Daehan swallows again nervously while eyeing the blade that's situated in between his thumb and forefinger. "You're fucking crazy, what the hell is wrong with y—"

"Answer the question," Hyunjin cuts in, pushing the base of Daehan's finger against the sharp tool. "Or you can watch your thumb fly."

"Alright, okay, OKAY! It- it was some guy! He texted me the information," he spills, frantically racking his brain for other details. "He uh, said his name was Minho, I- I think."

Hyunjin momentarily falls silent, a complicated look flashing across his otherwise impassive face. "Explain." His jaw muscle ticks.

Daehan vigorously shakes his head, not having much more to give him. "I- I don't know, I swear, he just randomly sent me an address and told me I'd find something worth my time." He looks down hesitantly, afraid for his finger. "N-naturally, I... got curious," Daehan quietly adds.

Hyunjin's gaze lowers briefly and his brows come together, but the look of contemplation is short-lived as his mouth settles into an unforgiving line. There's immense irritation in his eyes and the next question causes Daehan to fret even more.

"What did you do to her?"

Daehan pauses, his eyes darting left to right as a million thoughts cross his already spinning mind. One slip up could end up disastrous for him, but he's nervous that the truth would still set this guy off.

"Hey, just uh... hear me out," he begins unsurely, letting out a shaky breath as the situation seems grim no matter what he chooses to say. He was gravely starting to regret his involvement with you. Were you really his girlfriend?

But even so, wasn't this a little too extreme?

"O-okay, so I... I- I kissed her and..." His voice wavers as he struggles to continue, "I really don't ever... hit girls, but I just... I just lost it for a second. And that's it, I swear," he finishes, trying to minimize how his wrongdoings might sound.

A vein becomes visible on the side of Hyunjin's neck as he further clenches his jaw. His eyes are filled with contempt.

"You think I'm unaware of what you tried to do?"

It's a question that doesn't need an answer, and it makes Daehan tense up. He nervously casts his eyes back down.

"I... I hated that she turned me down, twice. And then... y- you humiliated me in public. I was angry. I... blamed it all on her."

To Daehan's surprise, Hyunjin almost immediately releases his hand, and the lack of pulling results in his upper body to go slack. The knife is plucked from the table and Hyunjin pivots the blade back into its handle with his gloved hands. The weapon disappears into his back pocket, and Daehan freezes as Hyunjin stands up to walk over, coming up behind the chair where he could no longer see his captor.

The brief silence is disconcerting, but he realizes how much more preferable it is to the words that soon make his blood run cold.

"I should snap your neck for what you did."

Daehan's chest swells with heavy breaths, dread and panic setting in as a gloved hand snakes around underneath his jaw.

"I didn't lie, I promise. I- I answered your questions without lying, I've told you the truth." He hastily repeats the single point in different ways as his mind goes blank from fear. "I'm not denying that I tried to hurt her-"

"You hurt her the moment you touched her," Hyunjin seethes, his tone frighteningly icy.

The vexation in his voice is undeniable, a departure from the calmer tone he had used earlier. Daehan squeezes his eyes shut as the pressure around his mandible increases considerably. He prays for his life—prays that this wouldn't end in his demise.

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