Travelling Tension

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"I wasn't asking you if you wanted it, I was giving it to you", Her eyes were narrow, she now looked infuriated, she got like this when she had sleeping problems. "Get over yourself for a second and just take it", She shoved the cup and bag into my chest so I would have to support them both with my free arm. That's one way of gifting me something I guess. I won't take what she said to heart, she's just tired.

The train was full with people, with barely any room to even breathe. It smelt damp and dusty, like every metro in existence. Sokka lead Toph to an empty area where bikes and luggage are usually stored, there were a couple of damp umbrellas and oversized coats dumped on top of one another instead. He held her close to him with one arm and continued reading his maps with the other, protecting her from other travellers pushing their way though each carriage to find a nonexistent comfortable place to sit.

I stood opposite them and leant against the wall of the train, Katara was stood on the same side but made sure to leave a three meter gap between us, as she realised people would soon want to stand in the empty space and she would be apart from the group, she dropped her petty attitude and stood next to me. She'd rather stand with me than with some creep. I'll take that as a positive thing.

I placed my bag down on the floor and turned my attention to the cup and bag Katara handed me. Inside the bag was an incredible looking custard tart which caused me to crack a smile, it was extremely sweet of her to get me something to eat, she must've known I wouldn't have made anything for myself before I left. The cup had an elastic band with and piece of paper stuck against the cup, I took it off and curiously read the note. It was from Iroh.

This was a new blend he was trying out, he wishes me well on the journey and hopes that things will work out for me. Not sure what that means, in life or in the sense we are trying to take down a group of terrorists and try not to start a war? Whatever he means this tea is begging to be tasted.

I shoved the note in my jacket pocket and drank the new tea, and wow it's crazy good. Shame it was so hot, Iroh must've used his bending to make it last this long at this heat. I stuck my tongue out as it felt like it was on fire. I could give the old Dragon of the West a run for his money.

"Damn Sokka stop it. you're gonna give yourself and most likely me a ton of paper cuts. The maps are sharper then your dull little brain", Toph joked again but in a harsher tone, almost like it wasn't a joke at all, she continued to tug on his arm and laugh though so I'm sure there's no ill will. Sokka didn't respond, nor acknowledge her insistent tugging.

The more stops, the more crowded the carriage became, which meant Katara got closer and closer. Better break the ice.

"Thank you, for this. I really needed it today", I turned to her as someone pushed into my side, which means I'm stuck like this for the remainder of the journey, oh great. I had to thank her for going out of her way by getting me some food and a hot drink, and looking after me when she hates my guts and clearly can't look after herself.

"Don't mention it", she mumbled and focused on her phone, so this is what it's gonna be like interacting with Katara on the whole trip, wonderful. Another stop, another group of people cramping the space even more, Katara was forced to face me. Am I sweating? Why am i sweating? It's hot in here because of all the people right?

And just as the awkwardness was properly setting in, the train came to a harsh stop. The wheels screeched as metal scraped against metal, the rotten smell of burning filling in the tiny spaces between everyone in the carriage. Sokka held on to a railing above his head, not letting go of his precious maps whilst holding Toph with his other arm so she doesn't fall.

Katara fell backwards, landing on the floor of the train, the guy behind her didn't even attempt to stop her from hitting the ground, he was more than happy to step out of the way. unlucky for me the person behind me also fell so I went straight down with Katara. Landing on top of her. 

I dropped my tea cup onto the ground, along with my custard tart safely secured in the little baggie. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw the bag land without any visible signs of damage. 

"Would you like to get off me or are you having too much fun?", Katara furrowed her brows as she attempted to sit up, groaning as she hit the floor pretty hard. She would never admit she actually hurt herself but you could see she was in pain. As true city commuters they ignored us and didn't even try to help get us back on our feet.

"Sorry I was pushed down I swear", I huffed as I nabbed my custard tart and put it safely in my big bag so I wouldn't have another scare like that again. I turned back to Katara and held out my hand. She stared at it, clearly not wanting to accept my help but she grabbed it and stood up opposite me. 

"It's alright, sorry about your tea", Katara gazed down at the empty paper cup on the floor. "I know how much you like Iroh's experiments", I feel like this conversation might be about something else, because that was just a cup of tea, I can always get another when we get back. Was she just trying to apologise for something else?

"Don't worry about it, it's no biggie", I shrugged and was about to lean against the train wall again but felt a tug, Katara didn't let go of my hand, I forgot we were still holding onto each other. I guess it's just natural.

Embarrassed she immediately let go and lost her balance as the carriage began to shake, this metro business is a complete death trap. I didn't want her to hit the ground again so I grabbed her waist, pulling her into me so she can have some support. Something grounding to hold onto.

She froze as soon as I touched her, her breathing also shallowed. I hate moments like this, it always hurts as it's wrong but so right at the same time. I couldn't say anything, I was too nervous to make the moment even more awkward. Her body began to relax in my grip, I couldn't look at her, I couldn't even breathe right now, all these emotions will be the end of me.

I couldn't help it, I swiftly glanced at her face, I needed to see if she were uncomfortable or upset in anyway. She was neither. Her expression was blank, almost like she couldn't decide what emotion to display, She must be feeling the same way as me. After one look I had to look again,  Only this time she had the same idea, looking at each other in the eyes for the first time in along time.

This carriage is getting warmer, we're getting closer. I can't control my breathing, as I inhale and exhale my chest presses against her own. The right is definitely cancelling out the wrong, suddenly some kind of need is kicking in, like an instinct. This is horrible to resist, even if I could walk away I couldn't, my grip on her is tightening as the want grows even more.

Her eyes flicker from the carriage, to my eyes, then finally to my lips. That was my green light, I leant in without another breath. The train halted once again sending us apart again.

"Oh guys this is our stop!", Sokka chimed in as he looked up from his maps for the first time this whole train ride. "Quickly get onto the platform before more people get on", He grabbed Toph's belongings for her, as well as his own and pushed through the crowd.

Katara and I followed him out and stood on the platform. Both of us out of breathing heavily. She brought one of her hands to her chest and the other to her mouth, her face burning bright red. I didn't look much better.

"Should we have a quick coffee break or should we get on with the journey?", Sokka let go of Toph's hand to rearrange all the bags he is carrying and to have a better look at the station.

"BREAK PLEASE", Katara and I blurted out in unison, hot and bothered, struggling to deal with all that sexual tension building up continuously. 

"Wow you guys are terrible at travelling. Alright a quick break it is", Sokka mocked then held out his arm against Toph so she would grab on to him again, leading the way to the nearest coffee shop, leaving Katara and I behind.

This is only the beginning of the trip.

There's no way I can survive this.

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