The Aftershock

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Suki's POV

During storm Aang I luckily managed to find Sokka and get him out of The Oasis, he didn't talk whilst we left, he was clearly shaken from what happened in there. I stopped at the entrance, knowing I should be ready to run in just incase the situation gets worse in there, but Sokka continued walking.

"Sokka? You okay?", I stayed where I was, but he ignored me and wouldn't stop walking, "where are you going??", I decided to chase after him, I grabbed his arm to hold him back, "talk to me", I kept tugging on his arm, "Sokka!!", I hate that he's deciding to ignore me for no reason, I haven't done anything to him.

"What!?", He quickly turned back to face me, he's enraged. "What do you want me to do?? I can't do anything right, I'm a pitiful excuse of a person, I have been the worst friend to everyone lately and I'm not getting any better, I overloaded Aang's brain and his avatar-ness went into fight or flight mode, I'm not acknowledging Toph enough, I'm way too pushy with Zuko, I dump all my problems on Katara and give nothing back and do I really need to list everything bad I've done to you?", He ranted, exploding on me like some emotional time bomb.

"No, but look, this is a good thing, at least you're aware of what you've done, and you know that you're not exactly the best person to be around right now, but this is a step in the right direction", I set my eyes on his whilst I spoke so I could get through to him, but he kept staring at the ground, I kept holding onto his arm. "Earlier, you reassured me about you being on my side, I'm on yours too okay? I promise", I couldn't help but smile, he made me feel the best I've felt in a long time in that tent, I want to be friends with him again and get over this stupid feud.

He took a moment before looking back at me, yeah friends, just friends, feels good.

"You forgive me?", he had a shocked expression on his face, which is understandable, I should absolutely despise him right now, but who could stay mad at that face, face of a friend that is. I nodded in response, he seems relaxed, his lips formed a soft smile and his eyes looked back into mine, it's as if time stopped. "You can let go now y'know, I'm not going anywhere", he chuckled.

I WAS STILL HOLDING HIS ARM. I immediately let go, feeling my face heat up out of embarrassment, how could I forget I was literally holding onto him, what an idiot.

"Suki?", I heard Katara's voice behind me, both Sokka and I jumped after the two of us completely blocking out the rest of the word for a while, she was stood there with Zuko, the two of them carrying Aang who looked astonishingly worn out, we didn't  even notice everything stopped!? did we both pass out or something!?

"Katara!", Sokka ran to her, checking to see if she was okay, like the good protective big brother he is, "what happened out there? Did you see Azula? She was lurking around The Oasis a while ago", he informed the two of them, but they didn't react to what he said, "you saw her?", he asked.

"Yeah, she actually saved the day, surprisingly, but don't thank her, we don't need her ego building even more", Zuko sighed with a tired smile, Sokka laughed slightly, in disbelief of Azula doing something helpful, "the three girls are still in there with Yue, sorting out the guards", Zuko and Katara lay Aang down for a moment, Katara didn't look away from him.

"I should have a word with her, thanks for speaking out by the way, I had a hunch it wasn't a clean fight, although I really don't want a rematch", I rolled my eyes, the thought of having a pointless fight sounds tiring. I owe Zuko a lot more than just my thanks, he stopped me from getting destroyed by a bunch of pro water benders.

"There's no need to have a rematch, and honestly I think Yue would be too embarrassed to challenge you again, Kyoshi", Sokka joked with a grin on his face, I've missed his playful personality, this feels so nice to have friends other then just Ty Lee and Toph, to be a part of a group again.

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