack for Crackstones crypt." I say.
"Yeah, and don't worry about the teachers. I got them covered." Yoko says.
"We are doing this with permission right?" I ask.
"Ugh, could we have a little fun? I'll tell them about it. If they disagree we could go to the nightshade library instead." She says.
"What about the nightshades?" Wednesday asks.
"Bruh, there's two right here. We can inform the others and they are free to come in when they want." Yoko says.
"I'll go talk to Weems about the crypt and whatnot. I'll meet you at the front for Jericho."
"Oki. Meet you there." I say.
Wednesday, Xavier and I go to the front.
"How are we going to get to Jericho?" I ask.
"Yoko probably planned that too." Wednesday says.


Yoko comes back a couple minutes later. "Weems is gonna drive us there herself cause she's got business in Jericho too, so we get a free ride here and back!" Yoko says.
"What about the night at the crypt?" I ask. Yoko looks a bit guilty.
"Eeeeeh... That didn't cross my mind." She says.
"Yoko!" I say.
"Sorry! I'll ask her when she gets here" She says.

"How long has Yoko known?" Wednesday asks.
"As soon as you confessed to me." I say.
"Wait, you two are together?" Xavier asks.
"Damn, you didn't tell Xavier?" Yoko asks.
"I forgot about that. You know the first thing I do when I start dating someone is not to go and tell my friends about it." Wednesday says
"Well you don't really have many, no offence." Yoko says.
"None taken."
"I feel targeted right now." I say.
"It's ok." Wednesday says.
Weems arrives.
"Someone is going to have to sit in the middle seat by the way." She says.
"I will." Wednesday says.
We all get in the car, I'm behind the passenger seat, Xavier is behind the drivers. Yoko is in the passenger seat and Wednesday is in the middle of me and Xavier.
She lays her head on my shoulder.
"Tired?" I ask.
"No, just a little more affectionate today." She says.
"You're a little more affectionate everyday." I say.
"Who knew you hugged so much."
"Special privileges, plus I love you so." She says, smirking.
"I love you too." I say.
"Alright you too love birds, we're going to Jericho!" Yoko says.
I rest my head on Wednesday's.


We get to Jericho, I get out of the car. Wednesday and Yoko were talking about something. Xavier pulls me to the side.
"Hey, I know you probably know this already but... Wednesday smiles a lot more when she's around you." He says.
"Yeah?" I ask.
"Meaning she's actually willing to show emotion around you, people don't really get that experience around her and I can tell she really likes you. I just want to say, if anything happens. Please... Look after her." He says.
"You really care about her, don't you?" I say.
"I used to like her too. But We're better off as friends, I think she's better off with you anyways." He says.
"Seriously?" I ask.
"Yup, you've known her longer. You've got a bond that you can't really break. we should probably get back to the others." He says.
"Yeah" I say.

We catch up to the other two, Weems had gone somewhere else.
We walk into the weathervane and find the seats.
"I'll get the drinks. Can you help me, Enid?" Wednesday says.
"Sure!" I say.
"What do you want?" She asks everyone.
Everyone gives their orders and Wednesday goes up the the barista.
"Can I have a quad over ice..." She carries on.
I look out the window of the place.
Pilgrim world was still shut down, I wonder how this town is still going.
I think about what Xavier said earlier. About Wednesday.
"Enid?" She says
"Yeah?" I ask, turning to her.
"Are you ok?" She asks.
"Yeah?" I say.
"Are you ok?"
"Something's wrong, but I don't know what." She says, she goes to grab her drink and take it to the table. But she gets sent into a vision and starts falling. I catch her before she hits the floor. Yoko says something to Xavier and comes over.
"What's up?" She asks.
"Wednesday is having a vision." I say. Wednesday comes back, she seems out of breath.
"Tyler.... Is by Weems but-" she says.
"Well let's go!" Yoko says.
"But he's not going to hurt her." She says, she looks confused.
"A good vision?" I ask.
"No, he was yelling something." She says.
"Can you stand?" I ask.
"Yes." She says, getting up.
"They're by Pilgrim world."
We get to the area.

Tyler is seen talking to Weems.
"Tyler, I would but it's too dangerous. Plus Hyde's were banned years ago..." She says.
"Please! I don't want to be a monster! I want to learn to control it!" He says.
"What's happening?" Wednesday asks.
"This doesn't concern you Wednesday." Weems says.
"I have this under control, go back to the weathervane."
"I know."
Xavier and Yoko stayed behind for the drinks as we had already paid for them.
"Come on." I say.
She sighs and follows me back to the weathervane.
"What if he turns into the Hyde?" She asks.
"Doesn't he only do so when his master tells him to, she's dead!" I say
"Yes but after they turn back to how they were before, at least I think."she says.
"You're the one with Nathaniel's diary." I say
"Was and how did you know about that?" She asks.
"I may or may not have snooped through your things a couple of times." I say.
"Enid! You better not have!" She says.
"No, I'm joking. You left it on your desk once and I got curious."
"Wait but the diary was stolen before you moved back into our dorm."
"I came up to look for something but you weren't there." I say.
We get into the weathervane
"Yo did anyone die?" Yoko says.
"Not yet." I say.
"Aw man."
Wednesday smirks a little at that.
"Softie." I say.
"Shut up it was funny."
"Have you all finished your drinks?" Weems asks, coming in.
We all look at each other and start drinking quickly.
We go back to Nevermore and get ready for a scary night.

(1300 words)

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